View Full Version : Well....No thanks to the turners here........

Ken Fitzgerald
11-12-2007, 11:04 PM
I finally got the interior of my shop primed and the first finish coat on the ceiling and walls!

And YES Nancy.....the PM3520B and the MM-16 haven't seen daylight yet or even the 1/2 of the fluorescent lighting I've got installed.

Tomorrow I start the 2nd finish coat.

I won't say what brand of paint I'm using but I won't use it again. I used this company's specified primer and then the acrylic enamel exterior satin. The wallboard on the ceiling covered fine with 1 coat of primer and 1 finish coat but the plywood on the walls are going to take at least a 2nd finish coat and even then I"m not convinced there won't be some bleeding from the plywood.:(

Pete Jordan
11-12-2007, 11:06 PM

What are you not thanking us for?

Brian Weick
11-12-2007, 11:07 PM
Hey- your almost there K - way to go- can't wait to see everything when it's completed, although I know someone that can't wait more ~ you!
Don't forget the pics K

Ken Fitzgerald
11-12-2007, 11:08 PM
Well.....if it hadn't been for the little raid that happened 22 months ago and the Jet Mini showing up on my door step........I'd have been done 18 months ago......

John Hart
11-12-2007, 11:15 PM
You're welcome? :confused:

Not!!:D :p

Oh...by the way....You weren't pushed.

You looked over the edge and asked, "How Deep it it?":) .....We said, "Bottomless".;) Then we handed you an anchor, and you JUMPED!:D

David Fried
11-12-2007, 11:23 PM
What's next, the curtains don't match your new mustard machine?:D

Hope you picked some nice colors like cherry burl or walnut crotch

Dan Forman
11-12-2007, 11:33 PM
Ken---Hope the next coat will suffice for you. Bet you are eager to get those boxes open.


Bernie Weishapl
11-12-2007, 11:48 PM
Bernie just looking down shaking his head.

Ken, Ken, Ken you have been saying almost done for 2 months now. :eek::D:rolleyes::cool:;)

Glad to see you are almost there.

Ken Fitzgerald
11-13-2007, 12:16 AM
Bernie.....I'd been done a couple of weeks ago but the stinking vertigo attacks keep happening.....then I'm down for half a day.

I'm getting there.........Hopefully this weekend the crates come off.....

Nancy Laird
11-13-2007, 12:29 AM
And YES Nancy.....the PM3520B and the MM-16 haven't seen daylight yet or even the 1/2 of the fluorescent lighting I've got installed.

http://www.addemoticons.com/emoticon/animated/AddEmoticons04212.gifI won't say another word about the machines and the crates, Ken. I'll just wait for the pictures.http://www.addemoticons.com/emoticon/animated/AddEmoticons04224.gif

Nancy (39 days)

Steve Schlumpf
11-13-2007, 12:33 AM
Ken - I am in awe of your self-control! If it had been me - I would have had that lathe up and running the day I got it and just thrown a tarp over it when it came time to paint!

Hope all runs smoothly for you and you get the chance to set your new equipment up soon! Looking forward to the pictures!

Karl Laustrup
11-13-2007, 7:02 AM
This is Karl.............in the Dells............looking down............watching his

feet............dancing.............at the prospect.............of

Ken.........in Idaho............FINALLY..............finishing his shop.

It's been a long journey bud and I hope the vertigo holds off long enough for you to get those new toyls up and running, maybe even by Thanksgiving.

This is Karl.........in the Dells........... anxiously waiting.........to

see........the first piece off the MUSTARD MONSTER.


John Hart
11-13-2007, 7:03 AM
Ken - I am in awe of your self-control! If it had been me - I would have had that lathe up and running the day I got it and just thrown a tarp over it when it came time to paint!!

Problem is...Ken knows that if he uncrated that beast....he'd NEVER paint! :D

Jim Becker
11-13-2007, 7:25 AM
Problem is...Ken knows that if he uncrated that beast....he'd NEVER paint!

