View Full Version : Some stuff for my mom

Alex Elias
11-29-2007, 2:50 AM
She wanted one of my little boxes so I decided to make her one isntead of giving mine up, if she wouln'd be my mom that would still be with me.
Here it is, comments welcome.
PS: The fit was jus perfect when i was done. Two days later I had to use pliers to remove the lid. I though the wood was dry, may be I overheated when sanding and finishing?:confused::confused::confused:



Dan Forman
11-29-2007, 3:15 AM
That's just beautiful, I'm sure she will love it. About the top, if it fit perfectly, just about any movement at all would cause it to stick.


John Hart
11-29-2007, 5:51 AM
What a cool lil' box. Seems like you could take some high grit wave paper and loosen up the lid a bit...at least so you don't need pliers. :)

robert hainstock
11-29-2007, 6:53 AM
Those are as is usual with your work, outstanding. The sticking problem is the wood changing shpe across the grain because moisture is either leaving or entering the piece. Wood only expands or shrinks across the grain. It never changes length. Some woods do this more than others.
That wood by the way is lovely. What is it please? :)

Alex Elias
11-29-2007, 12:11 PM
Those are as is usual with your work, outstanding. The sticking problem is the wood changing shpe across the grain because moisture is either leaving or entering the piece. Wood only expands or shrinks across the grain. It never changes length. Some woods do this more than others.
That wood by the way is lovely. What is it please? :)

Thanks for your comments. The material for this box is call Tulip Wood

Mike A. Smith
11-29-2007, 2:08 PM
That's a beauty Alex! The grain match across the lid looks perfect, almost like you didn't lose any wood when you parted it. If you don't mind my asking what did you part it with?

Jim Becker
11-29-2007, 2:55 PM
Outstanding, Alex!

Steve Schlumpf
11-29-2007, 4:38 PM
Beautiful work Alex!

Alex Elias
11-29-2007, 6:35 PM
That's a beauty Alex! The grain match across the lid looks perfect, almost like you didn't lose any wood when you parted it. If you don't mind my asking what did you part it with?

I used the 1/16" or 3/32" parting tool. The thinner one you could get commercialy. Nothing fancy. The thing is that, that is the only thing removed the thickness of the parting tool and nothing else.

Thanks for the comments

Paul Engle
11-29-2007, 8:47 PM
Sometimes the wood moves after having some internal stress/s relieved during turning , my oak ring boxes did that, all 7 of em, I treat the lid rim with carnuba or bees wax by burnishing it in after fitting the two together, helps get em apart when they finally " relax". Then I put the box back on the chuck and use 320grt to sand down the mortise ( or tenon) till the lid is " nice " reapply the wax and you're good to go. My wife has RA so she like them just loose, the wax helps, I like them snug but that's just vanity me thinks...:D

Jerry Allen
11-30-2007, 8:44 AM
Are you getting your wood locally in Palmdale or Lancaster?
If so, please let me know where?

Alex Elias
11-30-2007, 3:04 PM
Are you getting your wood locally in Palmdale or Lancaster?
If so, please let me know where?

I get most of it online. That piece I got it over 1 year ago at woodcraft (Pasadena) I guess. Recently I've got some on E-Bay.
Do you live in the Palmdale Lancaster area yuor self?

Jerry Allen
11-30-2007, 3:19 PM
Thanks. Always looking for something closer than LA or Orange County. HD and Lowes don't cut it.
Yes, Tehachapi.

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
12-01-2007, 9:05 AM
Nice work, Alex!