View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
02-13-2004, 8:59 AM
It's FRIDAY!!!

Foremost and most important.......don't forget tomorrow is Valentines Day. I have promised LOML that I would spend the day with her, which is really going out on a limb, because I have no idea what she has planned. Hope to get a little shop time on Sunday as I need to put away the pen turning stuff for a few days and get back to some flat work.

What's going on in your world this weekend?

Have a great weekend all,

Scott Coffelt
02-13-2004, 9:07 AM
Gonna go browsing and maybe some buying.

Todd Burch
02-13-2004, 9:09 AM
Valentines Day? Is that happening again this year? Shoot.

I'll be working on commissions - trying to get caught up. Along with Woodworker's Club of Houston Meeting, dinner Saturday night with a couples group from the neighborhood, and a few other chores.

Keith Starosta
02-13-2004, 9:21 AM
Well, we thought we were going to be able to have our first real night out on the town since the babies were born. Had the sitter(s) lined up, the reservations made, and the expectations set reeeal high! Just got a call from the wife telling me that the sitter backed out. :( :mad:

Oh well....being the industrious guy that I am, I'll come up with something nice for her.

Sunday, I'm hoping to finish tearing out the bench that I built on the back wall of my shop after we moved in, to prepare for the insulation and 1/2" plywood!! :D


Steve Clardy
02-13-2004, 9:33 AM
Meeting some of the guys at Tippins for breakfast in K.C., then off to the woodworking show to check out the goodies. This is a yearly event for me and my friend John. Been doing this for close to 15 years now, since they started the shows in the old Bartle Hall building. Steve

Jim Becker
02-13-2004, 9:59 AM
I plan on spending as much time in the shop as possible this weekend; some rearrangements are in order now that the new cyclone is up and running including turning materials storage, etc. I will likely get some time on the lathe after making it comfortable in it's new, "permanent" home near the DC closet. I also hope to mill up some 8/4 walnut for a new table and cabinet to hold the home theater equipment and flat screen better than the jury-rigged setup that holds them now. Below is a conceptual picture for the table.

Saturday night, as always, will be movie night...Lost in Translation arrived yesterday and is already sitting on top of the DVD player ready to go.

Rob Bourgeois
02-13-2004, 10:03 AM
With 7 weeks to my wifes due date for child #2( a boy), I have to get moving on finishing the Big Girl room for my 2 year old daughter.

Got lots of painting-dresser to paint, trim on the room. Also going to finish cutting out the Teddy Bear Toddler bed. I hate painting....

Only non painting work will be to finish scrollsawing some letters and custom portraits which will provide money for the bandsaw fund.

Dennis Peacock
02-13-2004, 10:15 AM
I'm <b>OnCall</b> this weekend.......

Need I say more........

Already looking forward to MONDAY MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tyler Howell
02-13-2004, 12:00 PM
I'm OnCall this weekend.......

Need I say more........

Already looking forward to MONDAY MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now Dennis if I were next door I could look after your tools while you were on call. Keep them active and dusted off.:rolleyes:

Siding man finishes up today still have kitchen windows to trim out and finish plumbing to do. Busy Busy! Think I'm going to take some time and butcher some boards to settle my nerves after the long week.

Play safe. ;)

Chris Padilla
02-13-2004, 12:08 PM
Hey, wait a minute...don't any of you get Monday off??? I do!!!! :D :D

3-day weekend for me baby!!!!

I am a tad luckier than some of you who married local girls...my wife is from Europe and so I can get away with a tad more than some of you. Heck, she may not even remeber it is Valentine's Day tomorrow but I won't risk it. I bouquet of flowers will get me gara...er, shop time ALL 3-days! :) :)

John Miliunas
02-13-2004, 1:38 PM
Friend from work coming over tomorrow to use my toy band saw (little Craftsman) to cut wine bottle corks. Finish cleaning shop and hope to get some time practicing with the new BS. Need to cut up a couple bowl blanks, too. Sunday, have Dave Richards & his bride stopping out for a visit. Will see if I have some time to finish going through the tapes for the Vacupress. Need to start planning cabs for the bathroom. Have a super weekend, all! :cool:

Michael Ballent
02-13-2004, 2:28 PM
I'm in the same boat :( I have to apply patches to my company's production systems... Get to start at 2pm Saturday and I hope to get out of work by noon Sunday UHG. I love databases :)

Dave Anderson NH
02-13-2004, 3:15 PM
Tomorrow we have our Guild of NH Woodworkers meeting on planers and jointers- their care, use, safety, and maintenence. I'll be out of the house most of the day while SWMBO hosts a good portion of her family for the monthly poker game- it's her turn. The rest of the weekend will be devoted to turning handles for a few scratch awls out of Indian Rosewood, Gabon Ebony and maybe some 200 year old chestnut a friend gave me this week. Then there's the metal work on the blades and the heat treating, and finally assembly. I'm also going to do a couple of prototype cutting gages with a new style fence--- big leaf maple burl with inset brass wear strips and ebony beams.

