View Full Version : Thread title: new/unread post indicator?

Lewis Moon
12-05-2007, 11:55 AM
In just about every other board I frequent the thread title will indicate whether there are any new posts since I last visited, either by color or by actual number. The titles here seem to only do this in a very, very slow maner.
I'll pop in several times a day, playing Ahab looking for White Whales in the Classified forum and often, the thread title will indicate new, unread posts long after I have read them and have moved on, worked on a spread sheet, gotten a cup of coffee, had lunch....you get the picture. Is there any way to instantaneously indicate that threads have been read, like on other boards?

Lee DeRaud
12-05-2007, 12:22 PM
In just about every other board I frequent the thread title will indicate whether there are any new posts since I last visited, either by color or by actual number. The titles here seem to only do this in a very, very slow maner.
I'll pop in several times a day, playing Ahab looking for White Whales in the Classified forum and often, the thread title will indicate new, unread posts long after I have read them and have moved on, worked on a spread sheet, gotten a cup of coffee, had lunch....you get the picture. Is there any way to instantaneously indicate that threads have been read, like on other boards?When you're through looking through the forums, go to the "Quick Links" menu and select "Mark Forums Read". (It will do it for you automatically if you stay logged on, but, as you noticed, the timeout value is set to several hours.)

James Jaragosky
12-05-2007, 12:57 PM
I use Rss bandit to keep up on all the posts at The creek. it works well for me. here is a link if you want to check it out. i use it to monitor several blogs fourms and news outlets. the best part is that its free. http://www.rssbandit.org/