View Full Version : First segmented work

Mike Golka
11-04-2007, 10:56 PM
Well actually it's the third but the first two don't realy count as I just threw them together from some cedar scaps I had. This is the the first to start from a formal plan. The wood is poplar, purpleheat, and padouk. Sanded to 600 and 5 coats of Varathane Diamond Finish. 10" x about 8.5" with a wall thickness of 1/4". I found enough time left on the weekend to turn a little green Maple. The bowl is about 8" x 2" and the HF is about 4" x 2.5". The HF has started cracking already but it was good practice and I may even decide to try for a save with epoxie or CA next weekend. I still have lots to learn but forging blindly ahead is so much fun. By the way I got Malcolm's and Ray's books in the mail on the weekend so now I can read and find out what I did wrong.:rolleyes:
Critiques welcome.

Mike Golka
11-04-2007, 11:02 PM
Oops, here are the pictures.

Brett Baldwin
11-04-2007, 11:37 PM
Nice work Mike. Is it my imagination or is the inside bottom of the HF finished and not the sides?

Jon Lanier
11-04-2007, 11:54 PM
Mike looks great. I hope my first seg. will look as nice!

Richard Madison
11-05-2007, 12:07 AM
A beautiful piece for your first, or even third attempt. Good, tight glue joints. The first picture seems to show some angular misalignments of joints from layer to layer, but that may be an optical illusion.

The sharp "shoulder" goes well with the flare at the top, but given a choice would prefer more gently blended curvatures.

Howcum the color seems to change so much amongst the poplar? Not a critique, just a question.

Previous subjective comments notwithstanding, a very nice piece of work!

Ken Fitzgerald
11-05-2007, 12:43 AM
Mike...if that's your first......I can wait to see some after you 've got some experience! Nicely done Sir!

Bill Wyko
11-05-2007, 12:55 AM
That's a sharp first piece, nice job. Make sure you visit the wife at least twice a week:eek: :D You're gonna be hooked for sure.:rolleyes:

Steve Schlumpf
11-05-2007, 8:39 AM
Nice work Mike! Looks like you are on the right track! Looking forward to seeing some more of your work!

Malcolm Tibbetts
11-05-2007, 10:56 AM
Hi Mike, thanks for the book order.

It's the summation of all the little things that determine the success of a piece. You're well on your way. A few observations: The shape could probably be improved with a smaller base and a more flowing overall curve (pretend that you are designing a solid black vessel). The vertical alignment of seams is a little off especially near the top, but that's an easy fix on your next project. The different colors of poplar have created an unintentional pattern which could have been avoided with a more random placement of the colors. When cutting segments, cut a few for each ring from different boards if your material is not all identical (mix them up).

I look forward to seeing the results of your continuing segmented journey. Have fun!

Bernie Weishapl
11-05-2007, 1:40 PM
Very nice work for your first. Looks like you are on your way. Well done.

Mike Golka
11-05-2007, 3:25 PM
Thanks all for the encouragement and advise. The greener rings are from a different board than the other poplar and were planned that way although some pieces look lighter in the pictures (poor photography:o ). I was too impatient to wait for the books so I stumbled blindly into this project. I have to admit that both Malcolm and Richard are right on the money with both the shape and alignment. The shape is not exactly what I had planned but after doing the inside in two pieces (didn't make template to check curve, lesson #2 :o ) I was stuck with it after gluing the two halves together. Lesson #1 Use a guide to align the glue joints! They say patients is a vertue, think I'll get me some of that!:) Thanks again all.