View Full Version : Birdseye Maple

Ron McKinley
11-26-2007, 8:37 PM
Just turned a bottle stopper from birdseye maple. The blank was about 2 1/2" sq x 2" long. After I rounded it to a cylinder I could plainly see the birdseyes. After I turned it to shape they were gone! Is this the nature of the beast?

I've used birdseye maple in flatwork without this problem but this is the first time I've turned it...........Ron

Dick Strauss
11-26-2007, 8:44 PM
The larger the continuous surface...the better the BE figure shows. It would probably show better on a large bowl or platter. For that small of a piece it will be hit and miss as to whether the eyes show or not.

Jim Becker
11-26-2007, 9:05 PM
The eyes are not "everywhere" in the wood...in any given plane, the figure will be different. In some cases, there may not be any eyes in that particular area.

Ron McKinley
11-26-2007, 9:55 PM
O.K., thanks to both of you. I was just wondering if I inadvertantly "de-eyed" this wood..........Ron

David Fried
11-27-2007, 7:39 AM

Last year I turned a Christmas present for my daughter out of some nice looking Birds-eye Maple. When I gave it to her I pointed out the one eye and explained that was why it was called Birds-eye (singular) Maple! I too was amazed they had almost disappeared.

Bill Wyko
11-27-2007, 10:59 AM
Unfortunately most good Birdseye ends up being veneer. We all get the leftovers.:cool:

robert hainstock
11-27-2007, 4:52 PM
Bill is right, I live in eye country and have watched logs of premium birdseye sells for ten k dollars. If you look at my Nov 25 post, you will see that the eye figure shines best when cut on the oblique, as on the lip of the urn). The problem for turners is that the lumber is milled so that a flat board surface is used to maximize eyes on the surface. I didnot turn any of it for the very reason you stated for a long time. but was able to get a piece of 4/qtr fo twenty bucks to finish the urn. Our turners club meets at a local wood yard shop, and we get a nice discount = we get to hand select our wood. A piece ought to have 2 to 5 eyes or more to the in. for best figure, and that stuff gets realy pricey in a hurry.Best of turning in the future. :)

Ron McKinley
11-27-2007, 6:24 PM
Thanks. Now I won't get all hot and bothered about turning birdseye maple again....Ron