View Full Version : new woodsmith TV show

Dave Lehnert
11-15-2007, 9:04 PM
Received my new issue of woodsmith today. They say they are making a new TV show for PBS that will be out soon. First I have read about this.

Chuck Lenz
11-15-2007, 9:11 PM
I'll be looking for the show, I've allways liked their magazines.

Bruce Wrenn
11-15-2007, 11:27 PM
They are partenering with Iowa Public TV. They hope that other Public TV stations will latch on. Just WGBH did with the NYW. We all know where that one has gone. Main thing is getting the public tv pointy heads to reccognize that woodworking is popular.

Gary Keedwell
11-16-2007, 12:10 AM
I'm just wondering how popular it really is. I live in a fairly populated state and I still have to travel over an hour to find a real woodworking store. Yet , Michael's, a craft store opened 2 miles from me and I see them everywhere. Golf...stores and apparel everywhere. Boats, RV's ...there are hobby places everywhere.
I have worked in places where 1 or 2 guys out of 100 did any woodworking. Yet it seem like 1 in 3 were golfers. Nobody in my neighborhood is a woodworker. Nobody in my family is a woodworker.
Normy came around at the right time but you have to remember that he is in "This old house" too, and their conveniently linked together.
So, how popular is woodworking in 2007 in the general population?:confused:


Allen Bookout
11-16-2007, 12:17 AM
I'm just wondering how popular it really is. Golf...stores and apparel everywhere. Boats, RV's ...there are hobby places everywhere.
I have worked in places where 1 or 2 guys out of 100 did any woodworking. Yet it seem like 1 in 3 were golfers. Nobody in my neighborhood is a woodworker. Nobody in my family is a woodworker.


Same here.

Bob Potter
11-16-2007, 3:11 AM
I live in Iowa and the new Woodsmith show is being shown here on P.B.S. I've watched about four of there shows. They show different ways of doing things with different tools plus showing how to build some projects.
There store is located in Des Moines and is a big store filled with all kinds of tools, most of the popular bands. And when I say tools that is big and small tools.


dave rollins
11-16-2007, 3:39 AM
If you go to the following website it has a list of the shows that will be on this year http://www.woodsmithshop.com/guide/101.php The list of shows has promise if enough people will contact their PBS station and request the show. Hope this helps

Ed Blough
11-16-2007, 10:48 AM
In my area a shows success is by how many viewer name the show when they give their donations in the semi monthly ( I sure seems that way) fund drives. I know doing the fund drives wood working shows are always sacrificed so they can put on, apparently more alluring, how to get healthy and rich shows.

The frequent fund drives and the trash they put on doing these drives is the main reason I rarely watch PBS anymore.

Gary Keedwell
11-16-2007, 10:56 AM
I watched a few of the previews on their site, and I don't know if I could stand watching it. That guy that does the lead in is annoying to listen too. Sorry if that guy reads this forum, but that monotone voice is like listening to that teacher say Bueller, Bueller, Bueller.

Don't get me wrong, I hope the show does well, we need some more shows like this. It's just the voice that irritates me.
I know what you mean...not to get political ...but Hillary Clinton's voice is getting to me and we have a year to go before elections:eek: :eek: :)


Greg Cole
11-16-2007, 11:06 AM
Ben Stein's... Bueller, bueller......anyone, anyone? Only reason I remember much of that movie was the dude with the Gordie Howe Red Wings jersey on...:rolleyes:
Maybe it's just me, but WW'ing on tv lends to be a wee bit dry with a decent personality doing the yammering. I can maybe sit through one episode of Norm before I decide I've sat on my duff long 'nuff.
Can't say as I've sat through many deeeveeedeee's of WW'ing either.
Then again maybe I am baised against tv, I am not one to watch much of anything on the boob tube other than hockey.
I do have a stack of good books and do root through the local library on occasion when I bring the boy there.....


Jim Fox
11-16-2007, 11:33 AM
I watched a few of the previews on their site, and I don't know if I could stand watching it. That guy that does the lead in is annoying to listen too. Sorry if that guy reads this forum, but that monotone voice is like listening to that teacher say Bueller, Bueller, Bueller.

Don't get me wrong, I hope the show does well, we need some more shows like this. It's just the voice that irritates me.

Al Killian
11-16-2007, 6:06 PM
We only get two ww shows, Friday @2:30 The Woodwright shop and NYW saturday@ 5:00. :eek: I wish they would have more shows. They have more cooking and knitting then anything else.:mad:

Norman Pyles
11-16-2007, 7:21 PM
I sent a E-mail to the PBS station here in KY, and they are going to start showing The Woodsmith Shop in Dec. Starting on Dec 11 at 2;30 pm on KET 2. Always glad to see a new woodworking show. If you send a e-mail to your PBS station requesting this show it could not hurt.:)