View Full Version : Building two Houses & giving them away

Greg Cole
11-27-2007, 9:24 AM
I'll start this by saying I grew up in a house with a Martha Stewart kind of Mom.... hand sewn quilts, baked goods from scratch, weaving baskets and numerous other old school, traditional or "antiquated" ways of doing things.
A couple years ago she mentioned me maybe not remembering some of the things we used to to this time of year as we were talking about Holiday festivities etc..... baking gingerbread men & decorationing them (and yes putting them on the Christmas tree), making cookies-cookies & more cookies, home made candies & making gingerbread houses.
Well Mom, I remembered every single one of them fondly & vividly. And decided we'd make one for our house.... so the little dude and I have mode one for our house for the last few years.
LOML has been after me to make one or 2 to give away since I started making them a couple years ago.... which isn't exactly a small request (each one is 12-20 hours of time each, and yes I bake the gingerbread from scratch). Anyway, long story short I decided to build one to give to my "kiddygardeners" class to have as a Christmas decoration & LOML decided the other one I was making would be given to Childrens Mercy Hospital's Ward for Children here in Kansas City. I have yet to finish the one for Childrens Mercy, but I hope to get it done tonight. Ya could say I've glued on alot of "shingles" in the last few days.....
FWIW, the finished one is @ 10"W x 7"D x 9" H, I baked in some "stained glass" windows that are light up from the inside via a short section of "rope light". ;) The unfinished one is 12" W x 9"D x 10" H....

Cheers and Happy Holidays.


Karl Laustrup
11-27-2007, 10:33 AM
Greg, I applaud you for taking the time to make those ginger bread houses, especially for the kids at school and at the hospital. :)

Hopefully, they all get to sample some of your work after the holidays. :)


Dennis Peacock
11-27-2007, 10:45 AM
Way too cool Greg!!!!

Very nice idea and beautiful houses to be giving away. :D

Scott Brihn
11-27-2007, 11:21 AM
Great looking house. My wife is a fan of gingerbread as well. On more than one occasion she has thrown a making a gingerbread house party for our kids and their friends. It is a rewarding effort on her part. The last time I think she made 12 for the kids to decorate. This year the event appears like it will be larger.

Phyllis Meyer
11-27-2007, 11:48 AM

Way cool!


Chris Padilla
11-27-2007, 12:14 PM
The finest holiday tradition of it being better to give than to receive: well played out, Greg!!


Hank Phillips
11-28-2007, 3:51 PM
Measure twice, eat once. :D