View Full Version : Bag for my dust collector

Greg Flowers
10-25-2007, 11:50 AM
I recently inherited a Powermatic model 73 dust collector. I need to replace the lower bag. Amazon has them for availability in 4-6 weeks. Other places are triple the price. Have any of you used anything else as an alternative?



Vijay Kumar
10-25-2007, 1:04 PM
I recently inherited a Powermatic model 73 dust collector. I need to replace the lower bag. Amazon has them for availability in 4-6 weeks. Other places are triple the price. Have any of you used anything else as an alternative?



You may want to consider a canister instead of a bag. Easier to maintain. Wynn makes some nice ones.


Jason Hanna
10-25-2007, 2:44 PM
I believe he is talking about the LOWER bag, not the upper.

Ken Werner
10-25-2007, 2:47 PM
I don't know the specific DC you have, but a Wynn canister on top allows you to use a plastic bag on the bottom - it may be cost effective rather than spending money on a bottom bag. The canister really improves performance.

Greg Flowers
10-26-2007, 1:00 AM
It is the lower bag. Anyone else have any thoughts or do I just need to wait for the Powermatic?

Bill White
10-26-2007, 11:05 AM
Question for ya. What's the matter with the bag that you have? I patched a DC bag that had gotten torn with the iron-on fabric patches. Worked like a charm.

Greg Flowers
10-26-2007, 5:15 PM
The bag is missing. I remember seeing it at my Dad's before. It was the clear plastic model, rather than a cloth bag. It seems like that would be better so you can see how full it is.

Michael McCoy
10-26-2007, 5:24 PM
My Delta uses clear plastic and in a pinch, the heavy duty clear trash bags from the BORG worked for me. I doubled them up but don't know that I really needed to.

Rick Thom
10-26-2007, 6:36 PM
What Michael said, and put it inside a trash barrel if you have one of similar diameter to the bag for extra protection.

Ken, I am interested in your remark that the canister really improves performance. I am considering purchasing one to replace a 1 micron filter bag . Despite the fact that many manufacturers tout great improvement in air flow, I never see any actual results showing this. One would think it would be dead simple to do a simple a vs b test to support the claim?? I local retailer who sells a griz-type line tells me that the diff is @+5% in a practical application. Does that seem right to you based on your practical experience?
Thanks, Rick.

Ken Werner
10-26-2007, 6:50 PM
Well here's my experience FWIW. When I bought my Delta 1 1/2 HP DC, it came only with 2 30 micron bags. I traded them in with the dealer for a discount, and bought Oneida 1 micron felt bags. These things were huge, and made the DC look like the Pillsbury doughboy on too many steroids. The bottom bag was very hard to empty. Because they had a much bigger diameter, they had better airflow.

Anyway, I got very tired of emptying that bottom bag, and switched to a Wynn canister, much smaller, and with at least theoretically lots more surface area [because of all the pleats]. The DC sucks so powerfully that it would empty out a trash can 2 stage system. Also, because of the large surface area of the canister, I use a plastic bag on the bottom. Way easier to deal with. Because I'm frugal [cheap] I reuse the bag, and empty it out into other bags that I give a horse loving friend for bedding.

I sold the 1 micron bags on eBay, so I can't do a comparison test, but I am happy with the setup I have.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Rick Thom
10-26-2007, 6:58 PM
and empty it out into other bags that I give a horse loving friend for bedding.

If your friend uses the wood chip bedding for themselves I bet the horse is jealous... LOL.
Thanks for the info. fyi.. mine is also a Delta 50-760 and I am considering the Wynn at @$100. Unfortunately they don't ship to Canada so I may have to do a work-around to get one.

Wade Lippman
10-26-2007, 7:27 PM
I have a lightly used 1 micron felt bag measuring 20" diameter by 32" long I can spare. If it will fit, make me an offer.

I bought it thinking it would improve airflow to my 2hp with a canister, but found that was silly.

Rick Thom
10-26-2007, 8:22 PM
Wade, if your offer was directed to me, thanks for the offer but I already have an oem 1 micron bag and am contemplating buying the Wynn canister if it substantially increases air flow and also equals or betters small particle collection. Ken was good enough to confirm it is worthwhile, at least on the airflow side, and recommends it... good enough for me.
The bug for me is that Wynn doesn't ship to Canada and has no dealer/distribution network here. Those brands that are sold here are substantially more expensive (more than double the price) and none I know of measures up to Wynn's performance. Many US companies don't ship here and of those that do, frequently the shipping charges and border issues eat up most of the savings. We don't enjoy the very cheap courier rates offered routinely in U.S. Our dollar being very strong recently makes buying U.S. products very attractive now.