View Full Version : Outfeed Table Miter Slots

Sean Troy
12-09-2007, 12:59 AM
Hey all, can anyone give me some info on how to route the TS Miter slots correctly in the outfeed table? I've never done it and don't want to ruin the new outfeed table.Thanks, Sean

Todd Burch
12-09-2007, 1:07 AM
I routed mine a bit wide. Routing wide gave me some slop room during the install process. Also, my miter guage will never bind. Ever.

It's not like you need it for accuracy - it's just a place for the miter guage bar to go.


Dan Barr
12-09-2007, 1:17 AM
what he said. youre not going to be using the slots for anything anyway.

make sure to make them wide too. i made the mistake of trying to match the width on mine. not smart. the miter woould bind at the outfeed table which put the stock right at the last part of the cut. not a good feeling having a stuck miter gauge with a piece of wood still touching the blade. :o

i then made the slots wide enough so that binding is not a possibility...EVER.



Todd Burch
12-09-2007, 8:25 AM
If by your question you were looking for a more practical "how to" for routing the slots, then do this:

First, mark out your lines in pencil on the outfeed table. You can use a 4' straight edge (I ususally use a level) to continue the line from the miter slot to the outfeed table.

After the lines are drawn, clamp a straight edge to the outfeed table so that your router base can run against the straight edge, with the bit cutting inside the waste portion but proud of the reference line. A 1/2" bit would be fine, since you will want to make 2 passes anyway (less drag, faster cut). If you want, you can clamp two straight edges and do everything in one shot as opposed to clamping, routing, reclamping, routing.

Also, cut a tad deeper than you need as well (1/16" is deep enough) so you don't bind on the bottom of the slot either.
