View Full Version : Smoker Incense Burner - Finished

Tim A. Mitchell
11-30-2007, 12:40 AM
Well, I finally have things finished up on my smoker (progress pics in http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=69600&highlight=smoker )

I decided not to embellish him with much. He has acrylic paint, acrylic spray finish, a feather for the hat, hemp hair, and copper snap buttons for his double brested jacket. Thanks to the LOML for the paint job.

The pics in my next post show the incense cone and the last shows a wisp of smoke, although it is hard to see.

The overall piece is about 7 inches tall.

Please feel free to comment and critique.

Sorry they are bit dark with 1000 watts of light on the piece.

Tim A. Mitchell
11-30-2007, 12:41 AM
Additional Pictures:

Alex Elias
11-30-2007, 3:10 AM
That is one intersting looking fellow. Very nice and creative project.
Now all you need is a wife for him

Julie Tanner
11-30-2007, 5:31 AM

He is to cute.

Very Nice Job

John Hart
11-30-2007, 6:39 AM
I love this project. I mean, I really love this project. I think I was a toy maker in a previous life...and this guy reminds me of toys.

This is a great execution of a great idea Tim. I tip my hat to your wife as well. The paint job is very well done as well. I better stop now.....I'm gushing.:o

Steve Schlumpf
11-30-2007, 8:48 AM
Tim - you and your wife did an outstanding job bringing this little guy to life! Great concept - even better craftsmanship! Very nice work to you both!

Jason Christenson
11-30-2007, 9:30 AM
Tim - you and your wife did an outstanding job bringing this little guy to life! Great concept - even better craftsmanship! Very nice work to you both!

Very nice. I have one of these from Germany, I've thought of trying one myself. Maybe one with a cigar instead of a pipe. :D

11-30-2007, 9:51 AM
One of my very favorite things posted here. I love it!!! Great executino of an great idea!

Rick Huelsbeck
11-30-2007, 10:20 AM
I'm going to try that if you don't mind, that is just to kewl:D:D:D

Brett Elliott
11-30-2007, 6:08 PM
I love these things. I'm planning to pick one up at the German Christmas market in Chicago when we're home for Chirstmas. If anyone wants to see more examples just Google Rauchermann (German for smoker man).

Sorry they are bit dark with 1000 watts of light on the piece.

Looking at the exposure information for those photos, it looks like you could probably use a slower shutter speed to increase the overall exposer of the photo. Not sure what kind of camera you have, but if it's a point and shoot, fiddling with the exposure compensation in the possitive direction might help.

My other hobby is photography :)


Robert McGowen
11-30-2007, 6:44 PM
That is pretty cool. A little imagination and a little turning and you have a little guy smoking a pipe!

robert hainstock
11-30-2007, 7:23 PM
Flawless execution of a realy cool Idea. You guys ROCK!:D:D:D

Tom Sherman
11-30-2007, 10:01 PM
A very nice project Tim. Love your collaborative effort you and the LOYL did a great job.

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
12-01-2007, 9:28 AM
Absolute Wow, Tim! Great work, and a great collaboration!

Tim A. Mitchell
12-02-2007, 1:07 AM
Thanks again for the feedback. This turned out better than I had hoped:). The finishing work really brought him together. I am quite pleased with it myself.

I don't think the pics do him justice. Brett, I probably should have set the camera to meter off of the center vs. area, with the light background. That would hve been better, having sufficient light on the piece. The wife is a good photographer, but she is usually sleeping when I want to shoot and post. I am getting better at it though (I hope).