View Full Version : Well got to see Terry Hatfield this weekend

Scott Coffelt
02-15-2004, 1:33 PM
and others who ventured from local and towns around here. I am sure there are some gloats abroad from the WW show in KC, still going on.

I have a few small gloats, but the one thing I am most excited about was sold to me in about 2 seconds when I walked up to Terry. The Peachtree booth had a removable splitter. The kit comes with a guide, bit and splitters. You drill three holes in your zero clearnace insert with the above mentioned guide and bit. The splitters fits into the three holes. Removes within a millisecond and can be replaced in about the same. It comes with a second splitter which is slightly offset to help in fine tuning. Now for the price.... $15.

The rest of the buys were mainly little things, like clamps (I bought them from HD ... Besseys, 90 degree clamps and small tradesmen) whcih were on clearance, new work glasses, etc.

Oh yeah, I picked up the Kreg Pro Pack, they threw in the 90 degree clamp and some other stuff for the reagular price you see floating around of $129, so essentially you save about $30-$40 bucks.

Watch the guy at the Logosol booth work his A$$ off trying to muscle a 800 lb piece of cherry with two crotch areas. He spent about an hour trying to get it to a point the could cut it. He then had to flip it over after that to get it flat enough to cut 6/4 passes. I thought the whole thing was going crash down on him about 3 or 4 times. It was one nice hunk of cherry, already dried to 30 percent moisure. Not sure if he ever accomplished his goal. I tell you he better be the highest paid person working the show.

Tyler Howell
02-15-2004, 2:00 PM
. The Peachtree booth had a removable splitter. The kit comes with a guide, bit and splitters. You drill three holes in your zero clearnace insert with the above mentioned guide and bit. The splitters fits into the three holes. Removes within a millisecond and can be replaced in about the same. It comes with a second splitter which is slightly offset to help in fine tuning. Now for the price.... $15.


That sure sounds like the Micro Jig (GRRRRipper) Splitter I just bought from Henry last week. What color is it?? Same price too.

Scott Coffelt
02-15-2004, 4:43 PM
I forgot it was made by Gripper.

Terry Hatfield
02-16-2004, 12:23 AM
Thanks to Scott and Jack for putting up with me this weekend. I sure had a great time even though my feet still hurt from walking about 10 miles.

The Logosol dude was worth the price of admission. No possible way to explain it here. It was something that simply had to be seen to be believed. :D


Mark Singer
02-16-2004, 12:28 AM
Is that a portable saw mill....I think I saw that guy at a show once.

Terry Hatfield
02-16-2004, 12:37 AM
Is that a portable saw mill....I think I saw that guy at a show once.


Yup. Actually it was pretty cool. It's a chainsaw mill. They have a electric version they were using at the show. This guy got a log that was about 5 times as big as the mill could handle. He wrestled with it to the point of actually breaking the ramp system he had built for getting the logs on the mill. The log had two HUGE crotches on one side and he was rolling it manually with a long bar up the ramp and "sort of" onto the mill. BY HIMSELF!!! I'm telling you the guy was worth the price of admission. Like Scott said, he actually finally got a cut made and the cherry was beautiful.

In their booth they have a sign that says "free wood". Let me tell you the guy was huffin' and puffin' and I guarantee you that chunk of wood wasn't free. Atleast 3 trips to the chiropractor to solve that back ache. :D

Anyhow, it was a pretty neat mill. Looks like a good price too. It was like $3400 for the electric version and something like $2200 with a Husky chainsaw instead. The guy made some really nice looking cuts on some BIG logs with it for sure.

I'll probably stick to buying mine already milled. :D


Kelly C. Hanna
02-16-2004, 8:25 AM
I'll probably stick to buying mine already milled. :D


I will too, but that mill was cool to watch in action at the show wasn't it?

I snagged a small piece of Mesquite for a sign someday....sounds like you guys had fun!

Terry Hatfield
02-16-2004, 8:30 AM

Jack, Scott and I always have fun when we are together but watching the Logosol guy was the highlight of the weekend. :D


Jack Diemer
02-16-2004, 8:38 AM
It wore me out watching him.

He was definately the hardest working person at the show.

Scott Coffelt
02-16-2004, 2:33 PM
He threw everything he had at it including a floor truck (lift or whatever they are called). I kept laughing when he said, ummm I don't like that and I think I got an idea.... the final one was you wouldn't want to do this by yourself (of course we're all in the audience saying, the same thing about 5 minutes into the job). oh yeah, and the I might need 8-10 folks from the audience in a minute. :D

Once thinhg I can see is it was one packed show this year and much bigger then normal. I was surprised to see festool had an actual booth. I was very impressed by the circular saw, but not so much with the Jig saw. Just me and my opinions though.

John Shuk
02-16-2004, 9:00 PM
If that is the same guy who was at the Somerset show he is one funny SOB. Again he was moving some big wood quatersawed a HUGE Red Oak. That guy looks like he knows his way around a tree and doesn't lose the fight much.