View Full Version : Turning a Xmas tree?

Chris Fierro
11-30-2007, 12:30 PM
I would like to make some 2008 Christmas ornaments from the 2007 tree.

With that in mind, and several options available for different kinds of trees, what should I look for? I am planning on turning green, and making traditional hollow ornaments with tenoned icicle and finial. Something that I am pretty comfortable doing with hardwood.

I haven't really turned any conifers other than pine, and had poor luck with tearout. What kind of Xmas tree is going to be better for turning come January? My options are likely to be Blue Spruce, Doug Fir, maybe Red Fir and maybe Balsam Fir, but I am willing to look throughout the North East (within reason).

Thanks in advance.


Jim Underwood
11-30-2007, 2:27 PM
There are at least a couple of articles floating around that deal with making "globe and icicle" ornaments from your old tree.

Not supposed to link to other forums, but the articles I refer to are over "there"....:o

Also, the AAW journal has an article on turning tree ornaments in this issue.

11-30-2007, 4:12 PM
Make sure you cut the branches off first. They hurt spinning that fast!:D:eek:

robert hainstock
11-30-2007, 7:40 PM
Shaaarp tools, soft wood.:eek:

Brett Elliott
11-30-2007, 8:12 PM
Never thought of doing that. That's almost cool enough to make me get a real tree!


Rob Bourgeois
11-30-2007, 8:27 PM
I saw someone make snowmen from their tree. I was going to try but ended moving and pitching the trunk.

helpful hint...to remove Christmas tree sap. rub mayonaise on your hands then wash normally. GONE. Gross but effective.

joe greiner
12-03-2007, 8:56 AM
I've turned only one Christmas tree: a Noble Fir from neighbor's roadside orphan. Be sure to use a faceplate, and maybe a raincoat too. Horrible tearout from the roughing gouge, but cleans up nicely with the skew. Christmas trees are bred for rapid growth, so they have widely spaced growth rings and lots of soft wood between.


Dennis Peacock
12-03-2007, 10:17 AM
Make sure you cut the branches off first. They hurt spinning that fast!:D:eek:

http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g69/sawdustar/emoticons/hilarious.gif Wipping coffee from the computer screen.

Dean Thomas
12-03-2007, 3:38 PM
Tyler & Robert H said it all!

Have you thought about turning Christmas Trees from your Christmas tree?? You could just turn the simple shape and maybe add some color, or you could turn a cone and then use a chisel to raise the feathery ends of the "limbs" to simulate a tree. I think there is or was a special "Christmas tree chisel" for this exact purpose!

I'll see if I can find the info I used to have.

Brian Weick
12-03-2007, 3:48 PM
I would have to say- when your finished just stick the gouge with the big gob of sap on the wall- you just invented a new way of hanging your tools :eek:-LOL

seriously- I wouldn't do that - just my 2 cents, but knock your "branches off" if thats what you would like to do. :)

Jude Kingery
12-03-2007, 3:50 PM
Tyler, you're a hoot! I'm with Dennis on that one! Best of luck, Chris, in your endeavors. I've not turned anything with lots of sticky sap. Jude

Chris Fierro
12-03-2007, 4:49 PM
My original question should have said "what kind of typically available domestic Christmas tree has the hardest wood / least sap?" Live and learn. I'll certainly buy a regular old tree this year.

My plan at this point is to (after Christmas) cut the trunk into a manageable length and remove all of the branches. I'll then seal all of the cuts and the ends with anchorseal. Wait a few months and see what comes out of this. Worse case is wasted time and some sap cleanup.

Thanks for everyone's thoughtful responses.


12-03-2007, 5:07 PM
No problem Chris, I always put thought into my SARCASM.:D Sorry, as for turning pine, I would let it dry for a really long time. The pitch in this stuff is horrendous! DAMHIKT

Jim Underwood
12-05-2007, 4:48 PM
You could always microwave it to dry it. I'd do an internet search for articles on drying on turning forums....