Indeed...there is wisdom in his restraint....;)

Tom Keen
11-13-2007, 7:29 AM
Where did you get the patience. I bought a new lathe the in May, same week the garage/shop was completed, promised myself I would get the shop enclosed and finished "soon", and just started it last week :) Congrats on the new shop!

Its getting chilly in Ohio!

Pete Jordan
11-13-2007, 7:37 AM

Take your time. That vertigo stuff is nothing to mess with!

I think you will be so happy when it is all done!

Jon Lanier
11-13-2007, 10:59 AM

If I lived closer I would have come over and helped. Congrats on getting things done. But you know, shops are never really "done".

Jim Underwood
11-13-2007, 12:03 PM
Like the little kid who keeps pestering his Dad; "Are we there yet"?

Are ya done yet? ;)

If you were just a tad closer, I'd come over and help ya... Used to live just across the river from there many many moons ago. My Dad used to work for CCI there on the river. That's some pretty country...

Ken Fitzgerald
11-13-2007, 1:27 PM
Jim.....Did you live in Clarkston, WA or Asotin, WA?

I agree...mighty pretty country here.

I grew up in some mighty different places....Kemmerer WY, Craig, CO, Blanding, UT, Rock Springs, WY, Laramie, WY and Flora, IL. My wife a life long flatlander had never been out west. After 8 years in the Navy most of it in the deep south, we went to Bend OR for 20 months. Then I got promoted and we moved to Joliet, IL and I commuted into Chi-town daily. Wife liked it because it was only about 73 miles to her parents.

4 1/2 years later we moved to Lewiston...my wife's comment when we flew into to buy a house...."Where's the trees?"

25 years later you couldn't get her out of here with a load of dynamite. Living in the valley, we miss all the winter weather for the most part. I've come off the Lewiston hill at 0230 ....30" of snow and white out conditions.....took me over an hour to drive 26 miles........got to the bottom of the hill.......dry road and bare ground.....that 2,000'+ elevation difference makes a tremendous difference in weather!

Jim Underwood
11-13-2007, 3:28 PM
We lived in Clarkston, corner of 12th and Poplar as I recall. Used to walk down to the "beach" on the river. On the way, I'd spend my 10 cent allowance at the little drug store up the street from there.

We used to pick apples, cherries, and grapes all the time too. If the weather was nice, we'd get the chopped VW bug and go down to the "shooting range" for some target practice.

We could see the star up on the hill across the river every year at Christmas. I heard a couple years ago that they still have it.

Why is it that I miss all the places I used to live?:confused:

Maybe I better start enjoying Georgia a little more. There's some pretty places here too...

Ken Fitzgerald
11-13-2007, 5:12 PM

The star is still on the hill.

The shooting range is now 10 miles east of Lewiston near Lapwai. The location where the old shooting range used to be is now a major housing development.

You can stilll pick fruit and grapes around the valley.

Yup......There's a lot of pretty places in Georgia! In 2000 the LOML and I took our parents on a trip to see some of the places we were stationed in the Navy. Brunswick, GA is one of those places and we had a good time there at St. Simons and Jekyll Islands in 2000!

Barry Stratton
11-14-2007, 12:54 AM
Problem is...Ken knows that if he uncrated that beast....he'd NEVER paint! :D

I painted my shop interior AFTER uncrating and turning on my mustard. Just tossed a tarp over it to keep the white paint off:D

Nancy Laird
11-14-2007, 1:08 AM
I painted my shop interior AFTER uncrating and turning on my mustard. Just tossed a tarp over it to keep the white paint off:D

Barry, you don't understand. :) Ken has very little willpower, so if he gets that mustard uncrated, the shop won't get finished painting and the lights won't get hung. He'd be turning and ignoring all the rest of the stuff that needs to be done.:D :D I think he has shown tremendous restraint by leaving the lathe and bandsaw both crated until he's done.;)

See, Ken, I'm defending you. :D

Nancy (38 days)

Bernie Weishapl
11-14-2007, 10:35 AM
Ken you have more will power than me. It will be nice when done and won't have to worry about it. I know about veritgo. The LOML's brother has it and he says it ain't no fun. Can't wait for pic's my friend of the shop and the mustard.

