View Full Version : You Might Be A Woodturner If ---

Richard Madison
10-23-2007, 1:06 AM
Y'all seem to be more fun than some other forums, so I'll start it here, with apology to Jeff Foxworthy.

You might be a woodturner if:
Your clean clothes fresh from the clothes dryer have (clean and dry) wood shavings in the pockets.
Your dirty hair brush contains a few hairs and a lot of wood chips.
Your shower drain is clogged with wood chips.
Your pickup has oversize brakes and a quick-release mount for your chain saw.
Your pickup will automatically drive itself toward the sound of a distant chain saw.
The largest landscaping feature of your home is a stack of logs of various species.

And some more like that.

Rick Gifford
10-23-2007, 2:05 AM
You know a wolverine jig isnt a dancing animal.

You brag about how big the pile of chips are on the floor.

You have ever "turned a little" during commercial break when watching tv.

Your spouse is jealous of your time with your lathe.

...and you don't care. :D

You named all your children Turner.

You post responses to questions like this :p

John W. Willis
10-23-2007, 8:20 AM
................You have to sprinkle sawdust on your food before it tastes right

George Guadiane
10-23-2007, 9:17 AM
You wake up, read this and think "THIS is the way to start a good day - LOL)"

Steven Marlow
10-23-2007, 9:21 AM
You know you're addicted to woodturning when.....

You buy a bandsaw that costs more than your lathe... for the sole purpose of rounding out bowl blanks.

You feel this unexplainable emptiness every time you throw a piece of wood in the fire...

You have some really nice power tools in your shop... and you struggle to remember the last time you used them.

You have a hard time finding a pen around the house that isn't made of wood... and you give your wife and kids nasty looks any time they pick up a plastic pen.

Your wife doesn't bother to call around looking for you any more. She just goes out to the shop when she needs you for anything.

You nearly caused a car accident because you thought you saw some logs on the side of the road…

You name your kids “Chuck” and “Burl”...

You name your dogs “Banjo”, “Jet”, “Oliver”, or “Spalty”

At your spouse’s suggestion, you put a telephone, TV, and refrigerator in your shop... so you don't have to "carry sawdust into the house all day."

You really - honestly - whole-heartedly - are torn between taking that vacation in Hawaii and buying that new big-bad lathe with the 25" swing.

You think that any round or cylindrical household item can - and should - be replaced by something you make... from table legs to the toilet paper roll holder.

You’ve walked around your neighborhood – checking your neighbors’ trees for burls.

Golf clubs? Yeah… they’re around here somewhere.

Heat on in the shop? Absolutely. Heat on in the house? “Go put on a sweater.”

Gary Herrmann
10-23-2007, 10:05 AM
I know where every burl is on trees for 4 or 5 blocks around my house. I even have some identified on the route to school and the library.

Friends call me when they take trees down in the hopes I'll want to harvest the trunk for turning...

10-23-2007, 12:15 PM
You stop by the tree trimmers place weekly looking through his pile for a new find.

Your wife has given up trying to make you keep the wood chips out of the house.

You will turn instead of watching your favorite team play.

Your wood pile has been accused of taking to much backyard space from the dogs.

When you go into tool stores, you only go to the turning area.

Ohhh and I relate too the one about turning during commercials!!!

Brodie Brickey
10-23-2007, 1:11 PM
You can't see the top of your table saw because it holds your bowls and turning tools.

Dean Thomas
10-23-2007, 7:31 PM
You go to visit your in-laws and take your Jet Pen Lathe along "cause I have to get ready for a show", but really just to keep from conversation...:eek:

Jude Kingery
10-23-2007, 7:41 PM
when you drive cross-country and stop at where they've clear cut a fence row and ask your husband if we can fit this Mesquite stump in with the luggage, sure honey, it'll fit, I know it will! Jude

Richard Madison
10-23-2007, 10:51 PM
Thanks, y'all. A bunch of good ones, but many areas still unexplored. We need more help. To follow one of Tyler's-

YMBAWI--you watch the start of a NASCAR race, go turn for a couple or three hours, and come back to watch the end of the race.

your cat thinks you live in the shop building with her, and you just visit the house sometimes.

you get emotional about the best brand of chainsaw.

Neal Addy
10-23-2007, 11:22 PM
Your Jet mini goes on vacations with you (just in case).

Jon Lanier
10-24-2007, 12:53 AM
You go to visit your in-laws and take your Jet Pen Lathe along "cause I have to get ready for a show", but really just to keep from conversation...:eek:

Now that is a great idea! No, really, I'm serious!!!!! :D

Raymond Overman
10-25-2007, 4:35 AM
...you've been around long enough to remember this thread? :eek:


Don Orr
10-25-2007, 9:31 AM
...but there are some real good new ones here too !:D

You might be a turner if you always carry a folding pruning saw while hiking just in case there has been some trail work done so you can fit some pieces of wood in your backpack. Not that I've ever done that:eek: .

Disclaimer: I have never cut a live tree, I only take what has come down on its own or has been cut by trail crews.

Bill Wyko
10-25-2007, 12:09 PM
You have a tree thats 1 foot in your next door neighbors yard that has a big burl on it and you call the city to define your property line just in case. (True story):D

Richard Madison
10-25-2007, 11:41 PM
Thanks for ref. to previous thread. Read 'em all. Understand that we can be somewhat single minded, but based upon some of the amazing art seen here, was expecting a little more creativity from us.

Good one.

YMBAWI---Watching Star Trek personnel in the forest of an alien planet, you send them a subspace message to beam back a section of that fallen tree trunk they just climbed over.

Allen Neighbors
10-26-2007, 12:09 AM
... you're on a first name basis with UPS, Fed Ex, and DHL drivers.

Raymond Overman
10-26-2007, 2:17 AM
Thanks for ref. to previous thread. Read 'em all. Understand that we can be somewhat single minded, but based upon some of the amazing art seen here, was expecting a little more creativity from us.


Don't take my post as pouring cold water on everyone's warm enthusiasm. It's just that a lot of posts like this are cyclical and it's always interesting to go back and see what was posted years ago. My post was for reference, not criticism.

I'm currently in Kuching, Malaysia right now so along that theme... You might be a woodturner if you're visiting Kuching and instead of buying a piece of carved ironwood art, you're looking for just a hunk of ironwood. :cool:

Pat Salter
10-26-2007, 11:25 AM
YMBAWI..........you come to the back door of the house and your wife tells you to STRIP, but not in the tone of voice you hope to hear her say it.:rolleyes:

Wayne Boian
10-26-2007, 10:33 PM
....... from table legs to the toilet paper roll holder.

Gee, I thought I was the only one to replace all the plastic TP roll holders with wood.


Richard Madison
10-26-2007, 11:50 PM
Good post from Malaysia (!), and hope you find that chunk of ironwood. Thank you.
That's the spirit. We should be careful here, but---

YMBAWTI-- When your wife gets in your pants, she's just shaking out the wood chips before putting the pants in the clothes washer.

John Taylor
10-27-2007, 1:00 PM
When you plan your holidays around wood stores and wood shows.

Raymond Overman
10-29-2007, 1:46 AM
Good post from Malaysia (!), and hope you find that chunk of ironwood. Thank you.

No go on finding anything before I left but I did get a line on a timber supplier for my next trip. I'll have to work faster so I can finish in time to get by the place.

YMBAWTI - you see a 6800 RM (2060 USD) solid tigerwood table with benches and think, if the shipping wasn't 5200 RM ($1575 USD) I could get enough blanks out of it to be profitable. It was a gorgeous piece as is. I'll try to post pictures later this evening.