View Full Version : Alder gloat - share with Portland, Oregon woodhounds?

Nathan Conner
10-25-2007, 10:22 AM
So, I responded to a really iffy ad and it turned into a goldmine for me.

Attached are some pictures, and I'll explain what's going on with it. I'm probably costing myself some great wood, if anyone else is interested, PM me and I'll send you the contact info. I just can't get any more and logically store it anywhere. I picked it up in southwest Portland, OR - 5 or 10 miles from Woodcraft.

I went to take a look yesterday - the cabinet company has about 12,000 bf left, and they need it gone for storage purposes. It's 6'-8' length, 4/4 - 6/4, varying widths (widest was about 10", standard seems about 6") and grades from Rustic to Superior. It's all in "bundles" of about 800 bf each.

Anyhow, my thought was to make the guy an offer on ALL of it, and just take it. But I don't have the facilities to take any of it. I think they may take offers, but at least for the next week or so, he's sticking firm to his price. He also has Poplar and Birch, at a slightly higher price.

The guy wants to deal in bundles, only - one fellow came out and picked through and picked out like 6 boards, gave them a few bucks for the hour he was there, and it was a total waste of time, as it's a busy cabinet shop and they don't want to tie up the foreman moving stacks of wood around so you can grab a piece -- they just want it gone. They can fork a bundle or two onto your truck in about 5 minutes.

The load I got was just under 1000 bf, the truck was FULL of all the 6/4 I could get, (darned topper!) and it cost me $193.50. In the picture, the board laying across the back of the truck was 5/4, "Frame grade" if that gives you an idea of the quality. That board cost me all of about $.30, I think.

Anyhow, PM me if you're interested, and I'll send contact info to the first few guys. He's really a nice guy, but seems busy, so I don't want to be the cause of swamping him with emails about this stuff. I've got enough to do some shop cabinets, a new bed for my son, some bookcases, shelves, trim pieces and still have enough left over for a kitchen remodel. At this price, it's cheaper than OSB by a long shot!

Cary Falk
10-25-2007, 10:52 AM
PM Sent. Thanks

Nathan Conner
10-25-2007, 11:29 AM
Ok. That was fast! I've given contact info to 10 guys. Unless I hear that there's plenty available after these guys have contacted the owner, I won't give any more contact info out. I'm sure he appreciates it going fast, but probably doesn't want to spend the morning replying to emails that it's gone.

If you're interested, however, in maybe doing this in the future, he's a wood supplier, and has this situation every few months with some of the cheaper species, so PM me if you could be interested in future, and I'll keep a short list to email to when this sort of deal is available again.

Thanks, guys, and good luck! Feel free to post if you pick some up. I'd love to hear that it went to a good home.

John Karam
10-26-2007, 10:32 PM
I picked some up today, its good wood.

Thanks for the heads up :-)

Cary Falk
10-29-2007, 1:00 PM
I just got done picking my 410bdft. Total cost $102.50. :eek: Thanks Nathan.

Nancy Laird
10-29-2007, 1:36 PM
Wow!!! That is quite a gloat Nathan and Cary. Pretty stuff. Wish I was closer--our truck would also be full---we love alder!

Nancy (53 days)