View Full Version : Thank you all for the inspiration.

Leland Berry
11-10-2007, 9:32 AM
Each of you here in the TF has rekindled my long desire to
begin turning. The beautiful work you produce is a fascin-
ating mix of technical skill and creativity. Even when its less
than perfect its very special. As a "browser newbe" its easy
to see why you all have a special kinship. I hope one day I
can fit in a little, and perhaps show even 10% of the talent
displayed here.
At the moment, I am doing my homework to decide whether
to build or buy my first lathe, and to decide whether to start
with something the size of a Buick or something more practical.
Thank you all again, and a pat-on-the-back.

Paul Engle
11-10-2007, 12:37 PM
It is something like the chip commerical, " Bet ya can't eat just one". No one thing is gonna bring satisfaction, if you like to build I'd start with building a lathe .... the size of a buick. and if budget allows go for the bells and whistles ... after you start out small to see if it is something you enjoy, cause if you enjoy the small it will give you the motovation to build the buick.and of course along the way we will share in your frustrations, your successes , your " one of's" and for sure your BONKERS , cause we went there and we did that and we laughed a lot , you will too! Welcome aboard and remember ... relax and breath.:D oh, and do not forget we likes picture lots of em.:eek: Waayyyy easier to look than read ....;)

Ken Fitzgerald
11-10-2007, 12:48 PM

21 months ago I couldn't spell lathe......then the inmates here shoved me into the Vortex with a Jet VS Mini and tools. Well I was about 1 week away from having my shop finished.....I'm now about 2 days away......But I've had a great year and half turning. It's the closest thing I've seen to instant gratification!

BTW....the Mini is sitting in the corner.....I've got a PM3520B sitting crated in the shop....a new b/s sitting crated in the shop.....with a little luck on Monday, the crates start coming off......

Warning......the lathe is the just the beginning expense .....

Come on down!(In a Johnny voice from somewhere deep within the Vortex.....):D

Alex Elias
11-10-2007, 4:00 PM
I hope to see your turnings soon. It is a lot of fun and you won't regreat it. I see my self gravitating to the lathe more and more every day. I should pay more attention to the rest of the shop but again it is nice to be able to make something in a day and be done with it.
Good luck

David Fried
11-10-2007, 4:06 PM

I bought my small lathe three years ago to turn some knobs.
Sometimes I think knobs are the only thing I haven't turned
in those years! OK, maybe one or two knobs but you'll discover
all kinds of other cool stuff - like funnels!
