View Full Version : First Project **PICS**

Mark Stutz
02-14-2004, 1:24 AM
I have been around a few months, but haven't posted a whole lot. I'm pretty new to both computers and woodworking. Found another unnamed, anonymous forum, but didn't like the personal attacks, so this is my online home now. Was not able to post pics before , no matter what I tried. Since this is such a visual bunch I didn't jump right in. I finally have my own computer--faster, and new OS. So.......

I've been tool coll-, er, woodworking for about 6 or 7 years, with a 3 year hiatus. Selling a house, storing the shop, setting up again, flooded out... but that's too long a story. This was my very first real project. I designed this computer desk for my son, to fit into a narrow alcove. I'm posting this to show all the new mwmbers that we are not all incredible craftsmen. I'm thinking about recent posts-- terry's EC and table, CD cabinets, quilt racks, etc.

All in all I was elated that I could actually build something "from scratch". I was also so frustrated that I swore I would never build furniture again. Why? I didn't have wonderful teachers like all of you. At the time I had a table saw, router, brand new benchtop planer. Note--no jointer. What a stuggle. Construction was frame and panel, using mortice and tenons. Mortices were drilled out and cleaned up with my brand new, RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX MARPLES, using a RUBBER MALLET. I had no idea they needed to be sharpened. I didn't know what honing meant. I had no clue about rotary cut or flat cut plywood. I attempted to clean up the edge banding with my BRAND NEW Record #4 bench plane, (remember I had no sharpening stuff, or even knew it was needed) because I vaguely had an idea that's what I should do. Why would I want one of those itty-bitty toy planes-- a block plane. All of this done in my 40 degree garage. I could go on but I'm sure you get the picture.

After being around here and learning soooo much, I'm about ready to take the furniture plunge, again. Probably with a sofa table. Now I'm rambling....but thank you all for being such a wonderful resource.

Adan Madrid
02-14-2004, 1:53 AM

Welcome to SMC! Nice desk :D This is a great group. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to more of your work.

Lars Thomas
02-14-2004, 1:57 AM
Good looking desk and Welcome to the creek. Lars

Kirk (KC) Constable
02-14-2004, 7:49 AM
Congratulations...nothing wrong with that desk at all! How do you get along with the keyboard slide? Is is steady enough?


PS...I used my Marples right outta the box because they didn't need honing.

Mark Hulette
02-14-2004, 7:58 AM
Very nice work and way to 'keep on' even with some adversity. Thanks for sharing your project, you should be proud since it's the only one like it anywhere! Just one word about sharpening that's fairly inexpensive and very effective: "Scary Sharp". Oops, guess that's two. :)

Todd Burch
02-14-2004, 8:10 AM
Good looking project Mark! I like the color - what stain is that? Got a lot of CDs?!

Tyler Howell
02-14-2004, 8:31 AM
You call that WW? And this bunch of loud Mo..... Oh! Sorry! Thought I was on Some Anonymous Un-named Forum.:D

Welcome Mark where the Soggy Bottom Boys and Girls Hang out! Watch out for chafing. I don’t have to tell you what a great supportive place this is.

You have a new home and your computer has one as well. Nice first posted project. Keep them coming.

Had a great long distance romance going down in St Louis a few......! Sorry! Wrong Forum again.:o

Chris Oakley
02-14-2004, 8:59 AM
That looks great Mark.

Waymon Campbell
02-14-2004, 9:04 AM
Mark - Welcome to the 'Creek. That desk looks great.


Mark Singer
02-14-2004, 9:17 AM
Mark welcome!
Tyler kinda took the words out of my mouth ....again. Enjoy you stay...we talk about WW , weather and dogs ...pull up a cup of coffee

Tyler Howell
02-14-2004, 9:22 AM
Sorrrrrry Mark,
Your Mouth was open! I saw them sitting there, Why not take them out?

Dan McGuire
02-14-2004, 9:26 AM

Welcome to the forum from a former St. Louis-ian (born and raised) left town when I joined Uncle Sams Misguided Childern, went to school and found a real job. still go back visit quite often though. That computer desk is something to be proud of. I too have learned much from this forum, the best thing I have discovered..There is more than one way to skin a cat. I am still very much a novice, but gather ideas and inspiration from what I see and read on this forum. I have little to add, but have learned much

Ken Fitzgerald
02-14-2004, 9:32 AM
Welcome Mark to SMC. Like you I cruised the net and ended up settling here. Lots of WW info, opinions and good conversation. I would advise you pad the floor around your computer. Some of these guys here will put you on it but it's always "ROTFLMAO" ....done in good taste with no harm meant! Again welcome.

Jim Becker
02-14-2004, 9:47 AM
Mark, I think you did a wonderful job on this project! Be proud!! And you are not alone in the learning department...a great many of us have been learning as we go, especially with the wonderful input available online at places like SMC. Be sure to post more pics of your projects as they come along!

Mark Stutz
02-14-2004, 9:55 AM
Thanks for all the kind words. The desk is still in service after 5+ years, and still very solid, so I am happy about that. It's amazing, given the way those mortices looked.

KC The slide hardware is from Rockler and is very steady. now rocking or vibration when you type.

Todd The stain is a mixture of several Minwax stains, attempting to match the color of the existing furniture in the room. Finish is 3 coats of brushed on poly.

Ken Already have been ROTFLAMO many times.


Bob Lasley
02-14-2004, 10:10 AM

We're glad to have you here. Very nice job on the computer desk.


Jason Tuinstra
02-14-2004, 12:21 PM
Mark, welcome to the forum. Very nice desk. Looks like you have lots of room for the inevitable clutter that accompanies computing. Way to go. Keep up the good work and keep those pictures coming.


Byron Trantham
02-14-2004, 12:49 PM
Mark, if this is your first project, I can't wait to see what you come up with next! :D

Joe Bourbois
02-14-2004, 1:33 PM
Nice job Mark! Love the finish job you did. I'm always too chicken to mix my stains.

Jim Stastny
02-14-2004, 10:55 PM
Great job. Keep up the good work. The more you build the better you'll get. From the looks of your start I'm betting you'll really do well. I must commend you on stepping out and designing something to fit your needs, rather than going with someone elses plans.

John Miliunas
02-14-2004, 11:23 PM
Mark, glad you decided to make the Creek your online home! You're right, there are a great bunch of folks out here and they're friendly, to boot!

Nice job on the desk! Sounds to me that you were daring, courageous and adventurous in your approach to it. Lots of obstacles there, but looks to me like you met the challenges and beat all of them. Way to go! Keep at it...We're all in a state of learning around here! :cool: