View Full Version : Another Bandsaw Information Need

Steve Gayle
12-03-2007, 8:39 PM
I am about to pull the trigger on upgrading my saw. I have look at Laguna 18" HD, Agazinni 20" (price is less than the Laguna), Minimax MM16, Jet, Delta, Steel City, and Shopfox. Here are a few of my questions:

1) Why such a price difference?
2) Can the Shopfox/ Steel City tension a Lenox blade properly?
3) Is the extra speed worth the price?
4) please help

I am a hobbyist that want to do some resawing, as well as regular band saw work.

I think that I am going crazy and do not want to make the wrong decision.

John Thompson
12-03-2007, 8:59 PM
(1) The Steel City and Shopfox are made on the Pacific Rim opposed to MM.. Laguna.. Aggi made in Europe. More cast iron in the Italian BS's and more is paid for labor in Europe than Taiwan-China.

(2) I can tell you for a fact that the Steel City 18" & 20" can with their double spring (the 16" has doubles also). I cannot speak for the Fox as I have never tensioned on that saw.

And BTW... you didn't mention what width Lennox. You don't need a full 1" carbide blade to re-saw. A 3/4" is fine and you can probably get by nicely with a 1/2" as I and many others did for years.

(3) I don't think you are paying for extra speed with the Italians.. again you are paying for more cast iron, higher labor and a larger motor in most cases if.. if you buy the top of line Italians. The cheaper models that those companies offer don't come from the same plant and are certainly not the saw of the front liners. But... you will pay to have the name on the side.

Good luck with your quest...


Steve Gayle
12-03-2007, 9:20 PM
So your recommendation is for the Steel City?

John Thompson
12-04-2007, 1:45 AM
So your recommendation is for the Steel City?

Steve, I'm not going to reccomend any BS as I don't know your exact needs nor what your budget for one is. I am guessing that since you are looking at the Italian Stallions, you are not limited in that department.

I will point out a few things that may be of interest.. but you have to make the decision based on true needs.....

If you are going to basically just do curve cutting... any 14" BS would suffice nicely... All BS's will cut curves without any problem unless you get up into very thick 3" + hardwood stock where more power comes in handy. But even tben, they will produce as long as the blade is matched to the job and it is sharp. The most expensive and well made blade in the world is basically useless if it is dull.

Now.. if you will curve cut and re-saw up to 12".. the Pacific Rim BS's in the 18" and 20" class are plenty sufficient in power matched with the correct blade. Not much you can't do with them. As a matter of fact curve cutting on the Big Boy Italian Stallions can be somewhat of a PITA IMO as they have Euro guides and have to be changed out on most to cool blocks or smaller roller or ceramic guides. Long story as even with their top of line quality they have their little quirks also as most machines do in general.

But... if you are a turner, etc. that mainly uses the saw on large logs or do a tremendous amount of re-saw over 12"... that's where the Stallion's shine and they shine bright.

So.. based on what your real needs are (and only you know that).. you can make a reasonable decision on which saw. I have the Steel City 18" and have had for over a year. I looked at all the saws up close at the IWF here in Atlanta fall a year ago and I found it to be the best of class, IMO. I actually had a deposit on a MM 16 and canceled after I saw the SC as it would do everything I needed it to do and it definitely has done that!

Good luck in your quest...
