View Full Version : Online screw size chart anywhere?

Doug Shepard
11-10-2007, 11:46 AM
Anyone have a link to the kind of wall chart often found for sale that shows clearance hole diameters, screw holding diams in softwood vs hardwood for different sized wood screws ??

Mark Engel
11-10-2007, 11:59 AM
Wood Magazine used to have one (or more) on line, but the link seems to be broken.

I did find this one:


Rod Torgeson
11-10-2007, 12:05 PM
Doug....If you do a google search on "screw size chart" you will get about 250,000 hits. I guess you could pick the one that best suits you. Hope this helps.

Rod<---in Appleton, WA

Gary Curtis
11-10-2007, 2:10 PM
Two places. A lot of charts appear on McFeely's website. www.mcfeelys.com

Look on the left side of the webpage for references.

Also, try nutsandbolts.com

Gary Curtis

John Ricci
11-10-2007, 3:02 PM
Here is the chart from Wood magazine. I printed it out and laminated it to keep by the DP.


John Gornall
11-10-2007, 3:19 PM
In the past all wood screws were made to a standard so they were all the same. They had cut threads that were the same diameter as the shank so you had to drill a shank sized clearance hole in one piece and a root sized hole for the threads. Now most screws are proprietary and have rolled threads and varying designs. The shank diameter is the same size as the root diameter so only one drill size is needed. The old chart drill sizes may not work well. Best to get charts from the screw manufacturer.

The wood magazine chart shows "traditional" screws and "production" screws - you can see the difference. Traditional screws have mostly dissappeared.

Doug Shepard
11-10-2007, 9:00 PM
Thanks John
That pdf file is just the kind of thing I was looking for. I always drill a couple of test holes but just wanted something to get me started trying the right bits.