View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's"

Karl Laustrup
11-30-2007, 7:00 AM
Friday November 30th, 2007

Well, we awoke to a surprise this morning. About 2" of snow overnight. :eek: Now I get to shovel and plow. WHOOOOPIE!!!!:(

It's been an interesting week. I was able to get a couple of small projects completed which have been languishing in the shop. A small shelf for the GD room and started the finishing on the hanging china cabinet.

I'm off today to take a buddy to Rockford, IL so he can catch a plane to Vegas where he will spend the winter. He has a condo out there and looks forward to his time out there. I may try and get out there myself in January or February.

I should be able to get some serious shop time in Saturday as LOML is having a jewelry party and I need to steer clear of that. Spring should be bringing my new toyl up and we'll get it set up. I need to clear a space for it, even though it will be mobile. I've got so much to do, I really don't know where to start.

So what's on the agenda for you this weekend? It is getting near crunch time for Christmas. http://mysite.verizon.net/vze201j5/countdown.htm

Have a great weekend and keep it SAFE.


P.S. How's that leg doing Al? Hand and foot are better. Still hurt if I'm not careful and move the wrong way.

Ken Shoemaker
11-30-2007, 8:14 AM
Morn'in Karl,
I took a day off from work to et into the shop and finish the bookcase for my daughter's Christmas. I'll post pics if I ever get through with it... Crunch Time!!!
I'm thrilled that my BenchDog extension table and PC 75182 router motor just came. I'm eagerly awaiting the BenchDog Lift (supposed o ship on Dec. 7th)and I'll be in hog heaven.

Sean Troy
11-30-2007, 9:37 AM
Setting up the Cyclone this weekend.

David Duke
11-30-2007, 9:45 AM
Morning everyone, Saturday morning I hope to install the bookcase I've been working on. The rest of the weekend will be spent finishing up the Christmas decorations outside, it rained all last weekend and I didn't get finished.

Hope everyone has a great and safe weekend!!!!!!!!

Al Willits
11-30-2007, 9:46 AM
Karl, good to hear your getting better, remember your not as young as you used to be, (hehe) and it takes a bit longer to heal, go easy my friend and don't re injure yourself.
Leg is better but still infected, down to two days of antibiotics and I'm calling the doc this morning, stubborn little bug I seem to have, thanks for asking.

Snow on the way they say so I'll be doing the winter maintance on the snowblower, trying to finish up a fishing rod rack I built and wife wants me to build the living room TV stand before the kitchen cabinets, seems Norm and David are on DIY the same time as "HER" programs and I need to get the other TV up and running...:)

I offered to let her use the 13" in the kitchen but she has no sense of humor....more band aids needed, but like I've said, I'm starting to enjoy the beatings and she's getting older so they don't last quite so long..

Working Sat as its our busy time (hvac) and hope to get a bit of cleaning in the shop and start planing the cherry for the TV stand...er...entertainment center I guess they call it now...:)

ya all have a safe and well weekend.


Robert Goodwin
11-30-2007, 10:40 AM
They role into town today and go through the weekend. I am sure it will be the same as any other year, but still excited to go.:D

Greg Cole
11-30-2007, 11:08 AM
Well, I didn't get the "round tuit" to finish off the other gingerbread house, so I'll most likely get it done tonight.
The weekend is planend for shop time & shop time. Installing a TS outfeed extension that I managed to throw together this week (hence not finishing the ginger bread house). And using the rest of the phenolic ply I got this week for a tall resaw fance for the BS and a miter saw table with Incra miter track etc... man there are ALOT of layers in 1" BB ply!
Also need to find a way to make room for some walnut that is going to fall in the back of the Toyota this afternoon. A lumber "run" inside city limits is rare, but a darn fine reason to roll outta work at 2'ish on a Friday.:D


Jim Becker
11-30-2007, 11:56 AM
Not much in the way of woodworking this weekend or the next...life is that way sometimes. But I'll be THINKING about it! LOL

Hank Phillips
11-30-2007, 12:48 PM
No shop time for me this weekend either... going out to a friend's on Saturday to help him bottle up the homebrewed nut brown ale and blueberry wine that's just finishing up, then get an Irish stout started. Needless to say I will be "stuck" there until Sunday morning. :D
Then off to my mother's on Sunday for dinner with the family, a weekly ritual we've kept going for the better part of 40 years.