View Full Version : Hello Keith Outten

David Cramer
12-05-2007, 10:06 AM
Hello Keith

David Cramer here, and I am working again:) (starting next Monday). Please pm me with who paid the annual dues for me since I was out of work. I insist on paying them back and am not good with having someone pay my way, although I really appreciate what they, or was it you, did for me. It was a kind act.

Again, I will honestly be working soon and will be having a steady check coming in for quite some time (I hope so anyways!) and I want to pay my share.

You can respond here or in a pm, but please do one or the other and help me release this guilt. Thanks!!!:)


Jim O'Dell
12-05-2007, 11:14 AM
David, I'd feel the same way as you, but I somehow think you won't be able to find out the "who" part of it. Why not do the samething for someone else? Pay up for them, so that the good act continues? Just a thought. Jim.

David Duke
12-05-2007, 11:15 AM
David, I'd feel the same way as you, but I somehow think you won't be able to find out the "who" part of it. Why not do the samething for someone else? Pay up for them, so that the good deed continues? Just a thought. Jim.

Jim beat me to it ;) !!!!!!!

Gary Keedwell
12-05-2007, 11:16 AM
David, I'd feel the same way as you, but I somehow think you won't be able to find out the "who" part of it. Why not do the samething for someone else? Pay up for them, so that the good act continues? Just a thought. Jim.
Now that's a real great idea, Jim :)


Mike Cutler
12-05-2007, 12:22 PM

Someday we all may need someone's help.
Pay for someone else, and someday that someone will pay for someone else, and ......................

It's a Karma thing. :),;)

Greg Cole
12-05-2007, 12:23 PM
As other have suggested... "pay it forward" and keep the ball rolling.


Lee Schierer
12-05-2007, 12:46 PM
I like this idea....pay it forward.

Chris Padilla
12-05-2007, 12:52 PM
I simply paid more than the $6 that was requested. The extra can go for whatever it need to go for.

Cody Colston
12-05-2007, 5:16 PM
I'm pretty sure many of the 2008 contributors sent in more than $6, thus covering for those who weren't able to contribute. Unfortunately, I don't think it will also cover all those who refuse to for whatever reason.

I bought the latest issue of Fine Woodworking magazine at an airport gift shop in New Orleans this morning to read while I waited on my flight to Dallas. It cost me over $8 and took about one hour to digest most everything in it.

This forum has something interesting or informative in it every day and only asks for $6 a year. That's a deal where I come from.

Heather Thompson
12-05-2007, 5:55 PM
"Pay it Forward" , great movie and way to live. I have been in good places in life, and then I have been dead broke, currently unemployed. My belief is that our higher power will always take care of us if we do the next right thing, so far I have never starved, but I will admit to being afraid at times. :o Come on folks, pay it forward.


Keith Outten
12-05-2007, 7:50 PM

I'm glad to hear that things are looking up for you, somehow I just knew they would. Congratulations on the new job also.

I can't provide a name for you, it would violate my Host/Contributor privilege that I am honor bound to protect :)

Seriously there have been lots of Contributors who have donated way above 6 bucks and ask me to take care of others who may need some assistance which I have been doing since November 1st.

Don Bullock
12-05-2007, 8:02 PM
David, congratulations on your job. That's great news.:D

David Cramer
12-06-2007, 7:21 AM
Thanks for the "pay it forward" suggestion. I guess then that's what I'll do. I also wanted know who it was so that I could just say thanks, but I'll just have to say it here, THANKS to whoever took care of me while things were down. I appreciate the gesture more than I can express.

I only do snail mail, so I should be sending a payment in the mail shortly after getting my first paycheck. Thanks for the congratulations on the job both Don and Keith. To be completely honest, I wasn't sure it was going to happen, but I was extremely happy when it did.

Thanks to all who posted, from Jim all the way to Don. I really appreciate the idea to just pay for someone else. But, at the time, I obviously wasn't thinking because I was to bent on getting someone's name to thank them personally. :)Thanks again!
