View Full Version : it works

Tony Wheeler
11-29-2007, 9:42 AM
Ok folfs I think I got ithere is a 10x 6 maple bowl that i made for LOML Granny from a limb of tree that fell on he garage dont be sad she isnt she got a new garage

76139 I guess that the phot resized made it to small now it will not enlarge when you click on it but Im not ging to give up yet I Hate Computers and electronics gagets they maake me look dummber than I am

Alex Elias
11-29-2007, 12:30 PM
We are getting there. But that seems like a bowl for barbies from here. Are you sure is 10" ;)

David Epperson
11-29-2007, 12:42 PM
LOL. Nope, won't go there. :D

Looks like a nice bowl though.

Bernie Weishapl
11-29-2007, 3:17 PM
ROFLOL Tony not going there either. Bowl looks great though. Well done. She is going to like it.

Steve Schlumpf
11-29-2007, 4:35 PM
Looks like a really nice bowl Tony! Looking forward to seeing the larger version!

Jim Young
11-29-2007, 7:04 PM
Hate Computers and electronics gagets they maake me look dummber than I amI know exactly how you feel.

Tony Wheeler
11-29-2007, 8:05 PM
ok now ive done it some way the pic of the maple bowl is clear gone off my computer so ere going try this it should be a vase that I made from a burnt off fence post from a grass fire this spring ]76177[ATTACH[/ATTACH]I call hedge yall call osage orange

robert hainstock
11-29-2007, 8:07 PM
nice work. I struggld with that picture thing too. have toy down loaded )free) pix resizer? then try to keeo the pix as near 107 kb as possible. after you save the downsized pocture, open it up again and you can read th kbs off the save nenu. Good luck figuring it all out. Kinda subtracts from the joy of the vortex. It's surely one I don't want to spend my life figiuring out. hair pull:eek:

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
12-01-2007, 8:57 AM

Nice looking pieces, and it looks like you're getting the hang of attaching photos!