View Full Version : Apothecary Jar

Mike A. Smith
11-22-2007, 10:07 AM
At least that's what LOML called it. Black Cherry, approx 5x4.

(See pics in thread below!):o

Nancy Laird
11-22-2007, 10:09 AM
Uh, hey Mike...did you forget something??

Nancy (29 days)

Rich Stewart
11-22-2007, 12:11 PM
Absolutely beautiful. I'm speechless.

Andy Hoyt
11-22-2007, 12:20 PM
Dang walls are so thin it's transparent!

Mike A. Smith
11-22-2007, 12:51 PM
Gosh, you folks are picky! OK, OK, here's some pics with better white balance.

Steve Retherford
11-22-2007, 12:54 PM
That's sharp, I like it.

Nancy Laird
11-22-2007, 1:09 PM
Mike, snowmen in a snowstorm don't show up well!!

Nice jar!!

Nancy (29 days)

robert hainstock
11-22-2007, 1:58 PM
very nice, you have a great eye for a form and for the finish.:cool:

Bernie Weishapl
11-22-2007, 2:59 PM
Great looking piece Mike. Well done.

Steve Schlumpf
11-22-2007, 5:01 PM
Nice looking jar Mike! Given a little time - that cherry is going to change color and become just beautiful! Nice work!

Dean Thomas
11-22-2007, 6:35 PM
Given a little time - that cherry is going to change color and become just beautiful!
Or even MORE beautiful (which I'm sure is exactly what Steve meant.

That's the one thing about cherry that I both love and hate. The grain and contrast on this piece is so nice. The freshness of this particular piece of cherry is just MAHvelous. I know it'll be a different shade of MAHvelous when UV does its thing, no matter how you try to avoid it.

Nice shape, love the lid. :) LOVE the wide, wide look of the grain. Because it's only 5x4, I'm sure that the width is exaggerated some, but still a great look.

Very nice piece.

Tom Sherman
11-22-2007, 10:32 PM
That's very cool Jar Mike.

Christopher K. Hartley
11-23-2007, 8:39 AM
Good going there Mike. I think you did a nice job.:)

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
11-24-2007, 1:25 PM
Nice looking jar, Mike. Geez, but I wish I had the skill to make something like that.

As I think about it, though, I feel I'm better off with my little Wilton until I can keep the outside of goblets larger than the inside... :)

Gary DeWitt
11-24-2007, 3:16 PM
Really nice shape. I especially like that you put the "tennon" on the lid, instead of on the jar. This way, the jar looks uncluttered when it's open.