Ken Fitzgerald
11-14-2007, 11:02 AM
Barry, you don't understand. :) Ken has very little willpower, so if he gets that mustard uncrated, the shop won't get finished painting and the lights won't get hung. He'd be turning and ignoring all the rest of the stuff that needs to be done.:D :D I think he has shown tremendous restraint by leaving the lathe and bandsaw both crated until he's done.;)

See, Ken, I'm defending you. :D

Nancy (38 days)

Huh?............Who has been sitting here with a new PM3520B and a new b/s for 3 weeks now? Who doesn't have will power?:confused: :eek: :rolleyes: :D

Nancy Laird
11-14-2007, 11:17 AM
Huh?............Who has been setting here with a new PM3520B and a new b/s for 3 weeks now? Who doesn't have will power?

You don't, Ken. If you did, you'd have had that shop finished 18 months ago, because you would have ignored that little Jet to finish it.;) ;) :p Right?

But no....you had to jump right into the vortex with that little Jet and just completely ignore all of your other responsibilities to the shop and the walls and the lighting, just to satisfy your own urges.:D :D :p :p I'm glad that you learned your lesson. (And you DO know that I'm just razzing you, don't you????:) ) Besides, I suspect that Sharon has also had something to do with this entire matter. "Ken...if you don't get that shop finished I'm sending that lathe back to where it came from!!!!"

Nancy (37 days)

Ken Fitzgerald
11-14-2007, 11:43 AM
Nope....Sharon hasn't said a word other than encouraging me to finish it even though I've gone over the shop budget for the umpteenth time. After 39 years she knows better than to threaten me. I'm just enough of a redneck that I"ll pay the price even if it means I suffer.......:o

Tony De Masi
11-14-2007, 1:28 PM
Ahhhh, St. Simons, Brunswick, and Jekylll Island. Brings back many memories from when I was in training at FLETC in 1980.


Ken Fitzgerald
11-14-2007, 2:10 PM
Tony....I was stationed there in the Navy for training in 1970 for 6 months and again for 4 months in 1974 just before the base closed. When I was there they still had the old WW1 blimp hangars and were using them for training buildings.

Tony De Masi
11-14-2007, 2:28 PM
Ken, most of what I remember are the sand fleas and the awful smell from the pulp mills. Was kind of tough to breath with that nasty smell and all those fleas getting in your mouth and nose......:(


Ken Fitzgerald
11-14-2007, 4:14 PM
Toni.....just a block south of downtown Brunswich is a park with old moss covered trees and a spanish style fountain. We lived on the west side of that park. The fishing warfs were west of us and the paper mills east of us. The house we lived in was built in the 1880s and still had the 18" curb with brick sidewalks so folks could step out of the horse drawn carriages. When we woke up in the morning we could tell which way the wind was blowing by the smell.....pulp wood ......from the east.....dead fish...from the west....:D

Sand fleas......we thought our kids looked like they were bleeding to death from the bites of those rascals!

And if you are there in "season"....don't forget the "love bugs"!

Ken Fitzgerald
11-25-2007, 11:44 AM
Well..........It was supposed to be a 4 day weekend for us. Unfortunately for me, a little matter came up on Thanksgiving day, and it looks like at this point, I have today off......but that could change any moment!

Just so Nancy doesn't think I"ve been sluffing off.........here's a few photos of how the shop looks now. I've got to do some clean up and install 4 more outlets in the ceiling and then maybe go rent a hoist to set up that PM lathe............I'm sorry Nancy but the day job got in the way.....:(

Did I mention I got the lights up?




