View Full Version : Spokeshave rack

willie sobat
11-05-2007, 5:48 PM
I was inspired by Dave Anderson's posting of his spokeshave rack. So I decided to build my own.



Bob Noles
11-05-2007, 6:19 PM
Very nice job Willie and that is quite a collection of shaves you have accumulated.

btw... is that an electric cord I see plugged into the wall? :eek: :D

Glenn Madsen
11-05-2007, 6:40 PM
Why, Willie, that DOES look a little bit like a shrine.

And I thought I had a problem with 5 of them. I guess I'm not as bad off as some...:D:D

Nice work!

willie sobat
11-05-2007, 6:52 PM
Thanks for the compliments. Bob, I do have to admit that in spite of my love for hand work, I do use electricity occaisionally:o . I didn't have room for all of my shaves, just the ones I really like. I have a problem when it comes to them, I've never seen one I didn't want.

jonathan snyder
11-05-2007, 8:35 PM
That is beautiful Willie! You ought to put that in the living room!! I was going to point out one problem, but since you confessed your spokeshave addiction, there is no need for me to point out that it is already full!!;):D

Nice shop. I like your tool cabinets.


Marcus Ward
11-05-2007, 8:48 PM
Wow, that's gorgeous. My shop is a disorganized lump of dookie in comparison. Nice job!

Zahid Naqvi
11-05-2007, 8:56 PM
That is more organized than our living room, with my second shave just auctioned for a benefit I am back to one.

Tom Stovell
11-05-2007, 9:16 PM
Great looking shave rack, better than most of my furniture. Your shop has a great 'feel' to it as well.


Dave Ray
11-05-2007, 9:57 PM
Great looking rack Willie. You must flat make the shavings fly.... cuz I see that DC piping hanging by your work bench ;) Very neat looking shop, and great collection of hand tools.

Bill Brehme
11-05-2007, 9:59 PM
Nice tight little shop!:cool:

I've just recently started getting interested in spokeshaves (latest chapter in my tool sickness).:(

Theres more than one way to shave a cat.:D

Louis Bois
11-06-2007, 7:52 AM
I do have to admit that in spite of my love for hand work, I do use electricity occaisionally:o .

Don't worry Willie, everyone needs a place to plug in a radio.:D

I hope you only cleaned the shop for the photo...and that it's usually in complete disarray?!? Please, say it's so!

Dave Anderson NH
11-06-2007, 11:10 AM
Really nicely done Willie. My shave rack looks positively scruffy by comparison with that rack. Nice use of clasical fluted columns framing the display. Obviously, like me, you have a little bit of a shave problem.

Bob Oehler
11-06-2007, 9:50 PM
It starts with one shave or plane (in my case). Just sits on the shelf and is used once in a great while. One day you tune it up real good and start to like this hand too thing. Well next thing there are two planes (or shaves) on the shelf. You bought them both and use them with more regularity. One day you come into the shop and see that the two planes have had a litter of planes. Honest Hunny I only had two. Maybe they bread and had a litter of planes when I was out of the shop for a while. She points out that there are no nipples on any of the planes but you quickly state that it has not been unheard of for planes to reproduce asexually and that they do not need milk but like chickens can fend for them selves with out the need of mom feeding them. And I will not even get into the wooden molding plane reproductive cycle. :confused:

Nice tool rack
Take care
Bob Oehler

Marcus Ward
11-06-2007, 9:58 PM
Bob, I know what you mean! And so does my wife. One day it was a #7. Then another one. And a #4. And a #5. Pretty soon I've got 23 of the little things. They're like rabbits!! Rabbet planes! They breed like rabbet planes!