View Full Version : Tall Case Clock

Tom Grice
10-31-2007, 8:48 PM
As a newbie and frequent lurker on this board, I wanted to share some pictures of my latest completed project. It's my first woodworking project where I have tried to build something of "heirloom quality" (it's the fourth project I have built) , and I have to say I couldn't have done it without all the advice and information I have recieved from people here.

The clock is made of rough cut QSWO, it took about seven months of nights and weekends in the basement. By the end, my wife started referring to me as "that guy who lives in the basement". Honestly, I made every piece on this clock at least two times - I'd make a piece and think it should fit better - so I tried again. It's safe to say I learned a lot about woodworking making this clock, and also learned how much I have to learn. I look at it now and see some things I should have done differently - but all in all I am pretty pleased with the result.

The idea for the finish is from Jeff Jewitt's website. It's a coat of wood dye, followed by a coat of Waterlox, followed by walnut gel stain. I topped that off with several coats of dewaxed shellac, followed by lacquer.

Thanks again for all the help!

Pete Bradley
10-31-2007, 8:52 PM
Nice job! What gel stain did you use?


Rick Gifford
10-31-2007, 8:59 PM
That's a fine looking clock. Came out real well. Cartainly something to be proud of!

Don Bullock
10-31-2007, 8:59 PM
Tom, that's a fine looking clock. You should be very pleased with the results of all that work. It's definately "heirloom quality."

I still have a clock very much like yours on my "to do" list. Perhaps, when I get there and post questions, you'll be able to help me out.

Tom Grice
10-31-2007, 8:59 PM
I used General Antique Walnut gel stain. The wood dye was TransTint Dark Vintage Maple.

Carroll Courtney
10-31-2007, 9:34 PM
Tom, that is one nice clock.Any set of plans of the clock or your on design?Where did you purchase the movements.Reason for the questions,I to have been wanting to make a clock and that style is what I have been looking for.I truly love that finish.The craftmanship in that project will certainly make it an heirloom.If you get a chance could you PM me with the details of your clock.And your thoughts on making one.Thanks for your time and thanks for the pics.GREAT JOB

Mark Mazzo
11-01-2007, 9:10 AM

Great job on the clock! It certainly looks like all of your extra efforts paid off handsomely.

What movement did you use?

Jim Becker
11-01-2007, 11:22 AM
Tom, beautiful job on this clock. Wonderful!

Keith Beck
11-01-2007, 1:54 PM
Two awesome QSWO projects posted on the same day. Another great looking project!


Brian Lindenlaub
11-01-2007, 4:04 PM
Beautiful clock. I'd like to build a tall clock some day. Hope it turns out as nice as yours.

gary Zimmel
11-01-2007, 4:42 PM
The clock looks great... Where did you get the works for the clock.

Aaron Montgomery
11-01-2007, 4:47 PM
Very nice! Thanks for sharing.

Richard Wolf
11-01-2007, 4:58 PM
Great job. I always like clocks, they are great projects.


Bill Wyko
11-01-2007, 5:51 PM
Looks like to me you've achieved your goal. Looks heirloom quality to me. Little advice.....measure twice.....cut once. It really saves on material.:D JK. I've cut twice and measured several times so don't feel bad. That just means that you want perfection. Beautiful work, congradulations.

lou sansone
11-01-2007, 6:47 PM
great color on the oak


Tom Grice
11-01-2007, 7:30 PM
The movement for this clock was from Klockit. The movement is a Hermle 13044. The plans are from the New Yankee Workshop, and they worked with Klockit to put together a package with the right movement, face, etc.

One suggestion I would give to anyone building a clock - get a movement with a night setting. I didn't think about that till I had one. I love listening to my clock chime, but my wife is a light sleeper and it kept waking her up. So now it's on silent. :( I'm thinking about seeing if I could return that movement and get one with a night setting.

Brad Hammond
11-01-2007, 11:04 PM
7mths!!!!!! now that is some kind of work ethic! enviable work! great job!

Ken Shoemaker
11-02-2007, 4:52 AM
I got about 300BF of QSWO about 6 months ago for a clock project but haven't figured out how to start until just now. I also picked up a gallon of 26% amonia to fume it when done. Again, if your sharing tips, and/or plans I'd like a set. Any insight you can offer before I turn these beautiful natural resorces to sawdust is appreciated.:rolleyes:

Your work is outstanding. Well Done!!!

Don Bullock
11-02-2007, 9:33 AM
The movement for this clock was from Klockit. The movement is a Hermle 13044. The plans are from the New Yankee Workshop, and they worked with Klockit to put together a package with the right movement, face, etc. ...

Thanks. I thought those plans were what you used. That's the clock I'm planning to build. I have a few side tables to do first and I'll need to budget some $$ for the wood and movement. Congratulations again on your new heriloom.

John Buzzurro
11-02-2007, 12:56 PM
Tom, you did an outstanding job on the clock - especially for only your fourth project.

Gail O'Rourke
11-02-2007, 6:00 PM
Gorgeous clock, you should be proud. It is lovely.