View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
12-10-2007, 10:53 AM
Good Morning
10 Dec 2007

Maybe you get tired of me saying this, but I honestly mean what I'm saying: I hope this finds you both healthy and prosperous. May this Christmas season bring you much joy and happiness.

I started out last week prepping stock for a neighbors kitchen table. Why I end up doing kitchen tables, I have no real idea...but seems like I do a lot of kitchen tables any more. This will be a 42" wide by 72" long Walnut table and this stuff is HARD!!!! It has air dried in a barn for well over 42 years and I shot 1 set of planer knives before I even got the stock prepared. One of these days, I need to research how I can have better planer knives in my PM 15" planer (it has a spiral cutter head in it right now).

I have finally finished up 3 Christmas ornaments and I already know that for next year I have GOT to order me a mini hollowing set of turning tools. This year it was just - drill out the ornament and put the top and bottom finial on them.

Christmas season is in full swing and I also have to go about an hour from here to pick up some FREE Cypress and Walnut that a guy I work with got from his dad's place. I like Free wood and I already have plans for some of it.

I've also be mentoring a new local "budding" woodworker, Wes Potts, in learning about woodworking and he's already completed his 1st woodworking project - an end-grain cutting board. Very pretty piece and he's already started his 2nd one and it should be finished this week.

So what did YOU do this weekend??

Best of weeks to you all.

Matt Meiser
12-10-2007, 11:06 AM
Did some Christmas shopping and took my brother to Costco so he could stock up his new apartment. Worked on a design for a free-standing cabinet for my parents bathroom. Did the finishing on the easel so I'm only about 2 hours away from completing it. Just need to install the chalkboard and whiteboard in their respective frames, cut backers for them and reassemble everything. I sprayed USL on it and had forgotten just how forgiving and easy to use it is.

Cody Colston
12-10-2007, 11:29 AM
I got home wednesday for my 2 weeks off rotation. I finished up a Cypress outdoor planter box that I had started and got in some turning for a Christmas gift.

Went to a Christmas party saturday night with some Southern gospel music friends. The food was great and the company was better.

Watched the Cowboy's squeaker at Detroit yesterday. Life is good. :)

Jim Becker
12-10-2007, 11:31 AM
This weekend I managed to stand on top of the Great Wall of China (even called Professor Dr. SWMBO briefly from that very spot) and also survived a very long day traveling home from Beijing. Will post pictures in the OT forum when I have the chance to deal with them. I am, however, looking forward to getting back in the shop sometime this week and definitely next weekend!

Jim O'Dell
12-10-2007, 11:35 AM
More work on the router table. Assembled the drawers Saturday morning, finished up the sides to the cabinet frame, then started working how to add in the runners for the drawers slides to mount to. Got those built and left overnight for the glue to dry. Sunday morning after the dogs were fed, I got about 2 hours to mount the pieces in the cabinet. Then the GAME was on. Detroit had a great scheme for the game, and with a little luck, and some decent calls from the refs, should have won. Dallas by all accounts should have lost that game. Mind you, I'm glad they won, but....
Then about 3 hours shopping with TLOML, and about 2 hours back in the shop getting the drawers mounted.
It's amazing how getting the sides attached stiffened up the cabinet. No movement now at all. Nice and solid! Also last weekend, cut in the 6" dust collection hookup in one end piece. I'll get some pictures tonight or tomorrow and upload.
Next weekend, more shopping, and build the drawer fronts and doors. Jim.

12-10-2007, 11:42 AM
Hung chistmas lights, and am now dealing with the GFI circuit tripping, must have gotten some water in the extention coard. It has rained for a week around these parts. I have not been in the shop for two weeks and it is all I can think about. I have dedicated this next week end to working on the dinning room chairs.

Michael McCoy
12-10-2007, 11:48 AM
I was able to take a couple of days off last week to prep for a re-wire on my shop/garage. I had no easy way to get more power to the garage so had to cut an access through my 4 month old houses drywall and then underground to the shop. Installed a sub panel and a dozen new outlets (mostly in the overhead since I have too much lumber and no access in the walls). When we fired the panel up I felt like Tim The Toolman and had to turn multiple tools on just to watch the over head lights NOT almost go out. :)

Nancy Laird
12-10-2007, 11:55 AM
I've also be mentoring a new local "budding" woodworker, Wes Potts, in learning about woodworking and he's already completed his 1st woodworking project - an end-grain cutting board. Very pretty piece and he's already started his 2nd one and it should be finished this week.

So, Dennis, have you signed him up at the Creek yet?:)

I'm completing one of the lousiest weekends I've had in a long time--Friday was another trip to the vampire room and a doc visit, without much good news to share on that front---another med to add to the arsenal, and a STRONG admonition to start some kind of exercise program!! Bah, humbug.!!

