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View Full Version : Sealing punky wood

Brian McInturff
12-02-2007, 9:16 PM
First, I got everything up and running(YEA!!!). Now to my question:

When I lost power to the shop back in May I was working on a HF that was of some real punky Maple. I had gotten it to a point that that all it was doing was tearing out. This is real real punky wood. basically rotten. But somehow I was able to maintain a good form. It was still chucked up so I guess I need to finish it before moving on to the next piece. So what do you guys use to stabilize punky wood, to fill in the pores so you can get that final smooth cut. It's to large to use ca so do I use lots of lacquer, shellac, or something else. I'll try and post a pic tomorrow, I left my camera at work. Thanks, Brian

Bernie Weishapl
12-02-2007, 9:36 PM
Brian I use Minwax Wood Hardener. It works well. What I like best is what I call a epoxy cocktail. It is 30 min epoxy mixed up and then add DNA till it is the consistancy of milk. Paint it on and keep painting it till it will not obsorb any more. But if the piece is as large as you say I would use the Minwax.

Tony Wheeler
12-03-2007, 12:55 AM
I use lacquer based sanding sealer thinned down about 25% so I soaks in better and then light cuts to clean it up after in drys of course seems to stiffin the fibers If that isnt good enough on real bad stuff i have thinned white glue and same process hope this helps

John Hart
12-03-2007, 6:10 AM
I do the epoxy DNA cocktail...mainly because I'm too lazy to get wood hardener and I always have plenty of epoxy and alcohol on hand.

robert hainstock
12-05-2007, 9:23 AM
The minwax product would work well. pleaase let us know how it turns out as I have a large block of realy punky maple that has ebough character to just keep around in the woodpile for several years. :)

Brian McInturff
12-05-2007, 2:21 PM
Well, I've ran into a brick wall. I went to both Lowes and HD and neither have the Wood Hardner. If I do the Epoxy/DNA method how much Epoxy and what kind, to how much DNA. I'm going to have to coat the inside somehow too, and the problem is it's a HF vessel of sorts.

John Hart
12-05-2007, 2:55 PM
Brian, just mix up a good sized quantity of the epoxy...long enough to get the chemical reaction cooking. Then pour DNA slowly in while stirring aggressively. Eventually, you will have a liquid that is about the consistency of milk. Then you're done. You can paint it in or pour and swirl it...whatever. The wood is going to drink it up readily so try to figure your quantities from there.

I bet for a medium sized piece...I'd use whole one of those epoxy syringe thingies and about a pint of alcohol. I've used methanol too. It works fine....So does 90% Isoprophyl Alcohol

I used some clear foul smelling liquid that I found in one of the labs here at work...once. It exploded. I don't know what it was, but.....you know.....don't use that.;)