View Full Version : Need help with Work Sharp WS3000

Eric Garner
10-29-2007, 9:19 AM
I'll get right to it. I just purchased a WS3000, and I'm having trouble getting the bevel edges square on my chisels. I am following the instructions: Tools under 1/2" to the left side of the port and Tools Over 1/2" to the right. (I assume that a 1/2" inch chisel could go on either side, but I have decided to sharpen on the left side of the port.

So, I whip out my 1/2" chisel, load up the P1000 grit, and start to apply the razor sharp edge. After two "plunge/pulls" I check the edge and my bevel's off. Seems that the WS is only sharping the left side of the chisel. I refer to the manual and it said I need to adjust my Skew Cam. I raise the lever up a little and try again. After repeating a few times I got everything level and applied a great edge to the chisel.

Now it was time to step up to my 3/4" chisel. I adjust the fence and start sharpening on the right side of the port. I check my edge after a plunge/pull and now the right side of my chisel is getting an edge, but my left side isn't. I adjust the skew cam again and get a level bevel.

Is this normal? I have to assume I am doing something wrong. I can't imagine that I should have to adjust the 'skew cam' every time I want to sharpen a different size chisel. Thanks.

Tom Hargrove
10-29-2007, 11:25 AM
Did you call Work Sharp? I am interested in this machine, and am curious about their position.

Mark Carlson
10-29-2007, 12:05 PM
That is not normal. I didn't have to adjust the skew on my WS3000 but once its set for one side it should work for both. I'd give WorkSharp technical support a call to see what they say. Good luck.


glenn bradley
10-29-2007, 12:23 PM
I'm going with the chisels being the variable here based on your description. My dad just got one and went through 8 chisels or so right out of the box and did not mention this issue.

Mark Carlson
10-29-2007, 12:33 PM

One other thing I thought of.
If the existing bevel on your chisels before sharpening is not 90 degrees to the side of the chisel you will get what you describe until the ws establishes the new angle.


Eric Garner
10-29-2007, 3:54 PM
I don't know why I didn't think about my chisels being the problem last night. I am sure that's what it is. I'm going to check them for square as soon as I get off work. Thanks everyone!

Eric Garner
10-29-2007, 5:10 PM
FYI... The problem was with my chisels and not the WS3000. :) After recalibrating it's working like a champ. The chisels are now extremely sharp.