Then, early Saturday morning, LOML got a call from his sister that her husband was in bad shape in hospital in Oklahoma, so he hit the road about an hour later and got to Muskogee just in time for him to pass away late Saturday night/Sunday morning. So hubby is gone for the week, with my birthday and retirement dinner both this week. So I spent the weekend alone, and couldn't even finish my laser projects for lack of CorelDraw expertise. And....turning a Christmas ornament for the ornament exchange has turned into an exercise in futility. I've blown about 8 pieces trying to turn a simple ornament. Bernie and I are going to have to have a conversation. Bah, humbug!!

And as if that weren't enough, on the way to work this morning my "check engine" light came on in my car and it's now sitting at the dealer awaiting repairs to the tune of nearly $1K. It has NOT been a good weekend.

Nancy (11 days)(and they can't pass fast enough!!!)

Ken Fitzgerald
12-10-2007, 11:55 AM
Got the bandsaw off the pallets and wired up and checked it for elecrical correctness.

Spun my first cylinder on the new lathe.

Moved some of my flat work tools (t/s, planer) from the unheated shed to the heated shop. Glad I did it yesterday......2 1/2" snow on the ground this morning.

Al Willits
12-10-2007, 12:03 PM
Got enough white oak re sawed so I could start on the wife's TV stand, used suggestions from here and a downloaded a couple of plans so I have a general idea where I'm going, taped kraft paper to my torsion table and layed out the basic design and have stated, kinda excited, this will be the first real piece of furniture and I keep telling myself to slow down and measure at least twice...:)

Was -32 in Embarrass Minn this weekend, I guess winter is really here....:(

Al ..A balmy 11 degree's right now.

Sean Troy
12-10-2007, 12:32 PM
My weekend went fairly well. I finished my TS out feed table, got my lathes cleaned and waxed. I managed to get the bandsaw cleaned and dialed in including a new blade and installed some roller guides. It's been raining pretty good sense friday non stop with the temps around 35-36. I think our drought here is done. This week, I hope to get the routertable cabinet built as well as two counter tops.

Matt Meiser
12-10-2007, 1:02 PM
Al ..A balmy 11 degree's right now.

Wow, you guys warmed up quite a bit. :rolleyes: I few through there twice last week. When we landed it was 8 on Monday, 2 on Friday. :eek:

Dan Barr
12-10-2007, 1:11 PM

sorry to hear some of you have not had such a good weekend. hope things get better soon.

Me; ive been interrupted a countless number of times while trying to woodwork. but, all in all, i have made progress. (slowly)

completed construction and sanding of the hutch, now to finish.



Charles Wiggins
12-10-2007, 1:25 PM
Finally got around to some wood related stuff. Friday I started on the headboard for the king size platform bed I built a couple of months ago. It's mostly 3/4" oak ply and oak 1x2"s.

Got the blanks for the top and shelf, and ends sized (had to tune the TS first), and got most of the matching dadoes cut (had to make a router jig for this). Still have to separate the top from the shelf and the two ends from each other. Then cut the dadoes for the pillowstop. Then some sanding, and then assembly begins!

Sat. I went to my first Western NC Woodworkers Assoc. meeting and decided to join. Great folks. One of the fellas did a talk on knife making and we had a "show and tell". One "hobbyist" showed photos of his 1,600 sq. ft. walk-in-basement shop including his shop-bot system.

Yesterday was a washout other then church (did a lot of laundry). Spent most of the afternoon and evening on a job application package that I discoverd is due noon Weds. Aaaagh!

Went to the BORG to get new bulbs for the kitchen chandelier, got home and discovered that one the halogens in my shop wasn't working. The bulb doesn't look blown but it has no continuity and the contacts have power, so I guess it's back to the BORG for halogens. I guess I'll buy a spare this time.

Thomas Knighton
12-10-2007, 2:29 PM
I almost fell through the ceiling of my 101 year old house while trying to put insulation in. I just lost my balance, and wrenched my back while trying not to fall. Just my luck. Had to call it a weekend with only a few rolls in. I'm going to try again this coming weekend.


George Bregar
12-10-2007, 3:04 PM
I almost fell through the ceiling of my 101 year old house while trying to put insulation in. I just lost my balance, and wrenched my back while trying not to fall. Just my luck. Had to call it a weekend with only a few rolls in. I'm going to try again this coming weekend.

Tom Feel your pain. Picke up all my recent tool purchases this weekend. Unisaw, DJ-20, Jet bandsaw, and 27 shoplight fixtures w/ bulbs. I ended up selling the Unisaw to a bud and tweaked my back carrying it down his steps. Then fell carrying the bandsaw into my house...my feet just slipped right out because of the snow. The bandsaw fell on me but only my back was injured as I braced myself for the fall and kept the bandsaw from hitting the ground.

