View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments....Thanksgiving Version

Dennis Peacock
11-26-2007, 9:03 AM
Good Morning
26 Nov 2007

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you and I sure hope this finds each of you doing well as well as your families.

No woodworking for me as we've been in Alabama territory visiting my family and had a nice visit with my folks. Since both sets of grandparents are no longer with us, we try to make the best of the yearly family visits. Getting old isn't any fun but learning how to get old "gracefully" is yet another one of lifes long lessons to be learned.

Any way, back to the normal grind this week and I've got to get started on two more projects - a Black Walnut kitchen table and the LOML Jr wants a Hope Chest to store her "stuff" in for her own home one day. I figure since she's 16 years old, she should know when she needs a hope chest and now is as good of a time as any. We will build it together and I'm sure I'll cherrish the time we have together on her own little project.

I hope all of you had a nice Thanksgiving Holiday and shared with with family and friends. There's nothing more important that "people". I believe that now more than ever.

So what did YOU do this holiday weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Nancy Laird
11-26-2007, 9:18 AM
Just same stuff, different days. Spent 2-1/2 full days in the laser shop and turned out 14 paying jobs, plus did some Christmas projects for self. Thanksgiving was quiet with dinner out. We got about 1" of snow here on Thanksgiving night, then frost which made all of our trees dump their leaves--so we have a lovely blanket of dead leaves all over the yard. Where is my yard man???? Had to fire my cleaning crew for failure to show up or even call on Friday, so I'm searching for someone else.

Back to the day job today and delivery of those paying jobs (and picking up money??) and getting more jobs. Gotta keep the money rolling into the coffers.

Have a good week, everyone.

Nancy (25 days)

Jim Becker
11-26-2007, 9:19 AM
I spent most of the weekend coughing and hacking, but did get some shop time in to complete all the build work for the linen cabinet (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=66891&page=2) that will be going in the master bath of the addition. With any luck, I'll have my voice fully back before tomorrow morning when I have to teach a bunch of new-hires about IP telephony and other exciting subjects.

The Thanksgiving holiday was a nice break from the rat-race, more or less, despite my feeling poorly physically. The 22nd was the two year anniversary of our adoptions (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=69629) for one thing and it was nice to be able to stay home for a few days given all the business travel I've been doing this year. (which will continue next year, too) This weekend was also special in that a close friend flew off the Kyrgyzstan to bring her new daughter Nola home for good...the culmination of yet another long family-building journey. Much to be thankful for!

Tom Henry
11-26-2007, 9:25 AM
Thursday ate to my limit! Friday bought a 47" 1080p! Saturday hooked up and enjoyed the 47". Sunday yard work for leaf pickup...and enjoyed the 47"...:D

Gary Keedwell
11-26-2007, 9:36 AM
Not much shop time but did finish my end grain cutting board. Purpleheart and maple checkerboard-type. LOML loves it. (or so she says;) ). We had a relaxing long week-end. WE finished up our 1st jig saw puzzle together. Didn't think I would like to do something like that, but it was fun.( can you tell that were "empty-nesters?") Watched my team win a sqeaker last nite for their 11th straight win. Go Pats!!!!;)

Matt Meiser
11-26-2007, 9:38 AM
LOML Jr spent a few nights at my parents' this weekend so Thursday morning I spent a couple hours in the shop working on an easel for her. Mostly I just have to build the boxes to hold the art supplies on each side left. The rest of the day was spent at my parents' and then LOML's mom's for turkey dinners and family visiting. Friday both families came to our house for brunch and visiting. Then on Saturday we moved my youngest brother into an apartment in the next county over since he is joining the real world after 8 years of college, 2 bachelors degrees, and part of a masters in between. Yesterday was more family visiting, then in the evening a couple guys from my club came over and we spent a couple hours cutting out somewhere around 40 stair saw blades for an upcoming meeting with my plasma cutter. We even did a little woodworking to make templates to cut some slots for the bolts in the blades. The heat of the plasma cutter is so isolated that plywood templates made short work.

Don Bullock
11-26-2007, 9:39 AM
Good morning Dennis. I'm glad that you got some time with your family this holiday season.

My holiday started Wednesday. For some reason the school district decided the start Thanksgiving Break one day early. The LOML and I spent it shopping. The stores we were in had already started their "mark downs" for Black Friday.

Thursday was spent with family. No one cooks so we met at a restaurant that has fantastic food. Yes, there was no clean up either. The only downside is no leftovers. Since I'm trying to maintain my weight loss, that's better for me.

Friday, yes the big shopping day, I spent all day in the shop. A friend wanted a sign with her horse's name for his barn stall. I also made another sign for a friend. Both will be Christmas presents.

