View Full Version : Doorstep find

Bob Noles
11-23-2007, 4:33 PM
About a week ago I ordered myself a gift for giving up my cigarette habit of 40+ years. Been quit about 2 months and thought I was entitled to something special.

Well, I found it today on my doorstep :D

Roy Hatch
11-23-2007, 5:23 PM
Bob, You are to be congratulated, as for some, giving up tobacco is near the ultimate sacrifice. I think that plane is something you will treasure for years, while the ashes of the cigarettes are in the trash.

Now I need to figure what I have saved by quitting 35 years ago.


mike holden
11-23-2007, 7:55 PM
Great Job on the quitting!

You deserve that plane and then some.

Let us know how well it works.


Jerry Olexa
11-24-2007, 10:24 AM
Congrats!!! You deserve it! Good decision...

Marcus Ward
11-24-2007, 10:52 AM
Awesome decision! This april will be 11 years for me. If you do like I do, you will reward yourself frequently for kicking the habit. Congratulations.

Doug Shepard
11-24-2007, 10:56 AM
Awesome. I'd say you deserve at least TWO planes for that.

skip coyne
11-24-2007, 10:58 AM
when I quit smoking , ( 26 years ago ) after the first 30 days I took half the money I would have spent on cigarettes during that time and went to a woodworking store and bought tools .

congratulations joining the ranks of former smokers

Heather Thompson
11-24-2007, 11:03 AM
Congrats, I have never smoked but I do know how hard addictions can be, we will not go into that. Keep up the good work and make a personal stash fund of the money you used to spend on cigarettes, bet you have lots of nice tools and such that you will be able to enjoy for years to come. :)


Bob Noles
11-24-2007, 11:15 AM
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I can honestly say that I feel better without that habit.

From now on, smoking is in the past and planes are in the future :D

Eric Sabo
11-24-2007, 4:39 PM
Congratulations on quitting! Definitely a decent reward, though not quite as big as you deserve for an accomplishment.

Please post a review of it once it gets some use - I am seriously considering buying that plane instead of trying to find a #78 then another to cut grooves.

Dave McGeehan
11-24-2007, 5:12 PM
Congrats, Bob. When I successfully quit 24 years ago (after failing many, many times), I needed something to keep my mind off it so I decided to take up woodworking. Two of the best decisions I ever made. Both decisions are still paying dividends greater than money. One piece of advice: don't let your guard down. One puff and it starts all over again.


Bob Oehler
11-24-2007, 6:19 PM
Great job on quitting and way to go. Now you will feel so much better when pushing you planes.

I have had my eye on that plane since they started advertising for it's relase in october. Keep us informed as to how you like it.

Again Congrads on quitting the habbit.

Bob Oehler

Jim Becker
11-24-2007, 6:46 PM
Woah....TWO gloats! And both of them are excellent. Yet, the quiting smoking is the important one by far... ;) Congratulations!

Don C Peterson
11-26-2007, 10:52 AM
OK, I'll plead ignorance. What plane is that? The handle looks like a Veritas/LV but I can't find a plough plane in their bag of tricks...

Don C Peterson
11-26-2007, 2:48 PM
Thanks to Jr. for steering me to the right place. If there were any others who were a bit confused, it is a LV plough plane. It just isn't listed with their other planes... You have to go to the "What's New" section. Anyway, nice plane. Here's the link:

gary Zimmel
11-26-2007, 3:01 PM

Congrads on the quiting smoking.
And also , nice find on the steps.....

Dan Carroll
11-26-2007, 3:34 PM
Many years ago in the course of my legal career I had to deal with heroin addicts that were in recovery. Many of them had been clean for years and almost all of them smoked tobacco. When I asked why, if they could kick heroin, why they still smoked, to a man they said that tobacco was a harder addiction to kick. Congrats on stopping smoking. Best to you.

Bob Noles
11-26-2007, 6:09 PM
Oh man, I'm sorry guys. I guess I just assumed that most everyone in the hand tool forum had seen a plough plane before. You know what they say about ass-u-me and that was error on my part. My appoligies for not giving more detail in my OP.

As far as quiting goes, it really was not that difficult once I set my mind to it. Not going to say there were not a few bumps along the way, but you just deal with each of them on a one to one basis and keep counting the days. I used the patch to help me through the hard part.

Thanks for all the comments, support and compliments on the plough plane.

Don C Peterson
11-26-2007, 6:16 PM
I knew it was a plough plane, I just didn't know that LV was making them. When I looked at the "Planes" section of their website I couldn't find it, that prompted my question because it certainly has that LV look.

I've been looking for a decent plough plane, but it seems that they are either really expensive or in questionable shape. That one may just allow me to put the dado blade on my tablesaw into semi-retirement...

Brian Kent
11-26-2007, 9:09 PM
In the Lee Valley website, it isn't a plough plane. It's a "plow plane":D

Try that on their search button.