View Full Version : Pen blank cost

Al Killian
10-31-2007, 2:39 PM
I have some spalted hard maple that I was planning on offering for small turnings. Such as pens bottle stops and so on. What I am not sure is what is a good price to list it at.

David Fried
10-31-2007, 3:08 PM
Less than I can get it from a known retailer. ;)

Have you considered offering it as a swap for wood uncommon in your area?

Just a thought.

Paul Engle
10-31-2007, 4:06 PM
Craft supplies is pretty spendy check out their prices, I think a 3/4 x 3/4 x 5 or 6 inch blank (5) is 5.95$

Frank Kobilsek
10-31-2007, 5:28 PM
Paul is right that 1.00 per blank is the top of the market for domestic non-stabilized blanks. I bet I have 200 or more walnut, cherry and maple along with a few other woods in a box under by saw. Every piece of scrap gets cut into pen blanks. When I barter with other turners I throw in maybe 5 to 10 of these blanks in the shipment. People seem to appreciate the extra unexpected content of the trade. I also have been generous with local newbie turners from this stock. But the most important use for them has been about once a year I'll buy 20 or so, cheap as I can get, slim line kits. Drill,glue and mill sets ready to turn. When the neighbor kids want to turn I pull out that bag and they turn a pen for Mom. Those are cool afternoons for me, the childless woodworker in the neighborhood. (No kids but 38 neices and nephews, so don't feel too bad for me)


Al Killian
11-01-2007, 8:55 PM
Well I am going to take some pics and post them in the classafieds and see what happens. For now I plan on just trying to sell a few to help pay for the wheels for the bandsaw. My fellow ww worrks at a machine shop and is going to make them for me at cost.:D