View Full Version : Ebay Japanese Chisels "Gloat" (I think ???)

Graham Skinner
11-13-2007, 10:40 PM
Hello Everyone.

I was asking some of you guys about Japanese chisels back in the summer, and thought it was about time to let you see what I bought on E-Bay over the last few months.

75143 75142
3 nice mortice chisels sizes 3mm, 4.5mm and 6mm, white oak handels.

75144 75145
One 3mm dovetail chisel with gummi handle. one 3mm oire nomi with a box wood handle. one 24mm oire nomi with red oak handle.
one 30mm oire nomi with white oak handle (this one shipped from Japan). one 42mm oire nomi with gummi handle.
one 42mm dovetail/cabinet makers chisel with red oak handle.

two 12mm paring chisels with long red oak handle's.(smaller oire nomi's are in the photo to show the length).

So there you are, hope you that you liked looking at them, they were not very expensive to buy on E-Bay I payed an average of about $20 each plus shipping. I dont think that their the best looking set of chisels you have ever seen, and not even a full set of all the sizes! but I got a good deal (I think :rolleyes: ).


George Clark
11-14-2007, 11:55 AM

I too buy on ebay from time to time. As a matter of fact I bought a set of Japanese chisels from a British seller. I also like to tell myself what a good deal I got, but there is always this nagging thought in the back of my mind that I just paid a higher price than anyone else in the entire western world was willing to pay. Kind of shoots down the good deal theory for me.

Enjoy your chisels.


Matt Bickford
11-14-2007, 4:58 PM
The winner's curse...always something to think about. For an average of $20, however, I would think the buyer will be happy.

Graham Skinner
11-14-2007, 5:10 PM
The thing about buying stuff on E-bay is that you have to know your top price limit ( what is the very maximum price you are willing to pay), and never go over it even if you have been out bid by just one Dollar, if you do you stand a chance of getting EGG ON YOUR FACE.
I often see Lie Neilson stuff going for just a few bucks less that you could buy a new one for, add shipping to the price and you can start to call yourself EGGY:D .

Anyway thanks for the replys, regards....Graham...