David Fried
11-25-2007, 12:02 PM
That's beginning to look like a very, nice space Ken.
Glad to see you making progress and thinking about
unwrapping that Christmas Present!!

Nancy Laird
11-25-2007, 12:15 PM
Way to go, Ken!!! Looking good!! I really like all the lighting--do you have to wear sunglasses in there?:rolleyes:

I'm really proud of you and your restraint. You get five gold stars today and a huge round of applause!!http://www.addemoticons.com/emoticon/animated/AddEmoticons04230.gif

Now, get busy turning something! (I know, you can hardly wait.)

Nancy (26 days)

Curt Fuller
11-25-2007, 12:24 PM
Man, if I had that nice of a shop I'd move out of the house and move in there! Time to get out the box knife and cut that mustard monster loose!

Bill Wyko
11-25-2007, 3:29 PM
Nope....Sharon hasn't said a word other than encouraging me to finish it even though I've gone over the shop budget for the umpteenth time. After 39 years she knows better than to threaten me. I'm just enough of a redneck that I"ll pay the price even if it means I suffer.......:o
AMEN BROTHER. The beatings will continue until moral improves.:D I usually just try to run the gauntlet from the driveway to the shop before she sees my purchase.:eek:

Pete Jordan
11-25-2007, 4:38 PM
Like Curt said,

That place is nicer than my house!

Even with a hoist, make sure you have help!

robert hainstock
11-25-2007, 6:40 PM

Ken Fitzgerald
11-25-2007, 8:14 PM

Robert............That's exactly what SWMBO said after I got the last outlet installed. So this afternoon I cleaned out the gutters before the rain comes tomorrow.

I have been battling vertigo for 5 years. In the last few weeks it has become a real issure...2-3 attacks a day.....I saw my ENT last week and he gave me medicine for it. I started it on Monday....no vertigo since...side effects of the medicine?.......lots of bathroom time and dizziness when you stand up real fast or move up and down a ladder real fast......Took a little longer to clean them than normal.

This evening.....watch a football game or sweep the shop and start unpacking .....the b/s or the lathe.......didn't get the engine hoist....might start with the b/s.....

Curt Fuller
11-25-2007, 9:53 PM
This might be just an old wives tale, but I've heard it said that the best cure for vertigo is to stare intently at a rapidly turning object!:cool:

Tom Sherman
11-25-2007, 10:12 PM
Congratulations Ken looks like you are almost there. That shop looks like it should star in the next Turners video. You planning to invite Bill G up to do that sanding video he talked about on his last?

Nancy Laird
12-02-2007, 1:06 PM
So, Ken, inquiring minds want to know---is it out of the crate yet?????

I had a thought for a name for your new toyl:

Jim has Stubbilina; Chris has Beauty; yours should be Mattie (short for PowerMatic).

I want pictures....I want pictures....I want pictures.

Nancy (19 days)

Bernie Weishapl
12-02-2007, 1:38 PM
Sheessh it is almost Christmas and no lathe pictures yet.:D:rolleyes:;):cool:

Shop is looking good Ken. Can't wait to see it setup.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-02-2007, 2:25 PM
Well......yesterday evening it saw the lights in my shop. Then I spent the evening trying to figure out how an elderly coot could get that rascal assembled by himself.

I've got the plan and the tools there...ready.....Heading to the shop shortly.

Nancy Laird
12-02-2007, 2:27 PM
Sheessh it is almost Christmas and no lathe pictures yet.:D:rolleyes:;):cool:

Thanks, Bernie, for the help in prodding. Maybe between the two of us, we'll see some lathe pictures some time before New Year's?? I suspect that he already has the thing up and running and he's turning and has forgotten all about us.:(:confused::eek:

Nancy (19 days)

Ken Fitzgerald
12-02-2007, 5:34 PM

Guess what I see and you don't?:eek::rolleyes::D

Even an old goat can assemble a 626 lb. lathe by himself safely.

