View Full Version : Saw gloat and rust removal discovery!

James Suzda
11-18-2007, 10:05 PM
I think there was a thread in this forum on how to remove rust from cast iron tools. First of all I want to gloat a little by showing the saw with a slider that I bought yesterday. I will not tell you what I paid for it because you would accuse me of taking advantage , or stealing the saw from the woman who sold it to me!
Anyway, as you can see the top was pretty rusty and I was presently surprised when I sprayed some Lemon Simple Green full strength on the cast iron and then started to sand the top with my PC 5” orbital sander with just a plain 120 grit multipurpose sanding disk.
It only took me about an hour and 2 120 grit and 1 220 grit, then a final 400 grit disks and a little furniture wax after to remove all the rust! I know many people use WD40 and a scotch pad to remove rust. But auto body shops use soapy water to lubricate the wet/dry sandpaper and I did the same only with Simple Green and it worked like a charm.

Don Bullock
11-18-2007, 10:11 PM
It looks like another Grizzly has been brought back to life. Great job. Congratulations on your steal (pun intended).;):D