View Full Version : Anyone Ever Built a silverware chest?

Tim Malyszko
12-08-2007, 10:08 AM
After a few years of marriage, my wife wants to start purchasing our sterling silverware she picked out for our wedding registry. Since each place setting costs $200+, we plan on buying a few each year for the next 4-6 years until we have a complete set. When it is all said and done, we will have a $2500 set of silverware (I'd rather spend the money on a new tablesaw or lathe, but that's just me:D).

After looking around for a silverware chest, I didn't find anything that I felt did such a nice set of silverware justice and decided that since this set of silverware is going to be an heirloom set anyway that will be passed down in our family, it deserves an heirloom chest built by none other than myself.

I do have a few questions for anyone who has built one:

Where can I find the material for all the piece dividers?
Does anyone know of any good plans out there? I have some designs in my mind, but some plans would help inspire me also.
Is there any special considerations that should be taken into account since it will be storing silver? In other words, are there specific woods or materials to avoid that would tarnish the silver.Thanks in advance for all the feedback. I am really looking forward to this project because it will really be something that will get handed down through our family.

By the way, the included picture was just one design I liked.

Calvin Reimer
12-08-2007, 11:07 AM
Rockler carries a tray-type silverware divider that's fairly basic, but effective. A chest the size you are talking about may take more than one of these, but these can be removed from the chest and carried to/from the table easily.

Jamie Buxton
12-08-2007, 11:52 AM
You can make the interior pretty, using wood. Or you can make the interior more practical, using anti-tarnish cloth. The cloth really does work, much to my surprise. I found it at a local fabric store, but I see it on the web too.

Matt Meiser
12-08-2007, 12:38 PM
I can't answer your actual question, but be careful on the 4-6 year plan. My mom bought new china about 5 years ago intending to do the same thing. My dad got her started on the set the first Christmas. They had some registration thing she sent in and 6 months later she got a letter that they were discontinuing the pattern with a year. She ended up having to buy it all right away. Never having bought anything like that, I'm not sure if any of the companies guarantee availability for a certain amount of time, but you might want to check into it--or make sure to have money in reserve just in case.

Aaron Frank
12-08-2007, 12:57 PM
I seem to remember a 'Master Class' article in FWW a few years ago on building a silver chest. The one the guy built was incredible - it was a cylinder and stood each piece vertically.

I don't recall the issue #, but it may be worth tracking down. It would certainly be inspirational!

Good luck