View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
10-29-2007, 8:31 AM
Good Morning
29 Oct 2007

It's been some really nice weather here and the temps have been nice a cool. A very welcomed break from the summer heat to include a most welcome break from the higher utility bills from cooling the house and shop.

I have a kitchen table and 6 chairs sitting in my house with the finish curing before I deliver it to my customer. I'm just VERY glad to have this one done and ready to depart from my house.

I've started back to working on the wine cabinets for another customer and I hope to make some good progress on it this week as I get time.

Spent some time trimming trees and getting wood stacked on the back porch for heating the house. It's back to work today as the boss is off this week and I'm in charge of the team this week and that just leaves more hours to work, but I'm hoping I can make this a good week to be team leader.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Matt Meiser
10-29-2007, 8:44 AM
I only worked at the JOB a few hours on Friday, but spent several hours removing a counter the previous owner had installed in our garage and burning all my scrap plywood in the fire ring outside. All my scrap hardwood went camping with us so I've now cleaned up all my scrap--its amazing how fast that stuff accummulates. I didn spend a few minutes in the shop and finished up the fence for my drill press table. I still need to make a stop block for it and I want to make a stack of extra ZCI's for it.

Saturday we ran to the library so I could pick up the NYW book of kid's projects to get ideas for an easel for my daughter then spent the rest of the day cleaning out the basement which was pretty much a disaster area. Yesterday we went to church and then went over to my parents' to help my mom clean out the upper attic in their house which was pretty much an all day affair.

I realized this morning that I'm going to have to get hopping on that easel--Christmas is 8 weeks from tomorrow! And we've got Thanksgiving, Christmas parties, and family events several of those weekends.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-29-2007, 9:14 AM
Friday night....1130....get called to work. Get home about 0400 Saturday morning. I got to sleep about 0500 and woke up at 0800.

Parts arrived about 1840 Saturday evening....back to work.

Got home about 1030.

Sunday, did I mention I was tired? Watched a little football and finished cleaning the shop! Yes!

Now on to caulking and sponging the mud joints on the ceiling. Then paint.

Rob Wright
10-29-2007, 9:18 AM
SWMBO put a bug in my butt to insulate the ceiling of the 3-car garage. The BORG had r-19 craft faced insulation on sale, so 4 trips later in my car I had enough to begin. Spent a good portion of Sunday afternoon crawling around trying not to hit my head on the roofing nails poking through the osb sheathing. Wasn't too bad, and was better than spending $1000 our builder complete it.:)

So now when I crank up the 75k BTU heater in the shop - I hopefully won't be making ice dams like last year. - I guess I never asked the builder if that area was supposed to be insulated in the contact - NEVER ASSUME- live and learn:mad:.

Leland Berry
10-29-2007, 9:30 AM
Finished plans to knock the east wall out of my "tiny" shop to make it a
"small" shop. Made a "stuff to get rid of " list, including 350 oak chair-back stiles, and #2 TS which take valuable space. Tried to make sense
of the Medicare Plan before my B-day.

Tyler Howell
10-29-2007, 9:48 AM
Hey Dennis,
Checked out the Science Museum in MN this weekend. Great exibits on Greese and Pompii.
Punch list getting longer rather than shorter on my city house.
Rehabing an old bathroom in the basement and moving out stuff.
Surprise Bday party for my dad's sister. Good to see the family on other occassions besides a funerals.
Was using shop tools but the plumbing variety.

Tony De Masi
10-29-2007, 1:19 PM
Spent Saturday doing some garage cleaning and then some packing for an upcoming trip to Vegas. Sunday started with a beatiful drive down Virginia's Skyline Drive. Leaves starting to turn the the views were spectacular. Then it was back home for some early football, then watched the Patriots toally dismantle the Redskins:D Then to top off an already good weekend the Red Sox World Series win was just awesome:D :D :D :D Past generations of Sox fans who aren't with us any more could never conceive of two World Series championships in four years. I hope you had a great seat dad.


David Duke
10-29-2007, 1:26 PM
Got the yard cleaned up Saturday morning then the rest of the day and Sunday was spent washing the house, garage and shop.......man I'm pooped!!!!!!! Glad to go to work so I can get some rest!!!!!!

Steve Clardy
10-29-2007, 8:38 PM
Got 3 cords of firewood cut/split/stacked.

Worked on a couple of hand planes.

Andy Haney
10-29-2007, 8:46 PM
and I really hate painting!

The good thing about this weekend is that I finished all the gables. No more climbing great heights to complete this job. Yeah I know it isn't too high, but that is all relative. I think an 18' (+/-) fall would hurt, but I'm satisfied not knowing if that's true! The older I get , the better a contractor looks. Now if the weather will just hold to get the rest done before winter really sets in...


Jim Becker
10-29-2007, 11:30 PM
Friday afternoon, I did some pre-wiring above our current master bedtoom to accomodate future needs when it becomes one daughter's bedroom. The older had a karate tournament on Saturday morning and then the younger had swimming class; both events at the YMCA. We also did some other family things so outside of putting a few low voltage "boxes" in the addtion for the speaker wiring, I really didn't work on anything remotely woodworking related. Sunday I had, umm..."work obligations" so again, didn't get in the shop. But I do plan on taking Friday off to make up for that... :)