View Full Version : Large dovetail joint - how to glue it?

Bryan Berguson
11-17-2007, 5:21 PM
I'm making a blanket chest with dovetail joints on all four corners. 19.5 inches high to be exact. What's the best procedure and glue for a joint this size? Should I put glue on all eight ends first and then put it together or do I do 2 ends at a time and put them together?

As far as the glue is concerned... Wood glue or Gorilla glue? Or something else all together?

Any help would be appreciated.


Wade Lippman
11-17-2007, 6:07 PM
You are asking whether to do it all at once or in stages?
It is much easier to do it all at once. I like to use titebond extended glue; it gives you more time to work with, and is thinner so it fits in the dovetail better, assuming you have them cut closely.

It might seem like a lot to do in 10 minutes, but if you have everything ready to go, it takes much less time than you would expect.

Bryan Berguson
11-17-2007, 7:40 PM
You are asking whether to do it all at once or in stages?

Yes, that is what I was asking. Thanks for answer! That's exactly what I was looking for.


Randy Klein
11-17-2007, 8:24 PM
Plastic resin glue has a long open time as well. I would use that and do it all at once.

Jim Becker
11-17-2007, 8:26 PM
You don't want to use a polyurethane glue (Gorilla or similar) on this kind of thing...no gap-filling properties relative to strength and messy. An extended open time PVA or the plastic resin glue that Randy mentions are good choices.

Bryan Berguson
11-17-2007, 9:51 PM
I like the sounds of using the plastic resin glue for the long open time. My shop is in my basement though, is the smell going to drive everyone out of the house?


Joe Jensen
11-18-2007, 3:04 AM
I speak from experience. DO NOT HAVE THE DOVETAILS FIT TIGHTLY IF YOU USE WATER BASED GLUE. The wood will expand just a little, and you will have a REALLY hard time getting them together. I'd go for resin glue and maybe do a test piece first to know how the joint reacts to the glue...joe

Randy Klein
11-18-2007, 8:19 AM
I speak from experience. DO NOT HAVE THE DOVETAILS FIT TIGHTLY IF YOU USE WATER BASED GLUE. The wood will expand just a little, and you will have a REALLY hard time getting them together. I'd go for resin glue and maybe do a test piece first to know how the joint reacts to the glue...joe

The plastic resin glue I use is water based.