View Full Version : Whats in the Big Silver box?

Angus Hines
10-25-2007, 7:57 PM
Well I was wondering earlier what exactly was in the "laser tube box" and stumbled upon this dry, but, interesting read. It has a basic diagram of whats in the "box" (on principle ). Oh, it also, tells you how to build your own for those of you who are creative and ambitious. ;)

Anyway here it is


Steven Smith
10-25-2007, 8:21 PM
Ha! Wouldn't techgeek without bad graphics! ;)

Bill Cunningham
10-25-2007, 10:50 PM
Hmmm! Glass water cooled,, I wonder what country that comes out of :D

Frank Corker
10-26-2007, 5:02 AM
mmm seems simple enough :confused: