View Full Version : The Dog is in the house!

Bruce Page
11-09-2007, 5:30 PM
I ordered some toyls last Saturday night. A new PC 7518 3¼ hp router, a Bench Dog 40-016 ProLift and the Bench Dog 40-031 ProMax cast iron extension table to mount it all to my Unisaw. I received the 7518 & extension wing on Wednesday and the Pro-Lift Yesterday, - I love Amazon. ;)
I started putting it together last night. I am really impressed with Benchdog’s attention to fit & finish, this stuff is gorgeous.
I did have a problem getting the Pro-Lift perfectly flush with the wing. I must’ve messed with it for 3 hours trying to get it adjusted right and I would always have one corner too high by 5 or 6 thousandths. To attached the Pro-Lift, Benchdog uses two screws in opposing corners (pic 1). It was always one of the other corners that would be high. So with my patience running thin,:rolleyes: I threw the Pro-Lift up on my mill and punched in two more holes (pic 2). With screws now in each corner I was able to get it dead-nuts level in a few minutes. :D

It would be nice to have a Norm type router table but I think this setup is going to be a nice addition to my shop without taking up anymore precious real-estate.

frank shic
11-09-2007, 5:34 PM
arf arf! thanks for sharing. enjoy!

Bill Wyko
11-09-2007, 5:48 PM
WOOOOOOOOHOOOO nice setup! I'd love for my router to be on a table where I could use magnetic feather boards.

Glenn Clabo
11-09-2007, 6:42 PM
Leave it to a machinist to find a need to modify a tool.;)

Nice setup!

Jason White
11-09-2007, 7:17 PM
I have the same table and like it. I had the same problem getting the table insert flush with the table top (plastic). No matter how many times I messed with the adjustment screws, one corner was always higher than the rest. I thought it was a warped insert plate. Bench Dog said it was "operator error." It's still not flush, but good enough I guess.


I ordered some toyls last Saturday night. A new PC 7518 3¼ hp router, a Bench Dog 40-016 ProLift and the Bench Dog 40-031 ProMax cast iron extension table to mount it all to my Unisaw. I received the 7518 & extension wing on Wednesday and the Pro-Lift Yesterday, - I love Amazon. ;)
I started putting it together last night. I am really impressed with Benchdog’s attention to fit & finish, this stuff is gorgeous.
I did have a problem getting the Pro-Lift perfectly flush with the wing. I must’ve messed with it for 3 hours trying to get it adjusted right and I would always have one corner too high by 5 or 6 thousandths. To attached the Pro-Lift, Benchdog uses two screws in opposing corners (pic 1). It was always one of the other corners that would be high. So with my patience running thin,:rolleyes: I threw the Pro-Lift up on my mill and punched in two more holes (pic 2). With screws now in each corner I was able to get it dead-nuts level in a few minutes. :D

It would be nice to have a Norm type router table but I think this setup is going to be a nice addition to my shop without taking up anymore precious real-estate.

Bruce Page
11-09-2007, 7:58 PM
Leave it to a machinist to find a need to modify a tool.;)

Nice setup!

Well if Benchdog would have done it in the first place Jason & I wouldn't have had any problems! :p

Warranty? I don’t need no stinking warranty! :D

Jim Becker
11-09-2007, 8:06 PM
Bruce, congratulations. Now on my setup, there were a whole bunch of set screws that had to be adjusted to level the lift in the "wing". The screws in the two corners are only there to secure it to the assembly so it will not move.

Jim McFarland
11-09-2007, 8:09 PM
I have a nice router table (with a so-so lift) but I really like the look of this. LOML loves our dog as much as I do so maybe if I just say I had to pay $xxx on the "dog" she won't question the expense!

Lame kidding aside -- thanks for sharing.

Bruce Page
11-09-2007, 9:06 PM
Bruce, congratulations. Now on my setup, there were a whole bunch of set screws that had to be adjusted to level the lift in the "wing". The screws in the two corners are only there to secure it to the assembly so it will not move.
Yeah, I think there 10 of them in the wing. The trouble with set screws coming up from the bottom is that they only push in one direction. By adding the screws to the other two corners I was able to push and pull and thereby move it exactly where I wanted it. As I said, I fiddled with it for close to 3 hours last night and I’m fairly adept at this sort of thing. I had two choices, fix it my way, or send it back and hope for a better one. I took the easy route. ;)

Merle Clor
11-09-2007, 9:58 PM
Bruce, enjoy your new toy. Although I have no idea where you found any space to spare for it.

Bill Huber
11-09-2007, 11:06 PM
Man that is one sweet looking set up....

Now if you find you really don't like it just let me know and I can take care of that for you...

Bruce Page
11-09-2007, 11:17 PM
Bruce, enjoy your new toy. Although I have no idea where you found any space to spare for it.
Hey Merle, how's it going? Is your shop finished yet?

The setup only added about 8 inches to my TS, I can live with that.:D

Greg Cole
11-10-2007, 8:45 AM
You lucky DOG...
I know my next RT will be steel or CI. My phenolic one sags after 10 months.:mad:
That looks great. Congrats!
