View Full Version : Small Woodsmith Mag. Rant

C Scott McDonald
12-09-2007, 10:10 PM
On the cover of the new Woodsmith magazine they have a picture of an "eye-popping" curly maple lowboy. I see it and think to myself "WOW" I love that color on that. I buy the issue and take it home to read later. To my disappointment no where in the issue do they say what color or combo they used to get that finish.

I guess I can always go buy 10 different bottles of Dye to try and figure it out. But if they are going to put it on the cover they should put "Get eye-popping color, but we are not going to tell you how." on the cover.;)

Anyway, thats my small rant.

Richard Dragin
12-09-2007, 10:30 PM
Why not send them an e-mail and ask?

glenn bradley
12-09-2007, 10:38 PM
You may also want to heck the 'online extras' section of their web page. they often discuss in greater detail there.

Hmmm, sorry, just checked, nothing there. I second the "email them" idea.

Bruce Stangeby
12-09-2007, 10:39 PM
Actualy they do give the formula. Its in the "Sources" section on page 51. Use 6 tsp. Orange and 4 tsp. Reddish Brown TransTint dye in 1 Qt. water, followed by spray lacquer.

C Scott McDonald
12-09-2007, 10:45 PM
You are correct. That is a really odd place to put it however. Thanks!

Cary Swoveland
12-10-2007, 1:26 AM
I too was a bit mystified about the "eye-popping" color reference. In fact, initially I didn't realize it referred to the article on dye concentrates. I thought it referred to finishing techniques that bring out the color, not that merely provide it. I did find the the article of interest, however.

In the same issue they have an article on Incra's TS-III table saw fence system. I was surprised they didn't mention that Incra's product has a direct (and functionally similar) competitor: Jointech's Sawtrain system.

There was one other thing about the Incra article that I found extremely annoying, and again, I'm fingering the headline writer: the subtitle of that article refers to taking "...the accuracy of your woodworking to a whole new level". I am sooooo sick of that expression.


Bill Wyko
12-10-2007, 1:53 AM
The Icra does at least live up to it. I have several incra tools and they all have taken my work to a whole new level. The term does get a little abused though.