Oh, well, I will enjoy the machines and savings long after the pain is gone :D

David Duke
12-10-2007, 3:36 PM
Looks like it must have been a weekend for most everyones plans to go awry. What was suppose to be a simple re-caulk of our shower Saturday morning became a full blown job. While looking at new shower heads Friday evening SHMBO decided it would be SOOO nice if we were to replace the entire faucet and since the shower and lavatory HAVE to match.........well lets just say $300.00 and 6 hours later my bathroom project was complete.

Sunday, went and visited with my mom then when we got home played Santa for awhile putting together several riding toys for nieces/nephews (they HAVE to be put together so they can ride them). Why is it that when my kids were young I had to put everything they received together myself and now what we give now needs assembly BEFORE we can give it to them? Yesterday evening added some more lighting outside.

Earl Reid
12-10-2007, 3:49 PM
I finished the 75th ornament and mailed most of them Sat and this AM.

Dave Cohen
12-10-2007, 4:07 PM
This weekend I managed to stand on top of the Great Wall of China

Hi Jim,

Are you traveling for work? I've been to the Great Wall outside of Beijing too, my wife is Chinese and we've traveled to China with the kids 3 times now. Don't miss the summer palace in Beijing, its a beatiful place:


Jim Becker
12-10-2007, 5:10 PM
Hi Jim,

Are you traveling for work? I've been to the Great Wall outside of Beijing too, my wife is Chinese and we've traveled to China with the kids 3 times now. Don't miss the summer palace in Beijing, its a beatiful place:


Yes, for work...second China visit this year and will likely be back there one or two times in 2008. Did the Summer Palace Saturday afternoon after the Wall...and that's definitely a beautiful place...one worthy of visiting in each of the four seasons, I might add. I'll be posting pictures in the OT Forum when I can get them prepared. Next day or two.

Steve Clardy
12-10-2007, 7:23 PM
Uumm, not much woodworking.

Saturday night brought us a nice ice storm.

Sunday morning at 8 the power went off.

10:30, I was off to Jeff City to pick up a generator I had ordered 10 days before.
I wasn't going to pick it up till our new gas range and micro came in.

Back at dark, with a candlelit shop, I got the generator together, then discovered I had no 30amp twistlock plug to fit the generator.
All I had was 20 amp. :(

About to give up, the shop lights came on. Whipeeee:D

But, the power went off this afternoon again.
I had just got back from town to retreive the correct plug, had the cord made up, ready to install it on the pole, when the power went off.

They lost another 3-phase main line down the road again due to heavy ice.

So here I sit cruising the internet by generator power.
We have water [well pump] and lights now.
We heat with wood and gas backup, so worries about getting cold.

I can hear trees limbs breaking in the timber ground around here.

And it is now misting rain again. If the temp goes back down.........:rolleyes:

Peter M. Spirito
12-10-2007, 8:25 PM
I got these 3 units ready for finishing. There will be a model railroad running along the top. This will also be the first project for my new HVLP gun. Spraying to start after Christmas. Stop by my web site and click on "in the wood shop" for more of my projects and a look at the shop. www.peterspirito.com (http://www.peterspirito.com)

Tyler Howell
12-11-2007, 9:02 AM
My WW time consisted of sweaping saw dust from the years of collecting in the corners of the shop.
I also supplied the contractor with tools "he forgot" to finish off a job in my house.:mad:
Glad he's gone.
A little family fun. Also working outside in the 11* temps.
Have a good one.


Don Bullock
12-11-2007, 9:32 AM
My weekend was mostly a bust too! Our Champion lost all three days at the dog shows. She still finished up the year at number seven in the country, just a few points below the sixth place dog. She's still the number two female.

The only highlights were that two of our dogs did get points. The girl got her first one and our boy got one as well so he now only has to get four points to finish his Championship. Most importantly I got to spend time with friends and went to lunch with some of them. Oh, I did manage to get some shop time in to work on Christmas presents, but my fairly new Bosch sander stopped working again. Yep, I'm not happy about that at all.

mark page
12-11-2007, 10:18 AM
My weekends are Monday & Tuesdays. Was looking for a nice quiet two days. We have a major freezing rain ice storm here in the midwest. Almost and inch of ice now in my area. Lost power twice today already but fortunately not for long. LOML brought home a new home theater system so have to re-arrange the whole living/family room and try to get the old system downstairs to the kids rooms. No school today so now have kids to supervise. Also have an appt to get new tires this morning, oil change, and Missouri vehicle inspection. Going to try to keep the appt and go, so will get to try out the new Goodyear Triple Tread technology on the way home. Will be a 40 mile or so round trip in this stuff. Hopefully the main highways will be clear. Have a good week everyone. Steve-hopefully you won't have to use that generator too much, but may be another 2002 year here in the state.:(