Other than tool making, I need to finish up some more wall hanging racks for some hand tools. The big question is whether I get everything done or I get sidetracked on some other projects.

Chris Padilla
02-13-2004, 4:30 PM
Chestnut! Gorgeous and rare domestic wood...too bad about the blight that has more or less taken it from us. I do hope it makes a comeback!

Jim Becker
02-13-2004, 4:37 PM
Hey, wait a minute...don't any of you get Monday off???

Many large companies have gone to only having a few fixed holidays and give the remaining days as "floaters" so that folks can observe as best meets their own personal needs and beliefs.

Chris Padilla
02-13-2004, 4:46 PM
No floaters here (gee, that sounds funny). We get 9 paid fixed holidays a year and that is that.

After President's Day, it is a long haul to Memorial Day....

Tyler Howell
02-13-2004, 5:07 PM
Tomorrow we have our Guild of NH Woodworkers meeting on planers and jointers- their care, use, safety, and maintenence. I'll be out of the house most of the day while SWMBO hosts a good portion of her family for the monthly poker game- it's her turn. The rest of the weekend will be devoted to turning handles for a few scratch awls out of Indian Rosewood, Gabon Ebony and maybe some 200 year old chestnut a friend gave me this week. Then there's the metal work on the blades and the heat treating, and finally assembly. I'm also going to do a couple of prototype cutting gages with a new style fence--- big leaf maple burl with inset brass wear strips and ebony beams.

Dave after our exchange on the marking knives and your reference to turning here, I was wondering if you "Turn the Neanderthal way:confused:"

Robert Ducharme
02-13-2004, 7:45 PM
I get to mud the walls of my shop and then start the painting. After that I can set up the DC.

Dan McGuire
02-13-2004, 8:50 PM
My seemingly never ending basement finishing project requires my attention again this weekend. I should be able to finish the sheet rock this weekend and start my most favorite activity of taping and mudding. Lucky for me, my sister and her soon to be husband are driving up for a weekend visit. Unlucky for him, he gets to help hang the last couple of sheets, however he doesn't know it yet though. I think that it more than fare for letting him stay under my roof and possibly partake in my stash of adult beverages. I haven't been able to get any good shop time since this project started. Although, once I get the sheet rock completed I am going to start on a computer desk and some built-in shelves for a closet in the basement. Work before play :mad:

Joe Bourbois
02-13-2004, 10:13 PM
Putting shelves in my son's closet. that's probably all the free time I have as I coach his basketball team and our division playoffs are this weekend.

Kelly C. Hanna
02-14-2004, 12:33 PM
I too am spending the day with my wife and she's in control of what we do. I fear a little shopping and maybe even a chick flic might come into play. Then there's a trip out to eat. Since we just got 3" of snow today (very unusual for Dallas), so we have to make a snowman before leaving for the day's activities.

Tomorrow, is a shop clean-up day in readiness for a door staining and a new cabinet I have to build for a client.

Byron Trantham
02-14-2004, 1:31 PM
Still working on the Kitchen Bookself/Vegetable Bins/Wine Rack. The drawers, drawer face frame and dirt drawers are finished. I need to attach the face frame to the drawers yet. The dirt drawers are done. Here is where we are.

Fred Voorhees
02-14-2004, 10:17 PM
Rigged up the mounting spot for the Oneida cyclone that I purchased from Jim Becker and "dry'fit" it up into place to check out height considerations. Will be picking up some spare fittings and the like from Jim Sun. morn and will be able to do the beginnings of routing the ducting off of the unit. Probably not much as the Daytona 500 will consume much of the day. I am one of those who will have Monday off and will use that day to continue whatever routing that I can do until I recieve the rest of the ducting from Oneida. I do have a few small items to do around the shop that could certainly be accomplished. Nice to have a day off once in a while - though it doesn't pay nearly as well as a days worth of work. :(

Fred Voorhees
02-14-2004, 10:25 PM
My seemingly never ending basement finishing project requires my attention again this weekend. I should be able to finish the sheet rock this weekend and start my most favorite activity of taping and mudding.

Dan, I can sympathize! When I had my detached garage built, I had the masonry contracted out, and had a carpenter build the shell and sheath the building. Besides the roofing and the garage doors, I did everything else and that meant the drywall and taping and spackling. 120 sheets of drywall :eek: I'm not complaining as I did want to experience as many of the facets of building a building as I could and I got a lot of good experience, but man! - I don't think I would do that again! 120 sheets of drywall is A LOT of drywall and don't even ask about all of the spackling and sanding!

