View Full Version : ?????hands Up Who Like's The ??????

Graham Skinner
11-16-2007, 11:43 PM
:cool: HANDS UP WHO LIKE'S THE NEW COLOR:cool: and why?

David G Baker
11-16-2007, 11:48 PM
I do not like the new color and my eyes are complaining as well!

Graham Skinner
11-16-2007, 11:53 PM
David I asked who LIKES THE NEW COLOR.

But thanks for the input anyway.

Craig D Peltier
11-16-2007, 11:53 PM
Too light in color is my vote. Not bold enough or prominent.

Graham Skinner
11-17-2007, 12:00 AM
Not quite the answer I was looking for but thanks anyway.

Lee DeRaud
11-17-2007, 12:06 AM
Not quite the answer I was looking for but thanks anyway.You might want to consider changing your signature line before you say something like that.

How's the other old saying go? Ah yes:
"If you don't want to hear the answer, don't ask the question."

Graham Skinner
11-17-2007, 12:13 AM

Or you could say "read the post "before you reply"

By the way, Do you like it or NOT

Thanks anyway....Graham....

Nancy Laird
11-17-2007, 12:19 AM
NO, NO, A THOUSAND TIMES NO. It's hard to read, the buttons are too small and not enough contrast, the orange clashes with the blue--and it needs to go back to the way it was.

And thank you Graham, my mind works very well. Keeping an open mind doesn't mean that I embrace every new thing that comes down the pike.

Nancy (35 days)

Gary Keedwell
11-17-2007, 12:20 AM
Look around.....There's at least 3 threads going on now. The score is like 100 to 1 against the whole thing.

Lee DeRaud
11-17-2007, 12:28 AM
By the way, Do you like it or NOTNOT.
Is that clear enough?

Richard Dragin
11-17-2007, 12:42 AM
Any change to any forum I have ever frequented has always been met with resistance. People don't like change. After a few weeks they accept it and if it is an improvement eventually embrace it, untill the next time.

The color is fine although I don't know if it is an improvement. Are there any functional changes to the forum to go with the color?

Mike Henderson
11-17-2007, 12:45 AM
I like the idea of a strong contrast for threads that have unread content. I don't have a strong feeling about the orange - I can take it or leave it. I can read the orange without any trouble.

I don't like the small buttons - the text inside the buttons is too small to read easily which means that people will make mistakes when choosing a button.

Finally, a suggestion for people making comments - cut some slack for the people setting up and running this forum. They're trying to do good things - and they work hard. It's only by trying new things that we make progress. If you don't like what they did, let them know in a polite way.


Gary Keedwell
11-17-2007, 12:53 AM
Actually almost everybody here HAS been civil. I have seen a major forum change elsewhere and I can tell you for a fact the the members here are great and very cordial about the whole "sneak attack" :D ;)


Graham Skinner
11-17-2007, 1:02 AM
Mike that was some very good input thanks, I think you have hit the nail right on the head with your response to this thread, as with out trying new things “we would all still be living in the stone age”.

Thanks again….Graham….

Graham Skinner
11-17-2007, 1:09 AM
Is that clear enough?

:D :D There’s no need to shout! "I can read your know":D :D

Todd Jensen
11-17-2007, 1:38 AM
Graham, put down the drink and step away from the orange.:cool:

Graham Skinner
11-17-2007, 2:23 AM
Hi Todd

Actually I’m not to keen on the orange color myself, but I am sure the administrators on this site will change it shortly to keep the members happy.

I am surprised that nobody has mentioned that the SMC logo is a lot smaller now, I think we need the old one back to proudly display to the world what a great site we have here.

Nancy and others have said that the buttons are to small, and I have to agree on this as well.
The only other thing I can think of is that the pages don't seem to load as fast as they used too.

I think all that needs to be said, has been said on this subject, so I think that it’stime to end this thread, and to go back to what we love doing best “WOODWORKING AND TALKING ABOUT WOODWORKING”

Thanks to you all for you input….Graham Skinner…

Doug Shepard
11-17-2007, 7:24 AM
:D :D There’s no need to shout! "I can read your know":D :D

Will everyone please shout? I can actually read those. Dont have much of a clue what the rest of you are talking about because I cant see it.

Steve Bagi
11-17-2007, 7:35 AM
NOT. The orange is difficult to read.

Don Morris
11-17-2007, 9:33 AM
I lecture on "The Art and Science of Color in Dentistry". For a number of years I was a member of the Intersociety Color Council. Choosing colors which are pleasing to the eye that I would have read and deal with for a while is important to me. Believe me the Orange you selected wouldn't have been my first choice. Yes, contrast and other factors are important. There are such things as warm colors, cold colors, bold colors, and harsh colors. The one you chose fits more into the latter category. There's probably a reason most formats have remained like our previous format was...a lot easier on the reader. I vote we return to the old format. Not only that, 7-9% of men are color defective anyway.

Dick Bringhurst
11-17-2007, 10:10 AM
Don't really care for it. Seems harder to read. Dick b.