Andy..........I opened that ugly cardboard box and though I really tried to make it white...........it was Mustard!:rolleyes:

Got to get cleaned up and go to the hardware store for some WD40 to clean things up...........Photos later....... maybe ....if you're nice.......:D

Ken Fitzgerald
12-02-2007, 8:52 PM
Well.......today was the day. Yesterday, I got the "stuff" moved back over to the east side of the shop and I unboxed the new blonde in my life.
Then I hit a stumbling block. It was too late to rent an engine hoist and this new blonde was 626 lbs.......So I spent the evening figuring out how to assemble the lathe by myself. This morning I got some chains, a come-along and took them into the shop to warm up. I removed the tailstock and banjo from the bed of the lathe to lighten it. Still, I was a little nervous with my intended technique....but I did it. I slid the lathe on the double pallet across the shop to it's permanent location and placed the ladder over it. I took a piece of an old header I had replaced on my carport roof and put it on the top rungs of the Little Giant ladder and wrapped a short chain around it. Hooking the come-along into the chain, I lowered the cable down and hooked that end into one of the braces near the end of the lathe bed. I tipped the lathe up high enough to screw on one leg assembly and then moved the headstock to the end of the lathe with the legs attached. Then I repeated the process for the other leg assembly. In short, I never did actually hold the entire weight of the lathe on the come-along.

Later I wired the outlet and the cord on the lathe.........assembled all of the attachments. Turned it on .....it spins......YES!

Here's photographic proof..........


Here it is in the wrong end of the shop.....


Here's where it's new home was going to be


Here's what was inside that large cardboard box.....

Here she is.....Her name is Melba........in her new home and all gussied up.......ready to play.....

Steve Schlumpf
12-02-2007, 9:35 PM
Wow Ken! Congrats on finally being able to get your new baby up and running! Hope you will have some time real soon to do some turning! Your new lathe looks great!

Pete Jordan
12-02-2007, 9:45 PM
I couldn't be happier for you! It's a beaut!

Dan Forman
12-02-2007, 10:25 PM
Hot dang Ken! Necessity is, as the say, the mother of invention. Looks awfully clean in there though. Glad to see you got her up and runing.


John Hart
12-02-2007, 10:38 PM
Congratulations Ken!!! That's what I call "Pulling it back, and lettin' it go". ;):)

Henry C. Gernhardt, III
12-03-2007, 7:06 AM
Congrats on getting it all done, Ken! I hope you and Melba have a long, enjoyable, and prosperous relationship.

So---what's the first project you have planned for the new mustard?

Dennis Peacock
12-03-2007, 10:35 AM
Congrats Ken.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And a very beautiful site of something I've been hoping to see from Ideehoe for a looooooonnnnnggggg time now. http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g69/sawdustar/emoticons/backflip.gif http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g69/sawdustar/emoticons/dancer.gif

So here's a little song I'll play for you in celebration: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g69/sawdustar/emoticons/guitarplay5.gif

Nancy Laird
12-03-2007, 11:07 AM
Oh, Ken, Melba is beautiful, and she looks much better next to that white wall than a mayo would! (Sorry, Andy). Now, what's the first project?? It's time to get her dirty.

Nancy (18 days)

David Fried
12-03-2007, 11:13 AM
I sure am glad you didn't try to put that thing on the diving board :eek:

and it is nice to see you not staring at the ground shaking your head:D

But you do need to put a couple of "D" batteries in that thing and break it in!!

Tom Sherman
12-03-2007, 1:54 PM
Alright Ken, I have been silently and secretly rooting for you glad to see that Melba is safe and sound. Sooo Ken when is her coming out party?

Andy Hoyt
12-03-2007, 8:11 PM
I think I'm gonna be sick.

Nancy Laird
12-03-2007, 8:13 PM
Now, Andy---don't do that. Your mayo would look just gorgeous next to a mint-green wall---it's all in the color-coordination, don't you know. :D:D A mayo would have just washed out and faded into the background in Ken's shop.