Tyler Howell
02-15-2004, 8:23 AM
Fred tell us about the mudding and sanding?:p

Nice looking shop dude! That Garagemahall is dedicate to the creation of saw dust and other manly(womanly too) deads? We are ready four our tour now.
Looking good.

Fred Voorhees
02-15-2004, 6:18 PM
Hey Tyler - it is a garagemahall! It is actually both a two car garage and a wood shop. The shop is on the second floor, but that is a no brainer since it would be hard to park the LOML's truck and my truck on the second floor now wouldn't it?

Great building though. I have never regretted building it. Total footprint, with the camper bay included is thirty by fifty. This picture is actually about eight years or so old. This is the building when it was in its infancy and the new driveway had yet to be laid down as I can see that there was still stone in front of the new concrete apron in front of the building.

As for pictures, well, I don't currently have a digital camera and while I used to own a scanner, I don't currently have one of those either. Both toys are on the planned wish list and just haven't been gotten to yet. You can be assured that when I do get the capability, I will post a tour of the shop. The shops dimensions, due to kneewalls, are roughly 18 1/2' X 36 1/2' with a cieling height of 10 1/2'.

I did poke around the zip disks I have here and did find this OLD pic of the shop. It has gone through a number of changes since this one was taken. This about half of the shop floor space.

Future plans call for carrying the second floor over top of the camper bay for the addition of a dedicated finishing room. That will be the cats meow - damn! And as for the mudding and taping, well, use your imagination. :p Let's just say, it took a loooonnnnnggggg time. And its my garage and shop and I can live with it. ;)

John Miliunas
02-15-2004, 7:43 PM
Fred, nice space but, is that a ceiling fan I see there? On the *WALL*?! Oh, and don't feel bad about your taping job... I ain't no muddererrerrerr, either! Can't wait to see the updated shop! :cool:

Tyler Howell
02-15-2004, 11:39 PM
[QUOTE=John Miliunas]Fred, nice space but, is that a ceiling fan I see there? On the *WALL*?! Oh, and don't feel bad about your taping job... I ain't no muddererrerrerr, either! Can't wait to see the updated shop.


John and I agree on one thing, that is a great space. ;)
I'll rock again but after this kitchen project I've hung up my broad knife and sanding pole. I did such a bad job this time and hated every minute of it. I know I'll get a better job and enjoy the project more if I hire a pro to tape for me.

Big question here Fred???? Do you have to carry everything upstairs??? These knees ain't what they use to be.
More Pics please!

Fred Voorhees
02-16-2004, 7:18 PM
Fred, nice space but, is that a ceiling fan I see there? On the *WALL*?! .......... Can't wait to see the updated shop! :cool:

John and Tyler - thanks for the kind words. As I said earlier, this photo is a quite old shot of the shop. It has gone through quite a few changes and upgrades since then. The shaper in the back has been gone for a few years, the wood rack to the left has been replaced with a much stronger version courtesy of a "Wood" magazine article, the 6'X6" workbench in the foreground has had its top replaced with two layers of 3/4" MDF and is now a flat and solid work area. The tablesaw is still a contractors piece, but it now has a great outfeed table from Jim Becker's design. The workbench along the wall to the right now has a closed in bottom courtesy of sliding doors which keeps the dust out. Lots of other stuff that "ain't" so obvious in this pic.

Taking pics now of the shop would be sort of silly since it is just beginning to get its first Oneida dust collection system installed. I just started this weekend - hanging the unit and today I hooked up the external filter and a few other small items just off of the unit. I promise to try to get some pics posted when the collection system is installed. Maybe I can talk Becker into scanning all of my woodworking projects and shop pics onto a disk for me.

And yes, I do have to carry everything up the stairs. And carry everything back down when it's complete. It hasn't really been a factor as of yet.

Yes, you do see a cieling fan in the pic, but not where you see it. If you look at the very top of the pic, you will notice a cieling fan. The fan you see mounted at the end of the shop is one of those tall standing units that usually have three speeds - fast, faster and gale force! :D My brother gave that to me years ago and I mounted it to the cieling via a bent piece of heavy conduit an electrician bent for me on the jobsite. I have it connected to a wall switch with variable speed. It has come in pretty handy since in the summertime, it can get pretty darned hot up there. Tried to air condition the shop, but there is just to much area to try to cool down. I guess that with a cieling fan in the shop, I really can't bust on Terry Hatfield for having his barcalounger in his shop. ;)

Jim Becker
02-16-2004, 9:58 PM
Maybe I can talk Becker into scanning all of my woodworking projects and shop pics onto a disk for me.

Better yet, I'll just have to bring the camera over...it's faster than scanning, even with a little retouching for color ballance, etc.

Folks, Fred's shop really is a nice space. I wish I was so lucky not to have a stairway in the middle of mine!