View Full Version : DC Micron Bag

Mike Pierson
11-12-2007, 9:51 AM
Is there anyway to tell what micron Delta DC bags are? I am getting ready to sell Delta 50-850, but not sure what micron "size" bag I have. I bought used from someone before I know much about dust collection (microns, cfm etc). No tags or anything...

I bought it about 5 years ago and don't know how long the previous owner had it...I am guessing it is a 30 micron. It had cloth upper and lower bags...

Any help would be good...want to be honest when I post for sale specs.

Lloyd McKinlay
11-12-2007, 11:27 AM
to Delta Machinery. They should be able to tell if the specs have changed for that model, which is now sold with a 5 micron bag.

Mike Pierson
11-12-2007, 6:39 PM
dropped them a message - see what they say - says they will reply in 24 hours...

interesting thing is that there are sites out there (amazon) still listing 30 micron instead of the 5...

Mike Pierson
11-19-2007, 8:18 PM
FYI - in case anyone else is looking for an answer to this question in the future....from delta...

Thank you for using Delta Machinery. The original 30 micron bags were a heavy canvas type of material. The current 5 micron bags are a lighter weight polyester material. The differences between the polyester weave of the 5 micron vs the accessory 1 micron bag are too subtle to accurately describe.

Ron Jones near Indy
11-19-2007, 8:58 PM
It's about the same age as mine, so I'm thinking it has 30 micron bags as standard. I bought a 1 micron set from Amazon that I now use. Seems to be doing a great job.