We still love ya, Andy.

Nancy (18 days)

Scott Donley
12-03-2007, 8:46 PM
And what wall is the new HDTV going on ? Looking great Ken :D

Bernie Weishapl
12-03-2007, 8:50 PM
Congrats Ken. Nice to see things coming together.

Curt Fuller
12-03-2007, 9:25 PM
C'mon Ken, without any shavings on the floor it might as well still be in the box. Make a mess!

Raymond Overman
12-03-2007, 9:56 PM
The lathe looks great Ken. Of course, I can't say much for that feller holding it down on the floor so it don't float off. :rolleyes:

Get to spinning...

Tom Sherman
12-04-2007, 6:25 AM
Come on Ken the suspense is too much...show us some curlies coming off Melba.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-04-2007, 10:48 AM
My day and night job is calling this week. It'll probably be next weekend before Melba gets a test drive.

Brian Weick
12-04-2007, 10:52 AM
Well.......today was the day. Yesterday, I got the "stuff" moved back over to the east side of the shop and I unboxed the new blonde in my life.
Then I hit a stumbling block. It was too late to rent an engine hoist and this new blonde was 626 lbs.......So I spent the evening figuring out how to assemble the lathe by myself. This morning I got some chains, a come-along and took them into the shop to warm up. I removed the tailstock and banjo from the bed of the lathe to lighten it. Still, I was a little nervous with my intended technique....but I did it. I slid the lathe on the double pallet across the shop to it's permanent location and placed the ladder over it. I took a piece of an old header I had replaced on my carport roof and put it on the top rungs of the Little Giant ladder and wrapped a short chain around it. Hooking the come-along into the chain, I lowered the cable down and hooked that end into one of the braces near the end of the lathe bed. I tipped the lathe up high enough to screw on one leg assembly and then moved the headstock to the end of the lathe with the legs attached. Then I repeated the process for the other leg assembly. In short, I never did actually hold the entire weight of the lathe on the come-along.

Later I wired the outlet and the cord on the lathe.........assembled all of the attachments. Turned it on .....it spins......YES!

Here's photographic proof..........


Here it is in the wrong end of the shop.....


Here's where it's new home was going to be


Here's what was inside that large cardboard box.....

Here she is.....Her name is Melba........in her new home and all gussied up.......ready to play.....

Hey Ken,:eek:
alright - we finally get to see Melba out of that box- looking good, so when are you going to get the chance to enter into the vortex again?

Ken Fitzgerald
12-10-2007, 1:33 AM
Yesterday I uncrated the MM-16 and then ran into a problem. I had already checked with the local rental places and nobody had an engine hoist that would reach high enough to lift the b/s off the double pallets. So I enlisted my Little Giant Ladder again....one small snag....even when fully retracted my come-along was too long to lift the b/s off the pallets. I got a little jacked and just piddled and stewed the rest of the day. Didn't sleep good last night trying to figure out how I'd get it off.

About 1030 this morning I got a idea. I checked and sure enough...my little ratcheting chain hoist was rated at 550 lbs. working load and it was short enough. My neighbor came over and we got the MM-16 off the pallets! I cleaned it up, wired it and checked the motor for proper rotation direction. Then my oldest son came over and I enlisted his help. We removed the two crates (b/s and lathe) from the shop and moved my table saw and thickness planer from the unheated shed into the heated shop. I thought I'd quit for the night ....

Then I remembered I had the adapter for the SN2 so that it would fit the PM so back to the shop. I changed adapters and verified the SN2 fit the new lathe........Well....why not..........I grabbed a piece of scrap hardwood from the burn box and put it between centers. I located my skew and took Melba for her first ride. I am happy to announce the skew works as well on the PM3520B as it did on the Jet VS Mini!

