View Full Version : Hollow forms and Mini ??

Frank Guerin
12-05-2007, 8:36 PM
Lets get this straight. I don't turn. I don't own a lathe. I'm just plain dumb about things that go around instead of flat so be easy on me. The question or question's are can you do hollow forms on a mini. What size?. Problems?. If you have any pics I would greatly appreciate it.

Neal Addy
12-05-2007, 8:50 PM
You sure can. I learned to turn HF's on a Jet mini. Very little of the work I do now on my 1442 couldn't be turned on a mini. See my website in my profile.

Don't let the term "mini" fool you... it's a serious lathe. You can turn just about anything on it you want up to 10" (or 12" on a Rikon or 1220).

If you want to get REAL serious about HF's there's even a captive rig system available for the mini. See http://www.monster-wood-tool.com

Usual disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with Monster other than being a satisfied customer.

Jim Ketron
12-05-2007, 8:51 PM
Yes you can do HF's on a mini!
no difference, just smaller.

John Hart
12-05-2007, 8:56 PM
I don't think that any of the HFs I've turned couldn't have been turned on a mini. Take the plunge Frank!!;)

Alex Elias
12-06-2007, 7:52 PM
I don't think that any of the HFs I've turned couldn't have been turned on a mini. Take the plunge Frank!!;)

Provably due to the size of your turning and the tools you need to use not to mention your current experience. But if you look at the question and statement he said is new to turning so chances are that even if he purchase a mustard he's far away from turning your kind of HF.
Sure the mini will have all kinds of limitations but the bigger limitation when starting is not the lathe is the lack of how to and tools. To start the mini should be more than capable to do what he could be able to turn.

Dennis Peacock
12-06-2007, 9:07 PM
Yes'sir-reee buddy.....get you one and get you a hollowing setup. Between Jim Ketron, Travis Stinson, and Mark Cothren, I've seen some very nice stuff come off a mini.

Frank Guerin
12-07-2007, 7:29 PM
I appreciate your input. I'm sure it's just a matter of time but at least for the short term I will try to resist. Retirement is not to far in the future. I'm starting to think your a bunch of Borg's.

Jim Underwood
12-07-2007, 9:14 PM
Relax.... this won't hurt at all. In fact... it will feel great!:D

Remember, resistance is futile.