View Full Version : Project for work.....

Jim Fox
12-03-2007, 5:35 PM
Disclaimer: I am following the request of the big boss man at work on shape of this. I'm just trying to come up with something a little more eye appealing than just slapping some plywood/trim together and calling it good. But at this point I really am not looking forward to this.......but it does pay the bills, keeps me from twiddling my thumbs while sales are down in the winter.......and heck.....I can use power tools.:)

There is to be one hexagon shape and one octagon shape, possibly 2 octagons, built for this project.

These are stands for snow shovels, and whatever else gets put on them down the road. We do a lot of snow shovel, salt, etc business in the winter.

I added the curves to dress it up a bit. For the silver rod thingies, I was thinking of Stainless steel rods (drops from the local steel supply place). The rods would be angle down from inside to outside edge at 5° utilizing some sort of homemade bracket. Shovel blades (or whatever down the road) would rest on that. One guy at work doesn't think the rods are needed, and that the shovels will just rest on the platform. I was just trying to dress up the whole god awful mess.

Really looking for input and thoughts........to dress it up or whatever. This will be outside under a overhang.......so not in direct weather. Will be mounted on casters too. They will out in front of the store, so highly visible. They will be Red Oak, to match the rest of the sales floor cabinets, etc.



Grant Morris
12-03-2007, 5:53 PM
Based upon how many shovel rests are in the pic, I think you may have a hard time keeping some of the shovels mounted steady. Some would be leaning on just the rib of your stand in some cases.

I like the idea of the rounded base though, you can hang a lot of shovels efficiently with that method. I would probably incline more toward a hanging solution and use those nifty rubber coated hangers that are made for hanging tools. If you find deep hangers, you could also hang them 4-5 deep too which would give you a total of about 30 shovels...