I quit while I was ahead.:D

Tom Sherman
12-10-2007, 2:20 AM
Ok Ken you know the drill .... No pictures it didn't happen:D

Brian Weick
12-10-2007, 9:23 AM
glad to see you got her up and running- so what do you think of Melba~ pretty sweet I bet- glad you can finally get back to turning-congradulations on getting that beast out of the crate box and on the shop floor~ :)

Dan Forman
12-10-2007, 4:29 PM
Well it's about time!!! :D


Ken Fitzgerald
12-10-2007, 11:16 PM
Well........after all the nasty, snide remarks about me not posting photos, being slow, etc,........

This morning I went to the shop with the camera. Here's the proof........


Here's what I waded through to get to the shop


Here's the lathe ....look close......shavings under it......a turned cylinder stll between centers....


Here's the MM-16 sitting on the floor uncrated.....


Here's the table saw.....first time it's been in the shop......before it resided in my unheated shed...


Here's my planer.....it too hasn't seen the shop before.......

Bernie Weishapl
12-10-2007, 11:26 PM
Well Ken glad to see it is all coming together. Shop looks mighty fine.

Raymond Overman
12-11-2007, 12:19 AM
Good Job Ken! It's about time someone lit a fire under your butt and got it in front of that lathe. Nice looking space you have there. Thanks for sharing.

Ed Scolforo
12-11-2007, 11:49 AM
Looks great, Ken. Is that a Bonker you're turning?:p

Pete Jordan
12-11-2007, 11:54 AM
Looks like you sharpened a pencil!

Paul Heely
12-11-2007, 11:57 AM
Nice looking shop Ken. Glad to see you finally got to spin some wood on the new lathe. Now you have to chuck up some serious wood and see what it can do :D

John Hart
12-11-2007, 12:07 PM
I'm happy for ya Ken!:) But...I'm disturbed. I don't see your heat source. I see a chimney....but it doesn't seem to be hooked up to anything. How you heatin' that thing?

Ken Fitzgerald
12-11-2007, 1:05 PM
John......75,000 btu Lennox natural gas furnace hanging from the ceiling. I set the temp for 50º F when I'm not in there. I set it for 65º when I going to work in there. Go to the house; have another cup of coffee.....30 minutes later it's ready.

John Hart
12-11-2007, 1:15 PM
Ah...Very nice.

My set up is.....um......different than that. ;)

.....with a much different temperature ramp-up profile. ;)

........and a much different temperature control module. ;)

.......and smells like horse poop. ;)

Glenn Clabo
12-11-2007, 2:15 PM
Looks kind of like this?

Tom Sherman
12-11-2007, 2:44 PM
AWRIGHT Ken, now that's what we're talking about nice to FINALLY see the proof. Looks like you have lots of empty floor space for more goodies.

John Hart
12-11-2007, 8:11 PM
Looks kind of like this?

Golly Glenn...Whatcha got there? I know I've seen one of those things somewhere. Looks like a hamburger in the raw.:D

Andy Hoyt
12-11-2007, 11:55 PM
So Glenn.

You calling Hart an old nag?

Barry Stratton
12-11-2007, 11:56 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwwww mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn.........

Please.......say it ain't so.......the first thing you turn on the PM3520b is a pen blank??:confused::confused:

Glad to see you are up and running. GREAT looking shop BTW! Congrats.

And John H........the knives are sharp, just call if you need help.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-12-2007, 12:32 AM
So Glenn.

You calling Hart an old nag?

Andy....I think he was hinting ....mumbling something about the south end of a north bound......Well you get the idea....:rolleyes:

Glenn Clabo
12-12-2007, 7:29 AM
I'm just sayin'...If it smells like horse poop...and looks like horse poop...who's poop is it?

Steve Clardy
12-13-2007, 1:04 PM
Horse poop?

I got some to send if'n anyone needs some. :rolleyes::D

Ken. Shop is lookin good.

Are you done yet :confused::confused: