View Full Version : Benchtop mortiser table

Kyle Kraft
11-02-2007, 9:09 AM
I have some laminate left over from a recent countertop job (see post below) and thought a good use for it might be to make a bigger better table for my benchtop mortiser.

Any ideas/photos will be considered and compiled to make myself a tricked out table, and I promise I'll post the final product. I finally figured out how to avoid headaches when posting pictures....I set my camera on the lowest possible resolution!!

Thanks in advance and let 'er rip!

Kyle Kraft
11-05-2007, 12:03 PM
Nothing??????? Either you folks are using the OEM tables or I offended a whole lotta people and I didn't realize it.

I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone and if you point out the item, I will try to patch things up with the individuals.

frank shic
11-05-2007, 12:25 PM
kyle, what model benchtop mortiser it it? in the future, you can just "bump" the message by typing in bump - we'll understand. i don't think anyone was offended by your post. :cool:

Rod Sheridan
11-05-2007, 1:54 PM
Hi Kyle, I read your post and didn't respond because I use the table that came with the mortiser.

I have made a couple of blocks of wood that are the same height as my mortiser table. These are placed on the workbench in a suitable location to support the end of long work pieces I am mortising.

Since the table that came with my mortiser accepts the downward force of the mortiser, I am having difficulty in understanding why you want to replace it?

Are you simply trying to support longer pieces, as I do using the two wood blocks?

Regards, Rod.

Brad Townsend
11-05-2007, 2:30 PM
This is nothing special, but it works for me.


Gary Keedwell
11-05-2007, 2:35 PM
I took the cheap MDF table off of my Jet and replaced it with a 1/2" thick plate. The plate measures 12' X 24" and I drilled and tapped some holes to place a plunge type toggle clamp which secures the wood by pushing it against the fence.
Gary PS. The plate is aluminum

Kyle Kraft
11-05-2007, 3:00 PM
Whew!! I thought I really ticked off a bunch of people here!! It's good to hear that I hadn't.

My mortiser is a Jet, and I had read on the net that people were unhappy with the table and fence assembly.

Yes the factory table does accept the downward force of the operation, but I thought maybe some of you folks had put some enhancements on your machines. A larger table longitudinally could support longer workpieces such as table legs. Some strategically placed t-track could help with holding the part against the fence.

I just don't want to throw something together only to find something that could be better suited.