View Full Version : Christmas Gift - Maybe

Raymond Overman
12-01-2007, 10:36 PM
We draw names on my mother's side of the family and this year I drew my cousin's husband. He's a methodist minister and so I thought that I would make him a nice pen out of some Bethlehem Olive wood. I also thought I would try to inlay a nice cross into it.

While I was at it, I figured I would add the little flames at the side of the cross since he was Methodist. This was much harder than I anticipated but here is the final result. I'm not completely satisfied with it since the ebony cross inlay bled a little during sanding and the red flame inlay isn't as clean as I would like.

I've got a week to decide whether I'm going to send it. Give me your opinion.

Bethlehem Olive Wood
Ebony and Red Veneer Inlay
CA Finish
Chrome Baron

Barry Stratton
12-01-2007, 10:53 PM
Honestly....I'd recommend trying again.

You can send this one to me:D

Tim A. Mitchell
12-02-2007, 12:01 AM
Well, unless you are going to make another one, I would send it. If you are going to make another, send the best.

While I only have the picture to go on, I think that it looks quite good. I think I see the "downfalls" that you mention, but I do not think they look to bad in the pic.

I allways have a hard time with gifts. I tend to think they are not appropriate, or do not match someone well enough, or the quality of the item is not up to my standards ( I get self concious about home made gifts). I think this gift shows you have found something that is important to the person, and it is useful. Seems very insightful to me. I think it would be well recieved.

John Hart
12-02-2007, 6:37 AM
If it were me....and I had more materials to work with...I'd give it another try. But if this was my only shot, I'd give it to him anyway because I'm sure he'd love it. It's a really nice idea Raymond....and it's almost there...you just had the disadvantage of it being the first go-round.

Tom Sherman
12-02-2007, 6:38 AM
Raymond I agree with both Barry and Tim. This being the first effort I'm sure you learned some things Maybe the Second one will be more to your liking. Either way the fact that you have captured something that is close to your cousin's heart and put your own effort into it will be meaningful and well recieved. By the way I think it is very nice.

Bernie Weishapl
12-02-2007, 9:43 AM
I agree if it is the only one Raymond send it and if you have material to try again do it. Send the better of the two.

Steve Schlumpf
12-02-2007, 11:11 AM
Raymond - have to agree with the others here in that if you have the time and materials to make another it would give you the option to send the best.

Jon Lanier
12-02-2007, 2:40 PM
I'd say give it another try if you can. But he will like this if you can't. Being a preacher, I'd say have a nice pen is a great gift idea. You can never have to many and their is something about pulling out a nice hand made pen to write with that gives you a lift. I love pulling mine out on Sunday's when being given prayer request. Don't know why... but I do.