On Saturday the LOML wanted to do some more shopping. I asked her if we could stop at Rockler on the way. She ended up buying me a Jet DC for the shop. See: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=69842

On Sunday I was back in the shop. After I put the DC together I wanted to "test" it on my machines. In my "wood pile" I had a piece of Myrlte Wood that I had bought years ago while traveling on the Oregon Coast. It was rough on all four sides so I ran it through the planer. Wow, I couldn't believe what a great piece of wood I bought. The grain was better than I thought. Next I jointed one edge, cut the board in half for a table top and finished up the job by ripping the boards to size on the table saw. The rest of the day I spent doing some design wirk for the table I'd like to use the top on. Yes, the DC system passed the "test" on all my machines and the LOML is happy that all the dust and shavings ended up in a bag, not in the house. I had a blast!

Karl Laustrup
11-26-2007, 10:49 AM
Morning Dennis.

Whew!!! It was a hectic four days, but worth every minute. We had 13 for turkey with all the fixin's. 2 pumpkin pies, and apple and a cherry for dessert. Alas, the turkey is all gone. Sandwiches up until Saturday night when the last of it was consumed.

I did manage to get into the shop and clean up a wee bit in preparation for a new toyl. Went to Spring's house Saturday and we trucked off to Madtown to pick up the toyl. Spring will be delivering it later this week.

I also got to work on a shelf for the GD's bedroom as well as the china cabinet refinish. Hopefully, those two will be done soon.

Busy week this week running my mom all around while her car is repaired. She had a fender bender last week. Pretty minor damage, airbags didn't even deploy, but it being only her second accident in her 85 years, left her a little shook.

Have a good week everyone.


Ken Fitzgerald
11-26-2007, 10:56 AM
4 day weekend for us. I managed to work 3 of them. Yesterday I got the last outlets wired in the shop and cleaned the gutters out on the house and the shop anticipating the rain that's supposed to come through today. Temps tonight and for the last couple of days in the 20's.

11-26-2007, 11:15 AM
After three days and lots of eating at my parents house, I got a few hours of shop time on Sunday. I was able to dry fit the main structure for the garden bench I'm building. Another couple hours and joinery will be done and on to shaping.

Jim O'Dell
11-26-2007, 11:22 AM
Trip to Oklahoma and back On T-Day. Worked Friday 7 to 6. Slept in Sat am, helped LOML around the house some, then too cold to do much in an unheated shop Sat and Sun. Did work enough on the TS O/H dust pick up counter-balance to get it functional. Then watched a lot of football, and played on the computer way too much. :rolleyes: Lots of good games this weekend, college and pro. Jim.

Tyler Howell
11-26-2007, 12:05 PM
Great Turkey Day.
I was an orphan and thought I may have to go door to door begging for dressing and gravey. A good friend shared her home and family, with wonderful food and conversation.
Working on the punch list and cleaning up a few projects.
Have a safe week.

Gary McKown
11-26-2007, 2:00 PM
Put another couple coats of BLO on the two Keepsake boxes meant for presents, made of cherry with that Eagle boxside bit - looks pretty much like the catalog photo. Made a taper jig for the TS, this one a sled variety with hold-downs, rather than the angle thingy that scares me when working slender legs. Planned out and started a 3-tray storage unit for LOML's vast collection (+/- 150 spools) of sewing thread.

Watched the MOUNTAINEERS down UCONN, oh how sweet it is! First time in a long time they haven't tended to fall apart when on national TV. One more game and then...? As we used to say, BEAT the SPIT out of PITT!

Randy Denby
11-26-2007, 2:31 PM
Boy...did I have a busy week and weekend. Drove to Chicago from Texas to deliver a wine cabinet I built for my daughter and finally got to meet my new 6 wk old grandson....What a thanksgiving! But, then drove another 1000 miles home and began the long process of moving. We sold our house and have to out by dec 3rd. I dont understand how I had so much stuff in my 15x30 shop ! I'm hoping the 30x50 will be big enough :)Will rent while building our new shop and home....cant wait!

Oh..BTW, we stopped in Springfield Missouri to shop at the Grizzly outlet. Brought home a new oscilating spindle sander .

Zahid Naqvi
11-26-2007, 8:57 PM
Despite this being a 4 day weekend for me didn't get any exended shop time. Thursday and Friday were time spent with family and kids. On Saturday went on a 47 mile bicycle ride with a group of guys, and spent the rest of the day recuperating. Got some shop time on Sunday, which was spent rehabbing a few wooden molding planes. Took the first shavings from a pair of matching hollow and round, very addicting :D