View Full Version : Back again finally

Brian McInturff
11-19-2007, 8:06 PM
Been away for the better part of about 5-6 months.Seems when it rains it pours. Wife in and out of the Hospital, blew out another disk in my neck(trying to avoid surgery), and lost my 220 power to the shop when the H/A guys trashed my air unit. Hopefully I will get power back this weekend. I had 2 disconnects on the same 220 line, one to the air unit and the other to the shop. They literally blew up my disconnect by accidentally touching the screwdriver to the metal box while they were taking a lead loose. Yeah, I know, why didn't they trip the breaker first. Well, this happened at the latter part of May and it took them until the first of September to finally get my air working properly. Of course they got a bad letter to the BBB from me but little else I can do. So no shop time for me all summer, was too hot anyway. Plus wife has had 5 surgeries this past summer and goes in again Wednesday for yet another one. And to beat all I herniated another disk in the neck, the one above the 4 that are already fused. But, I'm determined to do some turning for the holidays. I walk out to the shop, see my lathe and all the tools and I just feel sick not being able to use them. Sorry for all the rambling but just thought I'd let everyone know that I'm still alive and kicking and am back.

Steve Schlumpf
11-19-2007, 8:25 PM
Brian - Welcome Back to the Creek!!!

I hope that your wife is doing much better and that you have a chance to relax a little and start enjoying life again! I hope the surgery goes well this coming Wednesday! Our prayers will be with you!

Hope in a short while you will be able to get back to the lathe! My heart goes out to both you and your wife... I look forward to seeing the results of you getting back on the lathe!

Alex Elias
11-19-2007, 11:32 PM
I'm sorry to hear what happened to you lately. Hopefully everything turn out well for you and your wife. That is the most important thing now. Once you get over that the 220 is a piece of cake.
Welcome back and I wish you a great thanksgiving day with your love ones.

John Hart
11-20-2007, 6:17 AM
I'm just now getting back too Brian....nearly a year of problem-laced hiatus. Nice to be back...although it is a tad addicting. :o

Allen Schmid
11-20-2007, 7:26 AM
Trying times, I am sure. Hope all turns out well for both you and your wife. Obstacles to overcome, things you would not wish on anyone. Keep your spirits up, also sending along a wish for a quick recovery.

Bernie Weishapl
11-20-2007, 8:40 AM
Welcome back Brian. Best wish for both of you for a speedy recovery.

11-20-2007, 10:15 AM
Welcome back. Speedy recovery to you both!!!! Prayers being sent if that's okay with you

Brian McInturff
11-20-2007, 5:55 PM
Thanks Guys. All of you guys are great. I need to go out to the shop and at least post a pic of my lathe and I for the other posting. Thanks for the prayers too. Doc called today and wants to see me next week about something he saw in the last MRI. Hopefully a quick fix was just invented. I do try and keep an upbeat outlook though. Things could always be worse. Hopefully the wife's surgery goes well tomorrow and I can bring her home. If so then the next thing is to try and tackle the electrical. Any of you guys an electrician? I've got a couple questions I need to ask but probably best by pm for those.I've got lots of old postings to catch up on reading. I see lots of new names so looks like we got lots of new members since I was last here. I see all my favorite buddies are still here too. I'm really glad about that!
Tyler - prayers are always welcome bud.
John - I never even got a chance to turn all those blanks I got from you. I gotta get on them soon
Bernie, Steve, Allen, Alex - thanks for the thoughts.
