View Full Version : "Guy making $800 workbench" thread?

Roland Chung
11-27-2007, 4:25 PM
Does anyone remember a thread about workbenches, possibly a build or buy discussion, where someone provided a link to a woodworker who was building nice workbenches for others for about $800? If you can remember, please let me know where.


Joe Mioux
11-27-2007, 10:22 PM
i suspect that if you are willing to part with $800, that there might be someone around here who could help you out. ;)


Mark Smith, too
11-27-2007, 11:30 PM
There is a fellow that posts over on WoodNet who makes beautiful workbenches, a few a year, and as I recall very inexpensively.

Name is Tim Gren. The post over there seems to have gone missing, but his user name is TimGren and you could probably PM him there.

Perhaps he posts here as well, but I am not aware of it.

Vijay Kumar
11-27-2007, 11:46 PM
Does anyone remember a thread about workbenches, possibly a build or buy discussion, where someone provided a link to a woodworker who was building nice workbenches for others for about $800? If you can remember, please let me know where.


As Mark said there used to be a guy that sold great benches for around that price, but I have not seen any recent posts by him on this subject.

A while ago I ran into a web site called woodirect that makes benches even cheaper. I have no association with this except of knowing that it exists.

I ended up making my own and you are right $ 800 is a bargain for a well constructed bench.


Roland Chung
11-28-2007, 2:10 AM
Thanks for the quick replies!

Richard Butler
11-28-2007, 4:06 AM
Does anyone remember a thread about workbenches, possibly a build or buy discussion, where someone provided a link to a woodworker who was building nice workbenches for others for about $800? If you can remember, please let me know where.


If I were to build a bench, the materials alone would be over $800.