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Jim Becker
11-22-2007, 8:40 AM
Two. A seemingly small number but a significant one for us on 22 November 2007, Thanksgiving Day in the US, because two years ago to the day, we appeared in court in Tyumen, Russia to complete the adoption of our beautiful daughters. We went from a family of two humans and two birds to, well...a family with two birds and two kids.

These two years have gone quickly but were packed full with a lot of “firsts”, a lot of wonderful things and, because we prefer to be up front and honest, a number of challenges, too. We had some great family vacations to Maine, Florida and Canada where the girls first experienced the ocean, Disney World and very long car rides. We had wonderful teachers in school who care so much and have helped our girls reach success in so many ways. We also committed to a major home addition that is soon to provide us with the space and amenities that a growing family needs to coexist comfortably with each other. (Yes, more bathrooms!)

Our girls are speaking and reading English so much better than even just six months ago. As mentioned in previous posts, Alesya is in our local elementary school and really doing well in 3rd grade with almost no special supports. Nastia is working hard and with additional support from the school, starting to get a handle on more and more of the material in 6th grade...a tough year in our school district for anyone. Both girls have grown a lot physically in the last year and are turning into some of the cutest young ladies in the land. What’s not to like about that? (At least until the boys start to come calling...)

It wouldn’t be fair to forget about the parents in this discussion. Having two children in any two-career family is always a challenge, but the unique and extra needs that two adopted school aged kids present adds to the “fun”. We are having an easier time around being able to do some of the things we both enjoy doing independently as there no longer is a need for constant supervision. But we still are not to the point that we can leave the kids on any regular basis for adults-only nights out, etc. We have done so a few times, however, and hopefully more opportunities to get out will present to us. My business travel really kicked up this year and that always adds to the stress when one parent has to deal with everything from dawn to bedtime, especially when there are things like therapy and doctor appointments as well as extra curricular activities.

But you know what? It’s been wonderful. No matter how trying things can get sometimes, when you look into the eyes of these kids or look at them when they are peacefully asleep, you can’t help but know that everything is absolutely worth whatever it’s taken so far and will take into the future. Contemplating what their future, or lack thereof, might have been had we not met them on the 2nd of July back in 2005 and brought them home for good on the 26th of November of the same year, is a scary thing. Unquestionably, they might have been better off if they had had a stable family life in their country of origin, but they didn’t have that. Had they stayed in the Internat until they aged out at between 16 and 18 years old, there would have been a high probability that their lives would have been at best marginal and at worse, lost entirely. For these girls, however, they now have possibilities they likely would not have had otherwise. And hopefully, they are learning how to break the cycle that they were mixed up in before we met them so they can start strong families of their own someday.

Two years. Wow. It seems like only yesterday that we were on the road from the Internat to the city of Tyumen with both girls along for the ride. Heck, it seems like only yesterday that we were ushered into a small office at Cradle of Hope in Silver Spring MD to meet these girls for the very first time. Remember that?


And just before we left Moscow to come home...


A year ago in Philadelphia at Independence Mall...


And today...well, you be the judge...


Ok, we were having a little fun. We really are a somewhat normal family “sometimes”!

Two is a big number, indeed! And we have a lot to be thankful for on this US Thanksgiving Holiday.

Mike Cutler
11-22-2007, 9:06 AM
Ok, we were having a little fun. We really are a somewhat normal family “sometimes”!

Any family can be "normal" Jim, not all have fun. I'll take fun over normal anyday.
They've come a long way. You've all come a long way.
Many blessings for the future.

Bryan Berguson
11-22-2007, 9:16 AM

That's a great story and very appropriate for Thanksgiving Day! Thanks for sharing it with us. Myself being adopted by two wonderful parents, I know how lucky your girls are to have been adopted into a family that is going to love and support them. They may not fully understand now, but they will. It sounds like your family is a truly blessed one.


Eddie Watkins
11-22-2007, 9:26 AM
Looks like a party waiting to happen. THese are the good years, enjoy these times because they pass so fast!!

Just a thought. I'm quoting somebody but I don't know who,
A son is a son until he takes a wife,
a daughter is a daughter for the rest of her life!


Jim O'Dell
11-22-2007, 9:32 AM
Great update, Jim. Here's hoping for many more wonderful anniversary updates! Jim.

Bob Childress
11-22-2007, 9:35 AM
Well I must say that brought a smile to my face and a feel-good to the rest of me. Thanks, Jim and have a great Thanksgiving!

Tom Hamilton
11-22-2007, 9:41 AM
Jim and Family: Thanks for the update! You are on a wonderful journey and before you can blink you will be 22 years into the adventure and entertaining their families for Thanksgiving.


Tom, in Houston with four granddaughters and a grandson on the way!

Tony De Masi
11-22-2007, 10:01 AM

Thanksgiving had been one of my favorite Holidays but now that my parents are gone and the rest of my family lives so far away it's not usually a very upbeat day for me.

But you brought a very big smile to my face this morning and I thank you for that.

Many years of good memories and joy to your family.


Ken Fitzgerald
11-22-2007, 10:28 AM
Let's see if I got this "New Math" right......2 + 2 = 4 = 1

2 adults + 2 kids = 4 people sharing their lives together = 1 Happy Family

Gee...........I think I'm starting understand this stuff!:D

Congrats Jim and family!:)

Seems like yesterday you were making that trip!

