View Full Version : Segmented Box with a Story

Ben Gastfriend
12-09-2007, 8:36 PM
Well... I know how everybody here likes pictures, so there are alot in the next few paragraphs.

A few years back, my dad recieved this segmented box from a patient's husband who miraculously reovered from cancer (my Dad's a surgeon).


Notice the matching table/sideboard. My grandfather has been a woodworker ever since he retired from dentistry. He's since gotten into doing stained glass work. He made this segmented table.


I know. This patient's husband must have been in our house before and had seen the table. No. It is solely a coincidence and he was baffled when he brought the turned box to our house to see it match the table so greatly.


This man, who has since passed away, did some flat work too! (I know... can you believe it... he actually strayed from the abyss!) This is a menorah he made for our family after my dad operated on his wife a second time...


So there you have it... http://www.adams1.com/pub/russadam/gif/4.gifpictures and a story of a great woodturner/worker.

Hope you enjoyed.

Disclaimer: The name of this woodworker has not been included for privacy reasons.

George Guadiane
12-09-2007, 8:40 PM
Happy Chanukah!
Got a nice smile in my heart (great story).

Tom Sherman
12-10-2007, 1:31 AM
A real nice story Ben, thanks for sharing it with us.

Dan Forman
12-10-2007, 4:01 AM
Cool story Ben, some nice work represented there.


Dean Thomas
12-10-2007, 4:32 AM
I LOVE Hannukkah stories! This one's a dandy. Thanks for sharing. Box is great, too.

I don't know that I've seen an electrified hannukkiah like that before. I've seen big ones (like outdoors), but not for home. Lovely bulbs on it, too.

We have one here in Kansas City at what is now a private home. Used to be a Lubavitcher center. It was welded from what looks like 2 or 3" pipe and has electrified kerosene lanterns atop each of the branches. There is a panel of light switches inside the house, nine strong, so that they can publically light the lights of Hannukkah for the neighbors and all passers-by to see.

Let your lights burn brightly this Hannukkah!

Alex Elias
12-10-2007, 4:47 AM
That is a story, and a good one. Beautiful work and matches. Very nice. Thanks for sharing

Steve Schlumpf
12-10-2007, 8:38 AM
Great story Ben! Thanks for sharing!