Steve Clardy
12-11-2007, 11:14 AM
My weekends are Monday & Tuesdays. Was looking for a nice quiet two days. We have a major freezing rain ice storm here in the midwest. Almost and inch of ice now in my area. Lost power twice today already but fortunately not for long. LOML brought home a new home theater system so have to re-arrange the whole living/family room and try to get the old system downstairs to the kids rooms. No school today so now have kids to supervise. Also have an appt to get new tires this morning, oil change, and Missouri vehicle inspection. Going to try to keep the appt and go, so will get to try out the new Goodyear Triple Tread technology on the way home. Will be a 40 mile or so round trip in this stuff. Hopefully the main highways will be clear. Have a good week everyone. Steve-hopefully you won't have to use that generator too much, but may be another 2002 year here in the state.:(

Lost power again yesterday at about 3pm.

Ran generator till about 11pm then shut it down.
Fired up again this am [still no power] for the coffee pot and the water well [and computer ;)]

Its raining again. It will either melt the lines ice buildup, or take them on down. Trees are bad here.
We have some major lines down south of here.
Crews have been working non-stop since sunday morning.
Sure hope them guys will be safe in doing what they do.

mark page
12-11-2007, 12:57 PM
Steve-made it back from getting new tires, etc, and the roads were ok. They were out of power too, so got a free mobil 1 oil change out of the deal. It helps that I used to work there, lol. They lost power from a water leak in the roof on the main breaker panel, not from ice. Glad I don't work there now, for I would have been the one tripping the light breakers standing in a puddle of water this morning. eek! Not much ice to speak of on the main roads/highways. The back streets very iced over. Dodged tree limbs the entire way in and back. Still freezing rain very hard in my part of the state and will continue thru tomorrow. My deck and grille/smokers have about an inch of ice on them. I think the in-laws got hit harder as they are in the Warrensburg/Clinton part of the state. They too have a whole house generator, plus wood heat. Think this is closer down your way. My home is all electric and hopefully will not lose power, at least for very long anyways. Guess I always have the Coleman camp out propane equipment in case of emergencies to at least warm a room, lol. Good luck to you my friend.

Reg Mitchell
12-11-2007, 2:41 PM
I did a little but finaly finished this......but its been going on for awhile
A little something for Santa

Steve Clardy
12-11-2007, 4:18 PM
Steve-made it back from getting new tires, etc, and the roads were ok. They were out of power too, so got a free mobil 1 oil change out of the deal. It helps that I used to work there, lol. They lost power from a water leak in the roof on the main breaker panel, not from ice. Glad I don't work there now, for I would have been the one tripping the light breakers standing in a puddle of water this morning. eek! Not much ice to speak of on the main roads/highways. The back streets very iced over. Dodged tree limbs the entire way in and back. Still freezing rain very hard in my part of the state and will continue thru tomorrow. My deck and grille/smokers have about an inch of ice on them. I think the in-laws got hit harder as they are in the Warrensburg/Clinton part of the state. They too have a whole house generator, plus wood heat. Think this is closer down your way. My home is all electric and hopefully will not lose power, at least for very long anyways. Guess I always have the Coleman camp out propane equipment in case of emergencies to at least warm a room, lol. Good luck to you my friend.

No power here yet. Rain is melting the ice though.
Just got back from checking on an 80 year old lady with no electric/heat.
Her driveway is half a mile long into the woods.
Wife and I had to chainsaw our way in. Ugh.

She's ok thankfully.
Clinton is an hour from here.
Stay safe.

Reg. Good looking mantel you built there. ;)

Reg Mitchell
12-11-2007, 5:25 PM
Hey Steve. Saw the bad weather on the tube. I hear they are sending crews from all over to help out. Hope you stay warm and do take care of the elder woman I really got a soft spot for them.
Thanks for the complement Steve.
Wish I could help somehow

Peter M. Spirito
01-24-2008, 11:11 PM
The door you see goes in to the wood shop. On the left are the book cases I built a few weeks ago. On the right is the latest work. You can see the storage it provides. To the right again is the work bench, and again to the right is another 2 door cabinet like the first, then a sliding pocket door into the foyer. The platform area on top where all of the "stuff" is, is where the train will be running around the entire room. There will be a removable platform section going across the doors connecting the left and right areas and along the top of the book cases. Yes, you will have to duck under to get in. Not an unusual situation with model railroads. Still a way to go before the painting and finishing starts. Still having fun. :)