Matt Meiser
11-22-2007, 10:33 AM
Congratulations to the Beckers. Time sure flys, doesn't it?

Steve Schlumpf
11-22-2007, 11:23 AM
Thanks for the update Jim! Always great to hear about you and your lovely family! Happy Thanksgiving!

Kevin L. Pauba
11-22-2007, 11:26 AM
How wonderful. Hey, your family and mine share an adoption day! Four years ago we adopted our foster child that was three years old back then. Even though my wife and I have four great maternal children, having a young one around again sure colors our lives.

God bless your family, Jim.

Gary Keedwell
11-22-2007, 12:01 PM
Great post, Jim.

Wishing you and family a great Thanksgiving.


Jim Becker
11-22-2007, 12:26 PM
Thanks, folks. "Updates" are always available in the BLOG... http://a-j-adopt.blogspot.com

John Schreiber
11-22-2007, 1:32 PM
Congratulations to you and Dr. Swmbo and your kids. Nothing is better than children. Of course, sometimes nothing is worse than children, but they really make life worth while.

Andy Hoyt
11-22-2007, 2:34 PM
Way to go Beckers!

Seems that those two have been doing a whole bunch of Creeker Visits in the last two years. Post 'em if you got 'em :D


glenn bradley
11-22-2007, 2:36 PM

I am amazingly happy for you all. May you have a wonderful holiday season.

Karl Laustrup
11-22-2007, 4:37 PM
Fantastic Jim.

And spoken from the heart of a "Dad" who is proud of his "Girls" and what's been accomplished in two years. As well you should be.

I'm so happy for Dr. SWMBO and you and those two wonderful girls that have brought you such happiness.

A family.

That has such a nice sound.

As you get ready to move into your expanded house, remember that a house is just that. It takes a family to make a home.


Martin Shupe
11-22-2007, 5:24 PM

Congratulations to you, Dr. SWMBO, and the young ladies.

You have all worked hard to make a charming family, and the girls will, no doubt, appreciate all you have done for them in saving them from the orphanage.

I have no doubt that under your leadership, they will become strong, productive citizens of this great country.

You have done good!

Joe Mioux
11-22-2007, 8:37 PM
"Kids Happen!"

its all good

jim, you and alison, have brought lots of smiles with your sojourn in parenthood.

today we had thanksgiving with my sister. we had the Finns(true blue Irish, a green, their dad is from Ireland) and the Berry clan against the Mioux's in touch football. I think there are a few pics. hopefully pics will pop up here.

Loads of fun, it's hard not to talk about the kids on a day like this.

Hope you and everyone here at SMC-world had a wonderful day.


Jack Camillo
11-22-2007, 11:21 PM
Pozdravlyayu, Jim. (Ask the girls to read this if you can't). V pervoj kartine, kto ehto zhenshina s ochkami? Ya dumayu chto ee znayu. Ehto v Rossii? Ee zovut Olga? Mozhet byt' tolko pokhozha kak odna zhenshina kotoruyu ya znayu. Spasibo.

Joe Unni
11-23-2007, 9:03 AM
Ken said - 2 + 2 = 4 = 1

This really says it for me! I sit here on the "day after"...four year old watching Dora, seven year old up in Maine with her cousin enjoying a surpize two-day sleepover, and swmbo upstairs still resting from a long Holiday...a little quiet time re-reading your post.

Thank you for reminding me to be thankful. Sometimes life just gets so hectic and hurried that I forget how truly lucky I am.

Jim, you've gone from an instant family unit two years ago to a family!

Salut a tuti famiglia!


Jim Becker
11-23-2007, 10:22 AM
Pozdravlyayu, Jim. (Ask the girls to read this if you can't). V pervoj kartine, kto ehto zhenshina s ochkami? Ya dumayu chto ee znayu. Ehto v Rossii? Ee zovut Olga? Mozhet byt' tolko pokhozha kak odna zhenshina kotoruyu ya znayu. Spasibo.

Thanks, Jack, but neither girl would understand that any more even if it were in Cyrillic. Over two years, the younger retained zero Russian and the older, well...only the swear words... :)

Jack Camillo
11-23-2007, 1:20 PM
Jim, sent you a pm

Jerry Olexa
11-24-2007, 9:55 PM
Congratulations, Jim to you and your growing family...Thanks for the update. You both should be very proud of what you have accomplished the past two years. And its a priceless thing no $ could replace..Enjoy each other. Best holiday wishes to you all.

Dave Ray
11-24-2007, 10:20 PM
Jim your update made me smile and remember your emails from two years ago. Congrats to you and your family. Looking forward to many more updates. Happy Thanksgiving.

Art Mulder
11-24-2007, 10:36 PM
Congratulations, Jim. time flies...

I tried to make you an avatar out of that last photo, but just couldn't capture your crazy face in a 50x50 snippet... :rolleyes:

nic obie
11-25-2007, 7:29 PM
Way to go Dad.

U might be kinda funny, but what Dad isn't.

Tyler Howell
11-26-2007, 8:59 AM
Congrats to you all. What a wonderful gift children are. They have been my best teachers.