View Full Version : does this continue to grow

Frank Bivins
12-03-2007, 12:19 PM
I made 7 pens for my family and myself. All were very appreciative so I thought I would make a few for the people at work. After this weekend have I made 30 pens and 30 more kits are on the way. Now my kids want me to make pens for their teachers for Christmas. If I can find a digital camera I will try to make pictures. These are the simple slim line and Woodturners Catalog is out so maybe I am through.:)

Wayne Bitting
12-03-2007, 12:24 PM
Frank - that's how I got started. A couple here and there, some more for gifts, then word spread! I put a little write up in each box stating how to refill and what the wood was and an email address for me. People bought them and gave them as gifts and I've had a few reciepents email me about wanting more. Now that you've had your fill of 30 slimlines, time to start turning other ones!

Frank Kobilsek
12-03-2007, 2:40 PM

Yes, I made pens almost unitl they weren't fun anymore. Then cork bottle stoppers, then chrome and now Stainless. Made a couple baby rattles now I cut up material for 100 blanks at a time.

You said you made 30 and have 30 kits on order, the next order will be 100. Enjoy, just keep it fun. When one type of item starts to get stale, raise your prices and learn to say no then move on to the next turning area bowls, platters, vases or whatever. One of the best things as a turner is to hear "You made that!"


Julie Tanner
12-03-2007, 6:58 PM
Oh Yes it does.

I couldn't tell you how many pens I have made over the last 2 years

Nancy Laird
12-03-2007, 8:21 PM
Frank, you have NO CLUE as to how much trouble you are in---if you've turned 30 pens and have 30 more on order, and this is a fairly new pasttime, you have entered into the abyss big-time---next stop, bottle stoppers....

Hope your credit card has a high limit!!

Nancy (18 days)

Ken Fitzgerald
12-03-2007, 8:29 PM
But.........it's nice to know someone appreciates you talents!:D

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
12-04-2007, 6:34 AM

Welcome to the vortex! And yes, this will continue to grow... I've personally had moments where I've come close to following a laden tree service truck... :)

Oh, and give us some pictures as soon as you can!

Steve Trauthwein
12-04-2007, 7:48 AM
I hope not! But after 500 pens I am beginning to worry.

Regards, Steve

Paul Engle
12-04-2007, 9:56 AM
Frank, like the proverbial weed, you are sooooooo hooked...;) but boy it sure is fun. :D

Rasmus Petersen
12-04-2007, 10:04 AM
i have fallen and i cant get up...... damit... my local pusher have 20% off on all PSI products... just spend around 1000 dkr. (200$) filling up the sets and stuff....

im soooo hooked..
